Alright, so I haven't paid too much attention to what's happening recently with the airstrikes...

Alright, so I haven't paid too much attention to what's happening recently with the airstrikes. Could someone give me a decent play by play of what the hell is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

>long standing ban on chemical weapons
>Assad allegedly uses chemical weapons
>we have an excuse to kill more brown people
>and russians

Illegal attack on Syria by warmongering trump.

Reptile Cultists at their usual cat mouse game.

everything is for creating great israel. that's all you need to now rest is just details.

This, unfortunately the don has fallen for their tricks

Trump destroyed the exact runway and hangars where the gas attack plane departed

Also informed Rus beforehand, a perfect move to kill the trump/rus connection theory and feel up assad's anus

>implying donald wasnt a snake the whole time.

Russia is irrelevant.


>Syria uses chemical weapons on civilians (maybe, but world consensus thinks so)
>Trump thumps them
>levels an airbase where these attacks originate
>no casualties
>no Russian drama, narrative derailed
>everyone cheers as Trump plays world cop
>N.Korea witnesses the strength of street knowledge
>Sup Forums wigs out, thinks this means boots on ground, WW3.

Trump had to do what American Presidents do. It's hard being the hero the world deserves.

>obvious false flag attack to make people hate Assad, who is a hero
>Trump is forced to respond
>is also playing 9d interstellar shoots and ladders
>attacks their pavement and now liberals love him and Russia fears him
>Shills come out in full force to try and make people hate Trump

if you liked Trump and now hate him after the attack you're either low IQ or trolling or paid shill.

Yea Russia btfo like they should've but Obama had no balls but Trump doesn't fuck around. Putin reduced to Romania tier status.

>drop bombs somewhere.
>Im a hero.

this doesnt have anything to do with btfo'ing anybody dumb nigger
have you forgotten why trump was so popular here? because he isnt one of those fucking retarded warmongering neocons

>sandniggers kill sand niggers with banned weapons
>we kill sandniggers (and possible a few shitstain ruskies) in retaliation
>Sup Forums is butthurt sandniggers are being killed
>wish they had voted for Hillary now

>doesnt give clear statements.
>if u dont like this ur low i.q. (implying iq matters).

I like war on behalf of our usa interests. Fuck off faggot your country has no value. The us pres doesn't hold the power you all think it does. The whole world should fear American might and they do.

Turns out he's a retarded warmongering celebrity

>blood magic is attempted to fulfill an ancient book full of false stories.

>white helmet cucks stage chemical attack (they even forgot to wear protective suits lol)
>everyone crys out muh chilluns
>trump believing the muh poor syrian gassed chilluns
>Trump launches cruise missiles
>destroys 6 old as fuck Migs, a canteen and 90 million dollar worth of cruise missiles (Raytheon rubbing hands intensifies)
>Airbase already operational again running sorties against Terrorists
>Trump stands there like a fucking idiot

well seems like Americucks elected just another puppet, he did what Hillary would have done.
He is a tool, a fool and a cuck of the biggest magnitude.

Trump finally did something he promised to do.

>""""""illegal"""""" meme
>inter-civilization guidelines apply in sandholes

when he promised to be cucked by McCain?

what a fucking loser, why has Trump turned against everything logical?

Attacking Assad and helping terrorists is the Obama way to do things.

should have elected fucking Jeb.

draining the swamp by bombing syria.

Your country wont be having any value when your population keeps getting browner and browner.
Keep fighting for (((american interests))).

it was an obvious falseflag that the neo-cons in the US used as an excuse to bomb shit.
the airbase is still relatively intact, Assad has intensified bombardments in rebel positions and Russia will increase it's military presence.
making me think here.

Your stupidity does not negate a state aggression on another.

Trump used the obvious false-flag to flex his huge blonde-pubed dick to the entire world that he won't hesitate to drop death all over the place.

>sends message to Iran
>sends message to Best Korea
>sends message to China

It also dissipates the Russia-Trump conspiracies, and gets the far-right back into Trump's good graces.

It's almost the perfect move for Trump. Fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if he set up that false flag himself.

But we all know who really orchestrated it... is there any doubt that Trump is directly communicating with ancient Ogdoad gods?

praise Him!

B-b-b-b-but Assad is no way better, USA shall clean them all away, deploy troops and etablish a secular republic colony.
Obama was weak and Trump finally does what USA must do.

