Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.

Enjoy arguing with Gaytheists, enjoy watching them squabble and show they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old. Enjoy them failing again and again. Enjoy this because you are better than them Sup Forums, and you always will be.

Deus Vult.

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t. kikelover

daily reminder

earth is flat
nasa only releases cgi
space is fake
trump isnt our redeemer
aliens are fallen angels

Bless you poland.

Sup Forums became "Christian" when Atheism became mainstream.

It's Abrahamic.

We got Christians, Muslims, and Jews all pulling the strings and forming the major opinions.

An outright lie. It was actually atheist from the beginning. Far before reddit gained any traction on the internet. There was a concerted effort by /r/christianity and /r/islam to invade us.

>theological knowledge
Kek, is that a thing, really ?



earth is concave u faggot

Bullshit. A main reason for the creation of this board was to rid the rest of our conservative Christian opinions.



Fuck you, the white man must unite, theists and atheists, against our common enemy: globalizing cultural-marxism





fuck off faggot we have all wanted a happening to reset the world. dohnald will deliver. digits confirm



praise kek
tribute for the frog god
naked anime girls



when you dont have real friends, you have to make the imaginary ones, dont you








Daily reminder only Catholics and Orthodox are Christians, Protestants are heretics at best and satanic at worst.











You still there, OP ?






Who are the sons of voltaire? What is it talking about?

>theological knowledge
>Kek, is that a thing, really ?

Yes. You can see it for yourself.




Men and women were not created with original sin. Original sin is a natural result of our own self awareness(This is why it is eve that corrupts adam, because women make men more self aware).

Once you are self aware, and know what can hurt you, you can do it to others. Not with the base instinct of an animal, but with true malice, the root of all evil.

Christ is a figure of god among men, a bridge and sacrifice that must be made so that god could understand the plight of men. He was made to take up and bear his cross, a representation of the burden all people face. In the end he cried out "Why god, why god, why have you forsaken me", followed by "it is done". This shows the completion of understanding, for at that moment god himself, given human form, understood what it was to be a man, disconnected from his god, wondering how the worst of things could happen to the best of men.

Now fuck off, Pol is a christian board.

Fuck off cultist.

>ooga booga in africa for all years of existence
>take over the entire world and invent everything known to man
Really illuminates my optic sight.

banedom is the way forward

>blaming the victims



>god doesnt care about the foreskin, jesus said this after being asked about it
>he set rules like a parent would for a child, as we are his children
>you can't tell the creator how he should create things
>created salt water for animals so we have seafood
>he will knock anyone who thinks themselves too smart or wise back onto their asses
>not as known but for example, 9/11, not a single person from my church died because of various reasons that stopped them from going to work
>the holocaust is just a taste of the eternal punishment awaiting the jews.

Repent, you baguette faggot.


Perhaps it is because within religion is a guide for moral behavior that cannot be found using common logic or in the material sciences, and requires either a more abstract method of thinking or simply more actual life experience to properly comprehend?

Without it, proper societal morals begin to break down, aka the severe degeneration of the agnostic west.

>Fuck off cultist.





>oh no, they know I'm retarded
>Men and women were not created with original sin.
So, you don't believe God is omnipotent?
>Now fuck off, Pol is a christian board
No, you fuck off, Sup Forums doesnt need your superstition.


b-but you dont need religion to be moral



Men were given free will by god to do as they pleased. This is not because he lacks omnipotence, but a conscious choice. And because men were given free will, they were given the power to do evil. For if god forced everyone to act rightly, no one could choose their own path in life.


Good thing South Korea will be majority Christian before the end of the century. Gooks are smarter than Sweden. You should be happy, my lad.

Only blood worshipping fedoras have a problem with that.


Sweden isn't even the worst.

>posting from a phone to appear to be more than one person
>using images directly from cripplechan's anti-christian fedora/larpagan board

its really god's fault about we being imperfect


>free will
How can choice exist in a system with an omnipotent creator? If he created everything and knows everything how can everything happen that he didn't will to happen?
>And because men were given free will, they were given the power to do evil
Why would he allow for there to be bad things?

>oy vey, christians don't let their own get persecuted!
>dat is annuda shoah!

True. Many generations of religiosity have left deeply imprinted societal stigmas in place that would hold up for several generations.

Also, there is a deeper ingrained sense of morality(ie the golden rule) which is so deeply rooted in an evolutionary sense of self preservation that it would, as a whole, continue on with or without religion.

However, without religion to explain WHY you should treat others like you would want to be treated, or at least understanding the evolutionary basis for these evolved morals, you quickly lose ground to leftist, postmodernist kikes who want to control the population.



>only FEDORAS care about their people and blood
And that's why you're called christcucks.


How do you explain dinosaurs? How do you explain Noah's ark when there are millions of species of animals that are only found on other continents. E.g. penguins, kangaroos.
It simply doesn't make sense. Mind you, i grew up in a Christian household and went to church all my life. Only now that i am getting older and wiser i can see these things and question them.

And that is why you are faggots.


>Who cares if my daughter gets gangbanged by niggers as long as they love muh jebus!
So redpilled! So unlike those atheicucks!

>christcucks committing treason by helping invaders
>a good thing
If you try and pick both you need to die.

Also the pic is shooped.

doesn't god have free will fag?



I have an actual question that's been bugging me. In the gospels there's two genealogies of Jesus, one just goes back all the way. But neither are actually genealogies because they go to his adoptive father. If you're trying to legitimize that a bastard is from a particular bloodline shouldn't you give his mother's genealogy?
>imaginary things are more important than real things
Kill yourself. Filth like you should not live.


>Ignoring atheist countries like the Czech Republic
>Ignoring cuck Christian countries like Ireland
>Forgetting that Angela "pastor's daughter Merkel leads the CHRISTIAN Democratic Union

>this is what Protestants actually believe
>this is what anti-theists think Christians actually believe


Gots you m8

>How do you explain dinosaurs?

Either by questioning the date (if you're an Evangelical or one of those American Protestants with little grasp of the Bible), or in the same manner scientists do (if any of the apostolic faiths).

>Putting your religion above your country and people
Sweden tier cuckoldry.