Be Serbia

>Be Serbia
>~7 million people
>~4 million go out to vote
>Dude gets ~2 million votes (50%+)
>People don't like him
>Start protesting because they didn't go vote

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If what I read on the internet is correct, this guy is well on the way to becoming a dictator. Rigging votes (dead people voting), censoring the media, etc.

Also registering who's voting for him and who isn't and making people vote for him by making them fear losing their 300 eur jobs... hmm really reminds me of a certain time

when literally 50% of population doesnt even vote, he should have all the rights to rig whatever the fuck he wants

>this guy is well on the way to becoming a dictator
kek, it's called, hyperbole, the same way how they call trump the new hitler and a dictator.

that's true, but he doesn't have right to shit, he's just a fascist scumbag who uses the fact that 99% of pensioners are retarded and brainwashed and will take anything they hear on the TV as a fact. Too bad TV stations are either owned by the goverment which he's the prime minister of or by oligarchs who have nightly circlejerk sessions with Vucic...

Noone knows who you voted for. The thing with jobs was when they were collecting signatures for him. And people here don't like him because he's a EU boot-licker, and they hate EU a lot. And you know Serbia better then anyone (all is conspiracy, everyone is against us etc.)

no, it's not the same as Trump because America has independent media

>America has independent media

Jel vidi neko onaj post 1 je na imguru i bio je 1 na redditu kao protest we are woke i ta sranja a fazon 500 ljudi na ulici hahahahaha

>America has independent media

would a dictator allow tv shows that are making fun of him, would a dictator allow celebrities and regular citizens to shit on him on social media? funny how they're criticizing and making fun of him since 2012 and no one was arrested, killed or anything like that. shittiest dictator even desu senpai, if you ask me.

Can you give me a brief of what's been going on in Serbia? Who are the candidates? Who won? Should we be concerned?

>low turnout meme
There aren't 7 million people of voting age in Serbia. Maybe 5, at best. The rest are either dead or abroad never to return.

Turnout was easily +70%.

>If what I read on the internet is correct
How could it possibly be wrong if you read it on the internet.

Ma filozofski, fililoški, ekonomski, političke nauke imaju sad kolokvijume, pa moraju da prave sranje da odlože.

>media is blocked
in a city of 1.300.000 only a couple of thousand people after 5 days, what a revolution! there was news of the protest on every tv channel yesterday and today, and in every newspaper, the government said they can peacefully protest all they want. fucking cucks acting like they're oppressed and shit.

i explained it yesterday but luckily i saved the post so that i don't have to write it every time.

meme protests by the meme opposition that is now attempting to convince everyone how this is a (((spontaneous))) uprising of apolitical people that don't want to live in a "dictatorship", and how they (the opposition) don't have anything to do with any of that, after they've spent the last months constantly talking about post-election protests, "we're gonna win but only if the government doesn't decide to rig the election". they actually believed in their own bullshit (that the elections are gonna be close, that the people love them and that they hate the current government) and got utterly destroyed on election day, they also got destroyed in the parliamentary elections last year. and when every professional election watching agency, foreign and domestic, government owned and private, be it from serbia, the eu, russia or the usa said that everything was fair and square, after world leaders congratulated the winner, they got triggered and decided to instigate the mob through their proxies in universities so that they can claim how this is a revolt organized by young people without anyone's help "you see, goy, this is all spontaneous, no political parties are behind this, it's a coincidence that they're using our rhetoric, nothing suspicious there. yes, we talked about protests but you should forget about that now, believe us, everything is totally grassroots, people have decided that they've had enough!". they need to be gassed.

Guy wants good relations with Russia, but still want to join EU. There are some extremist fuks, some democrats and one retard who litteraly tried to meme himself to presidency. The problem with this guy is that on one soccer match one retard started shouting "VUCIC FAGGOT, VUCIC FAGGOT!" and so ppl took it as meme and most of ppl protesting have 0 clue why they are blocking the streets every fucking day for 5 days now.

Not exactly no clue.

Some faggot student got kicked out for talking back to a professor with an anti-vucic message during a class. Also some facebook group of the said faculty was censoring messages that were calling students to protest.

tl;dr millenials learning how internet works in year 2017 finally


a je l' mozemo jednostavno da palimo americku ambasadu i razbijamo izloge kao i uvek sto radimo?

pa bilo bi lepo

nego kakvi su vam planovi za veceras momki?

Ja sam za, ali indirektno. Ložane razvaljuju, posle na buvljaku i u Pančevu jakne i patike za 1000 dinara markirane.

E, a ja sad razmišljam... A kad mog ovi da protestuju, a da ne znaju ni zašto, a'e mi lepo da protestujemo da Slaanesh postane priznat kao jedno od božanstava i da kao njegov sledbenik ne budem hapšen što idem go ulicom, ili ga drkam u basu.

Nikakvi, u Pozarevcu nista, nece biti sorke, policija na svakom uglu.

Koga ove godine zrtvujemo u plamenu americke ambasade za bolju zetvu?

brate i ja sam iz pozarevca

koji hood?


ko da pozarevac ima vise od 4 glavne ulice pa je bitno


na koje jos table ides?

uglavnom Sup Forums i na /x/ kada mi je dosadno ili uvece.


Jebeni satanista

hahaha serbs thinking they can change their neo-communist government.......
it'd be funny if we weren't in the same situation since 1989

>be serbian
>thinking anyone cares about the election

>when you win 12% more votes than all the other 10 candidates combined but the assmad opposition says that no one likes you and that you're illegitimate
