What's the problem

Been lurking for a while now.

Everyday on this board, it's all

>remove kebab
>talk shit get hit
>Obama was a pussy

So your BELOVED TRUMP flexes the might of the US Military, and gets several obvious benefits

>Global support
>warns North Korea
>Spits in Russia's face
>defends global treaties like Geneva Convention

In one simple, casualty free, military strike Trump has undermined

>Russia Collusion
>Wild Card who will destroy Nato

And now you gusyt all start shitting your pants.

This is why you guys are virgins. The second the rubber meets the road in Global big boy polotics, you guys whimper and run.

Please take this opportunity to better yourselves, and learn that bravery isn't the absence of fear, but fighting through it and holding your convictions.

They're literally all Russian shills, don't pay attention.

No, you idiot.

We supported Trump only insofar as he wasn't a globalist Jewish shill.

Yesterday, he turned on us and our movement.

He no longer represents freedom, but oppression.

Putin has taken the mantle now.

Grow up.

Sorry, but in the real world, when women and children are believed to be killed with universally condemned weapons, 1st world countries have to deal with it.

If Trump did nothing, you'd be posting that he's weak and afraid of Putin, and accusing him of being Obama part 2.

>Children die from gas.

>Let's start killing children with bombs so they stop dying from gas.

Nice try shill, you can't fool me.

>You'd be posting that he's weak and afraid.

WTF are you smoking bro?

You aren't a lurker, you are a new fag.

Lurk moar faggot.

Sup Forums LIKES Putin and Assad!

Why would we want Trump to start WW3 when we SPECIFICALLY hated Hillary and The Republican fucks who wanted war with Russia???


>when women and children are believed to be killed with universally condemned weapons
Like they were in 2013?

Oh wait it were rebels and the whole thing was falseflag, but this time they've done the falseflag better so... yeah.


literally every single one of those people is a kremlinshill or a useful idiot

Trum is al-Qaeda shill.

>Sup Forums likes, Sup Forums believes, Sup Forums thinks/, Sup Forums is a hivemind, Sup Forums is an echo chamber
>how dare you come in here with your dissent
>how dare you argue with me
>uh, uh, you NEWFAG, lurk until you think exactly as I--uh, WE do

>trying to enforce consensus

This is not Reddit, you bleating faggot. Think for yourself.

Muh Russian shills!
Seriously, fuck off. Not everyone gives a shit about hating Russia.

We will not rebuild Syria Like "Sen." McCain wants.

This was an act to show the World Trump will use force when necessary

Syria was removing kebab you spastic fuckhead

Who do you think is fighting in there? A Christian rebellion?

There are a metric fuckton of shills in here right now, user. Share Blue shills using the opportunity to use the "I'm done with Trump" message combined with Russian shills pushing the "Trump was a puppet of the Jews all along" means the site is swamped. I'm heartened by it. It means Trump is his own man and he's doing things neither of those factions like. As the old WWII bomber crew saying goes, "You catch the most flack when you're over the target."

The people here who think this is horrible are just shills

Shoo shoo putinshill


>Been lurking for a while now.

it was you reddit fags that are anti Assad and pro kike.

>all insurgents are islamists
fuck off

Always do the opposite of what the Jews say.

theyre not?

You need to go back

This. The UN confirmed back in 13 that the rebels were pretty responsible but for what ever reason the all-seeing Sup Forums still believes in the narrative. Please. As if Assad would have anything to gain from this shit. Now fuck off OP you neo-con supporting shill.

I guess Coulter, Molymeme, Spencer, Styxx, Red Ice, etc etc are all share blue shills huh? Go back to r/thedonald

>Sup Forums isn't an echo-chamber/hive mind.
>"Think for yourself"
>Mfw this dumb user is just another Trump dickrider who never questions his God emperor and whenever someone comes along with criticism he calls them a shill/shariablue.

I swear you blind retards make me laugh.

This was exactly my first thought when I watched his speech. Trump's logic doesn't make any sense.

He should be removing ISIS, not Assad. Are you such a low IQ retard that you cannot even understand this?