I am jacking off to the despair of all of you please do go on. Yell at me all your wild theories and how Trump betrayed you. I've never seen pol sink so low. I blame Kremlin shills. It's theonly weapon putin has.

Assad has been at war for 7 years or so, his power over his own military is questionable. As chemical weapons continue to be used or "leaked" his usefulness for enforcing a chemical weapons treaty is completely gone.

One might also note that even Russia is showing signs of distancing themselves from Assad, with the Kremlin tweeting "Russian support of the Assad government is not unconditional."

Because every time he or his military use chemical weapons he makes the USA and Russia look like fools. With that in mind, it might make complete sense to destroy every bit of the airbase that launched those chemical weapons.

dont worry Reptiles dont care what meat they re eating.

The retard you pathetic manchildren voted for attacked your own country to have an excuse for attacking another country, one he specifically said he wouldn't attack.

I tell you, seeing how you destroy your own country will be funny as fuck my man.

When the end of history, meaning the establishment of a permanent Western hegemony over the entire international system, was proclaimed in the early 1990s, it was not yet obvious how the pursuit of said hegemony would evolve over the succeeding decades. The Velvet Expansion of the 1990s to the Post-Soviet Vacuum gave way to the Iron Fist for which the 9/11 terror strikes provided the excuse, and which meant invading whichever country Washington desired; however, the Iron Fist efforts in the post-9/11 world demonstrated the West's weakness as sustaining operations in Iraq and Afghanistan proved too much for NATO. This failure ushered in the post-post-9/11 world, and the Arab Spring became the first (though far from the only) demonstration of the evolved Western strategy which fuses the early approaches. Development aspect is still there. Western entities claim they are promoting Universal Human Values which evidently is "the end which justifies all means" and which automatically means it is impossible to commit war crimes in its pursuit. Also, by implication, anyone who stands in the West's way operates in the presumption of guilt.

In order to promote said Universal Values, the West identifies, creates or even invents a political movement, which although it consists mostly of corrupt opportunists and outright criminals, ostensibly stands for universal values. This entity then receives overwhelmingly positive media coverage to the point of referring to any police or military response to the violence it perpetrates as war crimes in order to shape public opinion in favor of limited military intervention in the form of air strikes and a small number of Special Operations troops. Then, one really needs an excuse--a small incident, an insignificant act of violence by the target country's law enforcement, the kind that happens in the United States on a daily basis--in order to start beating the war drums against the blood-soaked regime. This approach was pioneered in Bosnia and Kosovo--the early exceptions to the Velvet policy, but was then shelved in the post-9/11 era, and it seemed that West aims could be achieved by more direct and brutal means, only to be resurrected by the Obama Administration, and applied in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine with only minor variations.

The globalists are taking cities in a line from idlib on the Mediterranean east to Mosul(iraq) along the Euphrates, perhaps all the way to where it meets the Tigris. Once this new region is "secured", it will likely be propped up as a Kurdish ethnostate, which will get the "terrorist" PKK out of Turkey and Syria. Not sure if globalists are planning happenings in Turkey as well so that Kurdistan can straddle the former border, but I can't see that going well for them.

But, the Universal Values rhetoric is only camouflage aimed at securing the support of the Liberal-wing of the elite and obscuring the real aim of the aggression: the seizure of key national assets, be it petroleum or in the case of Ukraine, farmland, to bolster the fortunes of dominant sectors of Western economies, including finance and energy and to preserve the fading Western hegemony. It is also evident that Western powers are in an informal, very close alliance with the highly repressive governments of the Gulf Arab states, which also stood to gain from eliminating the political competition posed by Libya's government and from building pipelines to Europe over the course of the Syrian state. This alignment was made necessary by the West's need of boots on the ground which can accomplish that with air power alone cannot with ISIS and mushroom-free Syrian Army and other such formations, being a NATO-trained and NATO-approved force, which can be sent when NATO soldiers can't go, due to the domestic opposition. Such a move would provoke the insights into the finances of the various Clinton Foundations provided by WikiLeaks clearly show the inner workings of this alliance. The leaks also illustrate the key aspect of this alliance, namely the secretive and conspiratorial imaginations of a small group of influential actors, as opposed to the broader league consensus that existed during the Cold War; nevertheless, this small group of conspirators on 3 continents now amounts to a de factor Washington-Brussels-Riyadh axis.

You faggots are mentally ill. Just as bad as a trans gender.

There is no west.


