Ask a leftie anything

Ask a leftie anything

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What does rectal cancer feel like?

feels better than not understanding i'm being exploited and alienated every day

how's poverty treating you?

Cool. Next question. Has living with HIV been difficult for you?

How many cocks did you have in your holes last night?

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Why do you hate food?

Today isn't the day commie scum

Have you ever read anything by Mises, Hayek or Hoppe?

What is it like having an IQ lower than a chimpanzee?

Do you know what the hammer and sickle represent?

You're not being exploited and alienated. You're just a failure of a person. If you're bad at functioning in society, the problem is with you, not society. If you grow up and get better at life you'll stop being a leftist.

What's it like knowing you're an useful idiot?

Why do you always slaughter those you claim to fight for?

Why are you never a part of the class you claim to fight for?

Australian student benefits mean I earn approx 1000 a week and do nothing

Wouldn't know


didn't get to Sweden fast enough apparently

deadset grow all my own food

fuck off mr "we're going to change sides in a war depending on whos winning" - you circa WW2

Yeah and they're all idiots. They literally used the Hegelian Dialectic to synthesis capitalism and communism and hoped that no one would really notice. You can't have "civil liberty and freedom" if you elect people you tell you what to do and how much you earn you class traitor

can i buy your dead board?

What makes you think that you were born with the right to work and why shouldn't solely your family be responsible for you?

Did you know that Marx was a cuck because he didn't consider humans means of production?

You do know commies killed 100million people, so why do you eat shit, faggot?

What's it like thinking IQ is the most important thing because you scored 103 and claim it's 110


Oh you're right! I should work 40 hour weeks to bring home 1000 dollars, whilst the person I work for made 10,000. How silly of me.


because the ideology hasn't been implemented successfully and to have a dictator who receives more benefits than you is facism not communism


probably not, given you'er also part of the proletariat

What makes you think that someone else should consider me a dependant when i'm entirely autonomous

and it's going to happen again, so why to you betray your comrades faggot

Explain this image

>Oh you're right! I should work 40 hour weeks to bring home 1000 dollars, whilst the person I work for made 10,000. How silly of me.

The person you work for makes more money than you because his work is more valuable.

Is it hard going through life as a retard?

correlation =/= causation

Yeah you're right. Siting at home doing nothing is really valuable because you were either a) born into money or b) by some chance you got lucky. Class division exists and often the barriers cannot be broken in a single generation

Ask your fellow Trump supporters. "Make America Great Again" implies it was great to begin with and outside of the moon landing I can't think of a single thing your country has done that is "great"

Wanna go for a ride in my new helicopter?

also privatisation of education resulted in better education for those who could afford it. assuming everyone was offered the same education growth in scores would still increase

pics w/ timestamp or it didn't happen

>Siting at home doing nothing
You're delusional if you think that's what successful people do.

Has nothing to do with privatization of education. PISA is taken by 15 year olds; most of who are in public schools in all those countries.

Also the trend is the exact opposite than your explanation would imply.

Try again.

I really want to hear your answer why Socialist countries massively underperform economically vs their human capital. Truly is a mystery

I left my upper class family when I was 14 to live on my own because that's exactly what they did. Father was on the board of directors for a mining company who literally responded to emails all day. Mother owned a buisness who paid someone to do all her day to day jobs.

you do realise that the mean of both conventional counties and socialist legacies would be very similar right? like, maybe conventional countries would be marginally higher but the scatterplot you provided looks pretty normally distributed to me. Both appear to average around the 450-500 mark.
Unless you can't read a x axis because your public education failed you

Shit, I posted before I answered the second part of your post.
Probably because the concept of economics is ludicrous and commies would rather disperse the wealth among themselves. Interesting how your country owes china 3 trillion dollars tho. Truly a mystery as to whats going on there.

>every single leftist makes the same argument and defends their points by building pretentiously sarcastic strawmans with an entitlement complex
What do they mean by this?

