Did Assad really gas the civilians?

Or was it someone else?

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remember 2013

Just like hitler gassed the jews ;-)

I don't know, but what matters is that it is in our western interests to pursue this conflict and remain in a position of dominance over other countries

im not gonna say it was israel, but it was israel.

hillary has been too quiet lately.

Sarin is a gas that german researchers created, which means that germany is at fault

She just came out the other day from her cave to make a list of reasons why she lost the election. Basically said it's everyone's fault and not hers, and also because she's a woman

(((someone else)))

are the netherlands trying to outshitpost canada?

"Look what that evil man did Daddy!"

Did Saddam really kill all those babies?


>Lantos was a strong supporter of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. During the run-up to the war, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, of which Lantos was co-chairman, hosted a young Kuwaiti woman identified only as "Nurse Nayirah", who told of horrific abuses by Iraqi soldiers, including the killing of Kuwaiti babies by taking them out of their incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor of the hospital. These alleged atrocities figured prominently in the rhetoric at the time about Iraqi abuses in Kuwait. The girl's account was later challenged by independent human rights monitors.[30]

>"Nurse Nayirah" later turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States."

In short, Assad was a lightning rod, allowing the anti-Trump and anti-Russia agenda to flourish. Assad’s presence allowed McCain and the Soros and Hillary crowd to box Trump in. If he defended Russia and Assad, he looked weak and as though he were cooperating with Russia. In that Assad was in charge for a large portion of Syria, these arranged chemical attacks could and would continue. With Assad gone, McCain and his ilk will be countered, solidly. Then Syria can be divided, as has been the plan, giving Kurdistan its own country.

Monsanto was bought by Bayer, the producer of Zyklon B and I believe mustard gas as well.
Now we eat from the same guy that poisons us.

It's always the fault of the Germans.

Oy vey! Don't question it, proof is not needed when we have sad footage of little kids dying. Act on your emotions like a good goy.

Not to forget:


>you are to be win against isis
>isis run away
>use gas against civilians
it makes no sense

No. I think Assad would be retarded to do a gassing like this at this point in the war. First, there are already UN observers in Syria looking for shit just like this to happen since at least 2014 when there was a gas attack that turned out to be staged. Second, the USA days prior said we will not be involved in Syria and Assad made key military victories. Third, in 2014 the UN observed the destruction of Syrian chemical weapon supplies (although possible not all were destroyed, but again not strategically advantageous for Assad to use them).

I think most likely what happened is Al-Qaeda (those white helmet guys are Al-Qaeda civil defense force) staged the attack (happened before) or Assad bombed the area and hit a weapons depot which released gas stored by Al-Qaeda so they used the opportunity to claim a gas attack. This is very probable because Saudi Arabia and Libya have supplied chemical weapons to Syrian factions, and chemical weapons like Sarin can and have been manufactured by crude terrorist home cooks. A bomb from a jet could hit a depot and trigger a chemical release, which would then be blamed on Assad.

It is possible for agencies like the CIA to determine if the Sarin gas used was lab quality (which means government source) or made in a shack (rebels/terrorist). However this was never discussed or disclosed.


The guys in the white helmets helping the "civilians" are Al-Qaeda. Which means the "civilians" are Al-Qaeda, which means they are enemies. It also means if they claim they were attacked by chemical weapons, it's probably not a very credible claim.

As I stated in Being that they are Al-Qaeda and assuming this isn't fake, they probably had a weapons stash which was bombed by Syrian forces that triggered a chemical gas release. Not to let an opportunity go to waste, it was filmed and blamed on Assad.

This is the Middle East. Everyone and their mother has chemical weapons or knows someone who can get them chemical weapons.

Nice meme. We'll see who has dominance over Syria if Assad is gone. The kikes in Israel or The fundamentalist extremist Muslims like the rebels or ISIS. American politicians have no interest in helping the western world especially with their ties to Zionism.

>the "muh chillen/babbys" argument always works to trick demographics that are almost unanimously in favor of abortion to support a cause or action

Really gives the ol noggin a joggin