It couldn't be more obvious Russian Shills are behind the latest "Former Trump Supporter Here..." bullshit.

It is a relatively recent creation dating only to the beginning of the Obama administration; it did not exist during the W. Bush Administration. Saudi Arabia was aghast at the idea of toppling the Sunni rule in Iraq, and the EU was mostly opposed to invading Iraq, which made the EU's embrace of regime change in Syria, Libya, and Ukraine all the more startling; though, not entirely surprising. Just as the US foreign policies are driven by the fear of being eclipsed by rising or recovering powers like China, Russia, Iran, the 2008 crisis aired the EU's weakness and that has provided an incentive the EU hardliners engage in reckless policies in the hopes of staving off its collapse. Is the game worth the candle, considering the shrillness at the pro-war propaganda in both the US and the EU today to the point of risking WW3? The imagined benefits of regime changes must have been enormous. Stamping out the last truly sovereign states would have strengthened the West's claim of global hegemony. The failures in the Ukraine, and in Syria and ultimately also Libya therefore place Western powers face-to-face with the prospect of historic decline.

He is getting to you

just listen to Him

>The end of history

yea what a fucking cuckold, fucking Trump too dumb to figure out what is going on in Syria.

meanwhile every non brain dead human figured it out in less than 3 google searches.

Lol that's all you got? You're pathetic. Hurr durr muh brown people. You'll be kissing American ass for the next 300 years bitch boiiii.

Already /sg/ autist, calm down. If he wanted Assad gone he'd be dead already. If nothing else, I'll see how this strategy unfolds. It certainly has made all the leftists silent.

the end of the farm. the people will be free cuz Reptiles are establishing a One World Order. its the end of the story. R.I.P..

Mental illness and the social construct of gender please Kek. Chaos pleases Kek, Kek be praised!

Kek and the other old gods are better than the Semitic faggotries of Cucktainity, Oven Dodgery, or Mudslimeism. Shadilay, my friends!

>kissing american ass
anti-american sentiments have reached an all time high in europe, dont be too full of yourself

Mental illness. That's all that is coming out of your posts. Seek pro help.

how has no one told you to fuck off already, leaf? you're being retarded again.

>Implying Trump's intent was to kill a bunch of sand niggers
Hmmmm I wonder why the missles killed LITERALLY NO ONE and did MINIMAL DAMAGE

Do you think Trump was sitting there firing the missles himself? They struck exactly where they wanted them to strike without causing death/injury. Jesus you Germans are dense, must be that Merkel breastmilk

What's that? Isn't that a company that makes bidets?

Europe the continent where real Americans come from unlike you nigger

wait siani in gonna be in greater Egypt but we gave it back to egyot in 1978
how does this make sesne

i heard that assad used chemical weapons and killed tons of people, then people told trump to destroy the base where the plain was or somthing idk, then other people got mad at trump for destroying the base, i heard that kids praising trump for it, thats my understanding for today

who could be behind this.

>attacks based Assad instead of Terrorists
>helps terrorists by bombing assads assets
>destroys Migs who dindu nothin
>civilian and military personal been hit, some dead, some wounded
>isn't caring about any investigation on who launched the chemical weapons (if there even were any)

he is a cuck and a puppet.
deal with it.

>USA atacked the only opposition of ISIS on Middle East
>USA is now helping Al motherfucking Qaeda

US launched poorly researched and inadequately supported punitive strike on Syrian Government forces.

Syrians dusted selves off and snickered as Russian fly in plane loads of new toys for killing rebels.

You shills can stop trying you're not convincing anyone. Fuck anyone in Syria bomb them all. .we're against Assad and isis and putin.

Prove your claims faggot.

you must be fun at funerals.

>being a warmongering retard
>wants to die for kikes interests

no you're the shill retard here.

you got fooled big time by Trump.

I don't really blame you cucks tho, I mean there was a slim chance he wasn't an israel puppet.
but guess what, they all are.
Voting doesn't fucking work AT ALL.

let that sink in.

little donnie wanted to feel like a big boy and show evil baby killer barrelbomber assad that he aint afraid of playing with the missiles.

so much for the "never strike syria without congressional approval".

So you really believe that the president of the USA can just pick a bunch of missiles and just throw them wherever he wants? You truly believe that whenever something happens Trump can go like "I don't like what happened and since I don't have time investigate and interrogate I'll just randomly trow missiles in the place that seems more fit"?
Don't you think that maybe no agreements were made beforehand? Something on the lines "I'll support you but if you use again this banned weapon I'll have to take this thing down."
Do you really think that Trump has the power to just point at a map without any prior investigation or explanation and nuke it at his will?