>Interesting how your country owes china 3 trillion dollars tho. Truly a mystery as to whats going on there.

Are you 12 years old? Foreign governments like investing in US bonds because they're generally regarded as the safest asset in the world.

I see why you're a communist now with this retarded juvenile view of economics. If I was that stupid, I would be one as well

>Father was on the board of directors for a mining company who literally responded to emails all day. Mother owned a buisness who paid someone to do all her day to day jobs.

You're clearly misrepresenting the nature of the work your parents did. Why are you so intellectually dishonest? Being on the board of directors and owning a business requires a kind of mental labor that is very valuable and that most people are incapable of.

Do you like sonic?

Whoever wrote this clearly doesn't understand the left wing at all. We're not entitled. We believe that we shouldn't have to work to make someone elses life better / more economically enriching. We think we should work as much as we need to, to be self-sufficient and to enojy our lives, not "live the dream" of working 9-5 and owning a house that we owe money to banks for the next 10-15 years

are you an idiot? "PROVE COMMUNISM ECONOMICS WORKS LOL" - borrows three trillion from a communist country. They're investing in you so that when India and China decide to take you to war, you're fucked and they'll call in your debt.

Hardly. Spoken to both of them about it over the last 10 years. Both claim that climbing to that point took a few years, and now life is easy. Dad literally takes skype calls 4 times a day and mum goes in to make sure people are working as "she pays them good money" whilst she owns several houses and they are all renting.


How do you explain this?

Wan't a free helicopter ride?

>I'm unhappy because other people are keeping me down.

I'll bet you bitch about muh stolen generation on the way to centrelink too.

The yanks are racist cucks

lmao never said that at all.

The stolen generation is an issue caused by privileged whites thinking they can do whatever they want. Centerlink is merely a means to an end, as I study about 40 hours a week and don't see the point in working when I can get money for actually contributing something to academia.

>Both claim that climbing to that point took a few years
That's a climb that the vast majority of people are incapable of making. Your parents are smarter and more capable of flourishing in society than most people. Of course they're going to be successful.

>she owns several houses and they are all renting
That's providing a valuable service.

>The yanks are racist cucks

No sir, there is a clear pattern of racism that is not uniformly expressed based around proximity to blacks. For example why is Nevada the way it is when it didn't even practice antebellum slavery.

Gonna use this post as an excuse to dump some of my HBD links. I'd love to see OP try to explain this shit away.

Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy
>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele
50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks

Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"

"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.

Race can be determined via brain scans.

Serious question
>From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
>Karl Marx

How do you determine every single person's capabilities and needs? How is corruption handled amongsts such a devastating amount of bureaucracy?

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.
Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

Environment accounts for little or none of the USA racial IQ gap:

In academic standardized testing (which has a tight correlation to IQ), the wealthiest Black children (>200,000$ annual income) underperform all but the poorest White children (

Violent crime correlates more tightly with race than with wealth or population density:

The poorest Whites are less criminal than all but the wealthiest 10% of Blacks:

Race is also more tightly correlated to homicide rate than single-parent households are, and population density has no correlation to homicide:

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race. If you have White parents of 95 IQ and Black parents of 100 IQ, bet on the White child to be smarter.

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
Arguments Regarding the Existence of Races

Biological Differences Between the Races

I've established that IQ is more determined by genes than by environment or wealth. In light of that, explain this graph.

You can't.

Or because their parents had enough money to send them to private schools, made connections and bought the business in the first place.

Hardly. The fact that you literally have to pay to live somewhere is ludicrous. The notion of rent is designed to make you struggle to save to buy your own house.

Okay, your south eastern states are racist

Pretty simple. You can tell if someone is going to do well by age 10. If they flourish in certain fields, give them the ability to do so. If they don't, don't force them to keep going. Some of my friends weren't academically inclined and were forced to stay in school until they were 16.
Corruption exists heavily in conventional societies and isn't dealt with. If there was no market system, there wouldn't be anything to corrupt.

