Hey sweden, is your cuck media already going full "religion of peace", "white swedes are the cause"...

Hey sweden, is your cuck media already going full "religion of peace", "white swedes are the cause", "muslims are in danger" etc... ?

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They always are, no sane person watches the Mainstream media, only today because of Livestreams.

yes. they said stockholmed turned into a warm and welcome place after the attack. another cuck on national tv was trying to blame trump as usual and saying that if we treat muslims bad we have to accept that these things will happen.

Not yet, but wait a couple of more hours.


What's melfest?

I'm getting the vibes but they haven't said it outright yet. I'm just waiting for the first "m-muh religion of peace.. R-racism is the real problem!!". It's gonna come sooner or later, I bet my house on that.


*muffled eurobeat*

It looks like peace has been brought to Sweden yet again.

19 Feb. Come on Pekka, our country is cucked enough that it shouldn't be difficult to find something real.

I presume he's talking about melodifestivalen (melody festival), basicly a song contest.

Proofs how boring zweden is

Jesus fucking christ really? Talk about bigotry of low expectations. They see the same shit we see and feel guilty about it, so they project. Anyone who doesn't feel guilt about noticing obvious patterns is what we call a racist. I am very much a racist, but most conservatives are not.

you can't make this shit up

your country is fucked m8
might as well leave

Well i can say that i have surely seen some social media posts telling me not to jump to conclusions.
Fucking fagots

Theyre going full damage control mode, this wont be mentioned ever again in a week and theyll go back to OPEN OUR BORDER OR U A NAZI BIGOT REEE

Let's play clue.

with a truck
in a cucked euro area

Mark Stein today:

swedish women are dying their hair en masse so they don't get targeted by islamists for sexual assault





At this point South Africa might even be a better place than Sweden

fucking hell

Why are you guys so mean to Sweden? shouldn't you be supportive, they are white you know ? They just trying to enjoy their cuck fetish. What's wrong with that?

Not so much yet, but. Even in Sweden, where pointing out anything bad about immigrants are not only illegal, but cause for one to be completely kicked out of society. Even there, stuff like this makes the frontpage. The political correct main stream media, has of course made sure to balance this with a story about an SS-officer living in hiding in the US. Thus making a 70 some-years old "case" remind people that white people do bad things too, as the only other thing on the frontpage.

It's nice to see that my country isn't doing as badly as some others

Just got called a neo-nazi today because I thought multi-culti is a bad idea, and we should have borders.

Fuck you Sweden. You'll never out cuck the Leaf.

From SVT Swedish television - both police public figure and the prime minister have stated that this more likely than anything is a terrorist attack and align with what we've seen throughout Europe.

u guys got any more nsfl pics?

Dude, is this for real? I can't believe it. There is no way things are this fucked in your country. Right?


Why are the cucks running away from arab dick? I though they love Arab dick in their assholes

Shitpost all you like, neither you nor germany will ever take title of most cucked country

are people still even talking about this? shit was like 12 hours ago hasnt there been another happening by now?

You have no idea, bro.
Only way now is to let it all burn down and build up a semblance of a new country

>a truck drove into a building, 4 died

>bad accident

I am so happy that we live in this country which the entire leftist jew cucked western europe called a gipsy infested shithole

do something you spineless faggot

free society has an islamist problem

Fuck, bro, don't say that. Memes aside I am sorry bro. It sucks. I have to tell you that you guys always look so eficient and smart to my country I can't understand what happened. Memes aside I wish the best for you and your country.

Old, but isn't that more the mail's fault? They're not under swedish legislation, so why the fuck should they censor on their behalf?

can confirm
3 people died,
>"stockholmers open their hearts for people stuck in innercity"
state TV "trump said "look whats happening in sweden" was he right?
expert says this probably is a islamic terrorist attack like've seen in berlin, paris etc
tv host: but we're not really sure, lets not jump to conclusions

You actually can because it's bullshit. No one's said that.

We have had peace for too long, we got too prosperous, we have gotten too soft.
It's like the roman empire all over again.

Thank you for the kind words.

I don't even know what to feel anymore

4 dead according to our media, also big surprise "Den gripna har visat sympatier med IS".

Time to put the rabid dogs out of their misery.

Yes, you outcucked yourself, just take all the arab dick up your ass and legalize Sharia laws already, at least beat Canada to it!

I can't tell if you're quoting your media or if you actually are downplaying the Islamic Terrorism your leaders have brought you.

>another cuck on national tv was trying to blame trump as usual and saying that if we treat muslims bad we have to accept that these things will happen.

Source? I've been watching SVT all day, no one has said anything of the sort.

The white neighbourhoods are quite nice, it's just the black ghettos you don't want to be in.

Take your gypsies back.

>worst part of sweden
>best part of romania
please romania, borat is a documentary about romania

We never got the answer to this. Someone called the Daily Mail and they said they had to block it because they've been told it was against Swedish law (?) to show the article cause the suspect may have been underage. Whoever told them that, which is wrong by the way, and why the fuck they complied remains a mystery.

Heres the thing user people are going to double down over and over and over because the froig is boiling hotter and hotter and things are getting worse. It makes this paradox scenario where they become more violently leftist because the stakes are now so high and so dangerous(you cannot fix this society without serious trouble) that once the 'line' is crossed or that first step is taken anything could happen, theres no illusion of security any more and the world they thought they knew has been proven false forever.
Once you break the first taboo it's all left open. It only takes one step. So they wont let you do it they will keep doubling down and becoming more delusional and insane until the fires up to their noses

Holy shit.

