Tfw the commies are the only ones actually going out in the streets and showing solidarity with Assad against globalism

>tfw the commies are the only ones actually going out in the streets and showing solidarity with Assad against globalism

what the fuck are you doing, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying we aren't secretly commies

>showing solidarity with Muslim despots

The best thing is to show nothing except for simple interest in the military engagements.

wtf i love communism now!

sarin doesn't protect people it . . .

They are actually "anti-imperialist" and support any muslim's killing of any westerner anywhere in the middle east.

Sup Forums is performing olympic-tier mental gymnastics to keep the current cult of personality going, because they're too scared of giving actual criticism to Israel's chosen goy.

A.N.S.W.E.R. is the activist wing of the Party for Socialism and Liberation

I know right? These retards memed so hard and long that nu Sup Forums forgot that the jews don't allow presidents that do not promote globalism.

Yes, leftist organisations as mentioned are driven by "anti-imperialism" which is a quite different concept than anti-globalism. It usually involves supporting whoever is killing Westerners in the rest of the world.

globalism is just a neologism for imperialism, it's the same shit

I just realized that Trump is the Obama for the rightwingfags.
He's a puppet who acts and talks in the rightwing working class manner, and makes promises they believe in, just like Obama made the same promises (peace with Russia, no more random wars in the desert, etc.) using a language and tone which appealed to liberals.

Bernie was probably the puppet for the left, should they ever have a slim chance at winning.
They covered all bases - No matter what you elect, you get the same rulers.

No, not really.

Anti-globalism for us is mainly social (immigration), less economic (trade), and focused on protecting the West. We see globalist as antithetical to that - promoting immigration and sacrificing and destroying the West.

Imperialism in leftist terms is something quite different - the notion that Western countries are evil corrupt monsters violating poor third world nations. Hence "anti-Imperialism" to them is all about supporting the forced and armed removal of Westerners from other countries. If Niggerland 1 invades Niggerland 2 they have no view on it. If Niggerland 2 wants to send refugees here they love it.

Wow, you're a retard. So the attempt at a muslim ban was fake and intended to fail? It was a quite significant departure from existing US policy up to that point:

I mean it doesn't really matter what his intentions are. Trump has been allowed to take up the role of President because it's guaranteed that he won't be able to actually shake up the existing order. Whether or not he seriously believed in the muslim ban, it was never going to pass. Realpolitik, user.

Like for example, whether Trump, Clinton, or Sanders were elected, the National Security Council and other deep state actors would've pushed for and eventually succeeded in launching this strike.

>These sloppy, sad low effort hippies
>Thinking they aren't paid by the Jews to look like fucking omnishambles while the media show fuck -me-now war porn all day
Literally every piece of this shit has been in the works since Hillary started the Clinton Foundation. They just never imagined that they could con Trump into playing her part too

Assad belongs to a sect that celebrates Christmas, and protects Christians as brothers and sisters. An attack on him, is support for the alternative; Islamic radicalism.

And if he is a despot, what of it?

If I could bring state-rule back to European countries, I would.

Do these retards just protest everything?

I thought not liking Assad was a normie thing?

Communists and ethno-nationalists are two of the few groups to have consistently supported Assad from the beginning of the """Civil""" """War"""

For very different reasons of course, commies hold that national independence is a necessary precursor to revolution, as we can see in Lenin's conception of the nation:

"A precise formulation of this question, which no Marxist can avoid, would at once destroy nine-tenths of Rosa Luxemburg’s arguments. This is not the first time that national movements have arisen in Russia, nor are they peculiar to that country alone. Throughout the world, the period of the final victory of capitalism over feudalism has been linked up with national movements. For the complete victory of commodity production, the bourgeoisie must capture the home market, and there must be politically united territories whose population speak a single language, with all obstacles to the development of that language and to its consolidation in literature eliminated. Therein is the economic foundation of national movements. Language is the most important means of human intercourse. Unity and unimpeded development of language are the most important conditions for genuinely free and extensive commerce on a scale commensurate with modern capitalism, for a free and broad grouping of the population in all its various classes and, lastly, for the establishment of a close connection between the market and each and every proprietor, big or little, and between seller and buyer."

And ethno-nationalists for more isolationist/anti-islamic purposes.

>These sloppy, sad low effort hippies
>Thinking they aren't paid by the Jews to look like fucking omnishambles while the media show fuck -me-now war porn all day

yeah I doubt that desu. I'd just seriously like to see the right mobilize against globalism like this for once