Disproven. There is a cultural bias in ALL IQ tests, that indicate if someone who is a white american wrote the test, white americans are likely to succeed. Learned that in my first year of university (psychology neuroscience major)

also implies marxism is the only form of communism, read some contemporary texts ffs

You're too stupid to live.

How do you feel about non-whites exploiting the labor of white people through welfare

>The notion of rent is designed to make you struggle to save to buy your own house.
Rent isn't "designed" to keep people from owning houses, you imbecile.

do you take the hand of your wife when she is fucked by her boyfriend?

Get out

Left Accelerationists are the only leftists worth a damn. Even then it's not as logically consistent as right accelerationism.

>Okay, your south eastern states are racist

But that pattern demonstrates it's not just the south. The pattern follows into northern and mid-western states that have high amounts of blacks. Nevada and NJ have not practiced antebellum slavery.

Is it possible that proximity itself causes racism?

>Is it possible that proximity itself causes racism?
That makes too much sense for leftists too accept.

>isproven. There is a cultural bias in ALL IQ tests, that indicate if someone who is a white american wrote the test, white americans are likely to succeed.
>white american wrote the test

You realize that east asians do better than white americans on these tests right?

Pattern recognition is only one part of an IQ test
Large amounts of IQ test are culturally dependant, if I asked you to do something that wasn't a cultural norm and you were experiencing it for the first time, you're likely to do poor

don't get mad because you can't understand simple limitations cuckboy

better than I do about that any individual being exploited for labour

Average morgage repayments in australia are approximately 400 dollars a week.
If you earn 980 (average wage) a week, pay 300 rent you're down to 680. You buy 200 dollars worth of food, 480. You pay your phone bill, 400. You pay electricity, gas, water and internet, 200. You fill your car, 100.

You need minimum 15% deposit to buy a house. 15% of 350000 (standard land and house package) is 52500. If you save that 100 a week, it's going to take to 525 weeks to save for your deposit. That's 10 years. But you're right, your system is much better,

Not married. Open relationship with another vegan commie you cucks. Thanks for revealing something about yourself though.

Where's the question


is it possible that media plays a part in anyway? portraying black people as "gangbangers and criminals" subconsciously convincing people that they are, once again making your country racist.

>too accept
Pardon the typo.

you mean like, communist china?

doesn't make sense at all. It implies that we are born with a natural fear to them that is being physiologically displayed when placed with them. Instead, the people taking these tests are likely subjected to years (if not decades) of racial conditioning.

Are you familiar with accelerationism? Early Nick Land is a good place to start. "Machinic Desire" and "Meltdown" are a few landmark texts. Eventually he turned far right, but many of his colleagues and students at the University of Warwick carried on the tradition.

This is a good summary of left accelerationism

This is Nick Land's response
>If the Law of Value is to be defended, value production is measured in (labor) time. Marx’s transformation factor is designed to conserve the equation between quantified — timed — work and economic values, as expressed in prices. If this patch fails, the entire analysis of Capital loses application to determinate social fact. There would be no Marxian economics at all (a conclusion Negri and the Autonomists seem willing to accept).
>It is hard to see how a Left Accelerationism could be maintained under these conditions.

Why do you want to take my money, it's my ducking money I earned it.


this implies that economic growth is the most important type of growth, however i'll look into it. Cheers.

You were given a symbol for your labour. That's it. I don't want your money at all.

kill your boss. you have nothing to lose but your chains.

I'm actually reading pic related right now. Mark Fisher leans far to the left, but I'm loving the book nonetheless. He was greatly influenced by Nick Land.

>media plays a part in anyway?

But then we should see a broad base of racism that is homogenized everywhere, even in Montana but we don't.

We see that states that have fewer blacks tend to be less racist and states with more blacks being more racist..

Think about this from a position of a paradox of multiculturlaism, the states that are less racist are those that are paradoxically more segregated.

Could you consider the possibility that i could take a liberal and drop then into a largely black environment and in a few years they will become racist?