I didn't know censorship was such a thing in the so called "free Western world"

If they do, I will break my silence. We need to talk about these disgusting barbarians and what a disgraceful mentality they are bringing, shutting down dialogue about this is only going to make it much more worse. No we have to power through this and start bringing criticism of Islam in light. If muslims can't handle raw hard truth it it just means their religion is frail, that they are mentally weak and not ready for the free thinking tools western culture brings. This is why they double down so hard and enforce their religion, not because they are sure it is true, just because they are so pathetic that they can't handle reality.

Send them back to their litter-box middle east and let them eat themselves up.

that link still doesn't work here fyi

i gotta get outta here tbhfam

they are not ours swede !
gypos are the last of your problems now ... yes they steal but at least they don't rape and murder like sandniggers.
you seem to be theaverage swede cuck to me.

It pisses me off so much. What have you country done but being kind and generous. I fucking hate muslims. Fucking ungreatful animals.

>lets not jump to conclusions
>ets not jump to conclusions
Right Sven, and not all trucks are bad. But this was a beer truck right? So maybe the truck was just drunk

>by nick fagge in gothemburg

every time

i'm just gonna leave this here


Funny, didn't see trucks killing civils in the capital in the Documentary

I think you got it wrong, they are actually running towards the Islamic truck of peace,upon hearing the news that it arrived into town, to get culturally enriched. too bad no 13 year old blonde white Swedish girls got raped, the enrichment was only half made :(

>We have had peace for too long, we got too prosperous, we have gotten too soft.
This applies to the entire Western world, not just Sweden. We are currently experiencing the longest period of peace, in the history of our civilisation. Our ancestors were in a perpetual state of war and conflict. They were real men. We are disgusting cowards, who watch by the sidelines, helplessly, as barbarians rape and consume our civilisation, before our very eyes. What would they say, if they could see us now? I would be too embarrassed to look them in the eye.

>"Stockholm böjer sig inte för fega mördare"

Men Stockholm böjer sig for Islam.

>implying I care about what a gypsie thinks of me
Borat pls

Tbh I'd rather die in another sharia-fueled truck attack than put up with these fucking gypsies another year.

>arabs bomb, rape and run over innocent people
>blames romania for bringing gypies

how cucked are you, you fucking white brainwashed liberal retard?
Do you enjoy fucking up your own country with your mentality? Do you sleep well at night?
Fucking joke of a country


Truck of pieces

You might just get your wish lol

Why should I care about sweden exactly? Whats the point of this thread

Well better, the more culturally enriched you become, the more chances you get the fuck out europe and get locked down, just reach over 50% muslim population in 50 years, my non cucked balkan nephews will laugh at your shithole, while they feast in the new first non-cucked central-eastern europe, having to lock down europe, like the axies and allies did with the berlin wall, this time, it will go all over europe to keep your disgusting mudslimes from scandinavia, france, UK, germany, out of the rest of europe

our extreme gypsy population growth was a direct consequence of socialism when the soviets took over here and the, ahem, final solution was postponed
then we got rid of the soviets
then we were shunned by the west for how bad we treated gypsies
then you let us into the EU and opened your borders... because you're socialist fucktards

now enjoy



> the new first world europe, you know, without mudslimes

quality art there

Sweden is one of the most authoritarian regimes the first world has ever known.

>Fucking joke of a country

believe it or not, you could go through there without getting killed or raped
won't have your wallet on you when you get out but you'll have your himen

i'm not defending them .. i would shot them on sight , here in ro and all over eu.
But user , your blond nation is getting raped and killed ... what the fuck is wrong with you talking shit like that?

basically, the shit social-marxisim imposed by the EU as a condition to join them, made us care for the gypies and once their cucked EU leaders told us to let them be, we let them be, and just like sandniggers, they like to live in a socialist cucked state, where they are allowed to be privileged and steal, beg, kill, just like sandniggers where given this privilege, after the second world war

>sand niggers kills you with trucks and grenades on a daily basis

Yeah, you really are a joke of a country when it's more ideal to live in fucking Romania.


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

this is so tolerant

Our ministry of foreign affairs actually officially recommends Romanian visitors to avoid no-go zones, slums of suburban cities in Sweden, due to dangers of: rape, mugging, killing...
Which country is a joke? You can go in that shithole you posed and come back alive, with your wallet intact, and not raped, can you do the same in a no-go zone in Sweden,as a white person?

>underrated post

>>sand niggers kills you with trucks and grenades on a daily basis
FUCKING LOL you probably even believe yourself. Please, compare murder statistics of Sweden and the US.

>believe it or not
>thieving gypsie
Yeah I don't believe you.

Suspect: Uzbeki muslim supporting IS.

No. Take back your gypsies.

>with your wallet intact
That's fucking rich when 99% of wallet thefts at least in Norway is done by your countrymen.

>FUCKING LOL you probably even believe yourself. Please, compare murder statistics of Sweden and the US.

Comparing a country to a continent . Holy fuck you are delusional

>pavement apes killing each other in their quarantine zones
>have right to arms to defend yourself anyway
>can sit back, laugh, and call them nigger

>get killed by sand niggers literally anywhere
>no way to defend self
>sent to reeducation camp for 5 years on how to prep bulls for even mentioning boarder control

Yeah, tough choice.