Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Get fucked Assad

bash her al'asshole

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad


Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Fuck all Assad shills

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck to both Assad and Putin

Fuck Assad, bakeries, brown people and barrels.

lol wanna-be nazi -islamo-fascist is gunna be out soon!

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck.

>while scrolling the first page
>not using the catalog
Trash image.

Good luck, Assad

my blood and soul for you Assad the lion

>REMINDER: Sup Forums is currently being invaded with false-flaggers trying to bait anti-Trump sentiment. Don't fall for the ruse.

Shareblue,Mudslimes, and Putinbots have formed a weird alliance
How to spot them:
>Go back to r/the_donald
>Miss me yet
>the US is helping muslims take over a country from a secular president
>Anyone who supports Trump after this is a zionist shill, fucking niggers
>>He betrayed his supporters and is now in the process of regime change in Syria. He might as well be Hillary Clinton
>you can't be against Assad with out being pro ISIS

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad.


Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad
Fuck Ronald Klump


Good Luck Assad

Good luck, Assad

"Good luck, Assad"

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad


Good luck, Assad. :^)

Good luck, Assad

>Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good Luck Assad

May the memes be with us all

Good luck, Assad

Good Luck Assad.

Good luck and kick Zionist ass

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad!

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, assad!

Good luck, Assad

Good Luck, Assad

Good luck ending up like Sadam !

good luck, Assad man, you and mr. Putin are our last bros

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad

120% would mix

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad

Kek has spoken 4 digits for Assad 1 against. Assad will win.

Good luck, Assad

Reminder - Sup Forums supports Assad.

Anyone who doesn't, belongs in the oven.


Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad

try again tze kraut

Nirvana aint it

Good luck Assad

Good luck, Assad

Good bye Assad

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, assad.

Good luck, Assad.

Good luck, Assad

stand true and strong Assad.

may Russia guard your back honestly.

shine bright Lion.

Good luck, Assad. Not the best time to be alive.

What makes Assad different than the rest of his kidn? Not too familiar with his background.

Good luck, Assad.



Good luck, Assad

Good luck Assad

Good Luck, Assad

Good luck, Assad!

Good luck, Assad

it is worth noting that this is the most country diverse thread on Sup Forums now. tells ya something doesn't it?

unlike "i'm still with him", burger dmg control.

That isn't the first post.

Good luck Assad.

Good luck, Assad

Good luck Assad, I hope that if you are right and that the nerve gas was indeed not deployed ny you it can be proven but beware Nikki Haley is one of those bitches that won't listen so you gotta do something good like get some insiders or something if not and you really did bomb those civilians or got cucked by Putin into doing it for some reason then get fucked you unstable mustache alawite fuck

>giving (you)s to ledditors

Good luck, Assad