God in heaven, where do you people come from? Have you not learnt to lurk moar even for a few hours before posting your Reddit inanities here?

Trump getting all weepy and sentimental over the "beautiful beautiful little babies" and deciding to "play world cop" hasn't made Sup Forums "wig out" because this MIGHT lead to the catastrophe of "boots on the ground" and "WW3".

Trump weeping over little non-American babies and deciding to "play world cop" IS the catastrophe, you retard.

Ambassadors of Western powers brandishing photos of dead or injured infants in the UN and US presidents talking about "the world looking to us for a moral lead" IS globalist world government. Once that is a given, everything else - the suspension and abolition of borders, the artificial creation of enemies to maintain a state of constant war that justifies total control and surveillance - follows inevitably and quickly, like clockwork.

I'm not even a concernfag any more. I never thought the day would come when it would be possible - let alone, as it is now, necessary - to non-ironically say: "we can't let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes".

I don't hate him but i don't have to be a still or a troll to not like him doing this. I still support him but it can't go any further than this.

>hurr durr muh Jews muh Jews rule everything durr
I'm glad idiots like you are a minority. How do you sleep at night knowing a Jew might grab you from under neath your bed?

>in the land of the dead voting doesnt work.
who knew.

the same feelings he gets when a Reptoid drinks his blood.

Yes goyi....err...friend, you must be low IQ filth or a paid shill. Now let's bomb lebanon and Jordan, word is theyre holocausting children too.

go here

It may have been an assault on air defenses. That is where you should direct your questions about numbers and such.



Yes. We have the biggest guns

Gas yourself

ye$ ye$ give your bloods to us. the nutritious contents are far better than beef pork or chicken.

hollow yourself.

also my paste

I want to propose this theory:

It was a SEAD mission against air defenses, against the s300's and s400's.

But it basically means that one must overwhelm the air defenses as they have limited counter measure missiles in them.

It also explains why the radar station was destroyed.

those missiles that didnt hit could have been intercepted by the russian air defenses.

I will copy paste this a bit if you guys dont mind it as I think this is a pretty gud theory which fits in well with the military lore. Additionally, there could have been an ace in the whole of electronic warfare somewhere that fucked with their guidance systems.



just an update 6 people have now been confirmed dead

6 more bodies to the stew.


Literally a retard

another gangster wanna be retard

its important to remember that "ISRAEL" is not Jewish, its ISISRAELOHIM

Pick one

Let me help you.

>Gas banned and deported from Syria 2 years ago
>Assad launches airstrike against an allegedly ammo depot
>Big boom boom
>Civilians hurt by gas after the explosion

>US claims that Assad dropped the sarin gas
>Even though sarin gas can't be transported by the bombs used by the syrian airforce

>Assad claims rebels had sarin gas stored in the ammo depot that they bombed
>Claims "why the fuck would be start bombing civilians with sarin gas when victory is within our reach?"

It's pretty obvious what happened here if you ask me.
False flag.

Peace talks were initiated in Syria with the international community. It clearly leaded to Assad regaining power.

Assad regime was winning the war by then. International community was accepting of he taking power. He had literally no reason to use chemical weapons against his enemies and invoke the rage of the work because he was with victory on sight.

Trump said he would not bother too much with Syria.

>Some days later:

Pro-war rebels under jewish tutellage used alleged chemical weapons on civilians and blamed Assad.

Bibi said that Trump needs to do something about it.

>Less than a day later:

Trump bombed an Syria base under Assad control, going against the lack of evidence and his previous promises to care of USA before meddling himself in other countries business.

No proof that it was a chemical weapons attack exist other than the accounts of groups linked to terrorist lines. The first responders to the attack is a group with terrorist link. The single one "doctor" taking care of the victims is liked to terrorists.

The majority of his previous supporters woke up to the fact that he is part of the globalist neo-cons and a jewish paw.

and now we slightly have to move against him, but maybe he has done these things because he managed to get a base of support from the swamp, and doesnt need us anymore.

In that case perhaps one has to move a lot against him.

Perhaps if we removed his support overnight then the trickle towards his real life supporters would seize as well.

One would have to move very fast to destabilize it all potentially, while he still relies on us.