Yes but also liberal capitalist Japan.

Hows the dick taste?

Is so funny to see all these /poltards/ assblasted by someone who only has a different political opinion from them.

And they like to talk about "freedom of speech".
stay cucked faggots

>There is a cultural bias in ALL IQ tests, that indicate if someone who is a white american wrote the test
white americans don't even score the highest tho..

how many dicks a day do you suck to maintain such a high level of faggotry?

How do leftists and libs maintain their unwavering faith in people "doing the right thing"? I don't get how they can say "giving aid to Africa is right because we may be in that position some day" and other such moralizing.

they're just calling you a fag and making fun of you. it's hilarious too since you guys make actual safe spaces wherever you go like /r/socialism or leftypol.

Are you a Christian?

1? 2? or 3?

You mean like, social learning theory? probably. doesn't have to do with the blacks, has to do with the attitudes of people around them.

citation needed that japs do better on white IQ test than educated americans

saltier than your tears

Legitimately the only reason I jumped on tonight. Bored af and wanted to make some americans mad.

Who scores the average (mean) highest then? if they're anglo-saxon / english speaking that doesn't really count, given your media floods ours.



mate I just lurk a bit of everything, post like, twice a year

fuck no


Aight this is dying down and I have a 200,000 word thesis due in 4 months and have done fuck all of it.
gg ez bit disappointed that there was only one (maybe two) educated people here. to whoever told me to read Nick Land, cheers.
Shame you're all as educated a Sup Forums

Also capitalist Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea

>comes to Sup Forums
>gets BTFO'd by statistics
>leaves in shame
Happens every time

>have a 200,000 word thesis due
theres 200,000 words nobody is going to care about

>borrows three trillion from a communist country

Wait, I thought China was state capitalism. At least get your propaganda in order. Ask your upper class professor about it.

>We think we should work as much as we need to

Open your own business. Oh wait, no that is not what communists do, they don't create, they just 'seize'. Silly me.

The fact that you are from upper class family surprises no one in here. The fact that you don't understand the work your parents do comes with the territory of being a communist.The fact that you are just another academia parasite is just the cherry on the top

>communism was never properly implemented

And how will it be different next time when you are an absolute archetype of a typical communist.

Do you ever feel a slight erge of nationalism by any chance?

No shame i'll be back lmao, you haven't proven a single thing outside of a correlation between proximity and racism in your own country

>GDP per capita meme
As if this means anything. Compare Saudi Arabian GDP per capita to Chile and then tell me where you'd prefer to live.

So it's utilitarianism without any self interest? I can't wrap my head around that.

>citation needed that japs

Sure thing

Notice that it's not china but actually a district of china Hong Kong which has the most liberal markets, in many ways more so than america, on earth - not that that is important. i didn't come here to argue economics but i think it's interesting to note

Why am I not surprised you're posting from a first world country?

Do you grow your own food?

>Who scores the average (mean) highest then? if they're anglo-saxon / english speaking that doesn't really count, given your media floods ours.
asians. in europe? dutch, other germanics/nordics.

why have you not comited suicide yet?

>You mean like, social learning theory? probably. doesn't have to do with the blacks, has to do with the attitudes of people around them.
But again if that's true then we should expect racism equally distributed everywhere. Why does racism itself seem to follow or be a dependent variable to proximity to blacks? Why is antiblack bias rising in states that never had antebellum slavery but instead have a growing population of blacks. Why does the pattern hold in disparate states like Nevada?

>m-m-muh racism

not op, but in a sense I do, but not in the traditional sense. Mainly nation of peoples as an amalgamation of ideas. I couldn't care less about bloodlines and races. Ideas and a combination there of will lead us all in to the full luxury gay space communism we're memeing about. Civ 1 or bust, my nigga.

What's it like to be a victim everyday and honestly believe that everyone owes you something?

I can't imagine going through life being a loser like that

Why are you guys so gay for each other?