Which side are you on?
WW3 General
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I help nato directly, so them :^0
I'm so disappointed with our side I'm about ready to side with Russia.
>implying the UK pays its fair share
We're on the side that's chilling in the corner out of harm's way.
I'm not government employed, I have no say in that.
You mean chilling right under Indonesia
> Saudi Arabia and Turkey allied with Russia
> Belarus allied with NATO
>See map
Obviously, blue.
But fuck the kikes.
>i don't know geopolitics: the map
Poor cuba though man.
One nuke takes the entire country out. Just want until the wind points south at Venezuela for the BOGO.
Can I please please get an honest answer out of someone on this - is mixing up NZ and Australia accidental or a meme?
Redundant country reporting in
>roleplay map with most alliances/neutral countries wrong
Are you even trying or are you this unaware of the current geopolitical situation?
NATO wins but its a war of deceit and lies, and not one I would ever agree on, Britain should stay out of Israel's little game.
>Belarus | NATO
>Ukraine | Axis
Do you know nothing about the politics of those countries?
I never got the meme that you weren't. Just because you have a tiny dark population. You're like 95% white or some shit.
You should change your national language though. Spanish is crap.
it wouldn't even be a war, just a red-bashing slaughter-fest
I think they're mistaking it mate.
I'll enlist just to kill venecos
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Jordan are with us though
India would be fucked
>about to laugh at Canada being lower than Indonesia and Thailand.
we are neutral since 1930
>ally of the jews
Not surprised.
95 is a bit high but yes they are majority white
Why are Saudi and the Gulf States in the Axis. They would never fight alongside Iran.
Hello Belgium. Some people in my home state speak dutch.
>Sunnis and Shias on the same side ever
this state
Dude your map is fucking awful make the thread over and actually use your brain.
>Gulf States
Wtf you on
>Implying we'll be able to fight anything
india and pakistan will be neutral (or at war with each other)
The side staying out of your shitfest.
Turkey would definitely go Axis at this point.
Gulf states would be "neutral".
Bangladesh would side with India. If you think otherwise, you do not know much about their history.
>Saudi Arabia
Are you that stupid and know nothing about politics at all to just know Saudi Arabia is America's ally since 1945?
Ukraine is siding with EU 75% likely
>against Russia
>allied with Iran
>South Americans countries
>Joining in a war
>mfw even if the whole world start nuking each other I'm safe and comfy
Whichever side China's on, i've next to no faith in all others involved.
I mean America's inefficient, incapable and overstretched as fuck, Russia's decrepit, poor and similarly overstretched already, Europe is efficient, possibly incapable (too little testing) and understretched (which does mean there's better potential, but that doesn't matter before it's exploited).
Now China? China's a tad understretched, but given their fuckhuge nature in all sense that matters nothing as they can stall any conflict long enough to just overpower any opposition.
They're not incapable either, which is more than can be said for plenty of those that pass consideration, not exactly the superior kind either but then again they don't need to be.
So whatever China's doing really, neutral otherwise.
heres a more accurate map of the situation
How is Belarus on NATO's side?
Why are turkey and Russia on the same side?
>Ukraine is red
>Belarus is blue
the fuck
South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand should also be blue
Egypt is red
Why do you have people that hate eachother on the same side? Wtf kinda faggot shit is this?
Fuck off we don't want your wars you fucking edgy kids with nukes.
Belarus is independent though, to Putin's chagrin.
(also to the EU's chagrin, but that's no news)
Belarus is heavily aligned with Russia
my map is the most accurate as of right now
Thailand will not intervene, Egypt will not intervene,
I'll go back to Mexico rather than getting roasted.
I always figured the poos would be china/russia-aligned as trade partners
Nato and allies will win assuming the war remains conventional (no nukes). Nato and allies will still defeat Russia if nukes are involved, but will also get fucked up by nukes ourselves.
Just about the only place that will see an improvement in their standard of living is South America
I've been seeing your posts with these edits all day, you're pretty cool man. How do you even make these?
This is a retarded map but more importantly, is this going to be another blue ball or are we actually going to war this time?
Poos hate china don't they?
pretty sure saudis would be blue
And now for an even more accurate map
you cant just exclude all the minor powers, saudi arabia has an alright army, but thats fairly accurate, thought India/Pak would just be alligned with allies or axis, they have a policy of nuking eachother if troops cross the border.
Mutually assured destruction.
thats why they aren't at war.
also jordan would be allied, and the baltic states would definitely not be neutral, same with spain/portugal.
Brazil is not NATO, Brazil is neutral
I cannot get enough of butthurt foreigners. Especially micro penis manlet Russians. This is going to be a great reign for the American empire these next several hundred years. Foreigners btfo eternally.
Thing is, is that minor powers won't play any significant role in the war. Saudi Arabia has no reason to fight anyone and no other nation has any reason to fight them.
India and Pakistan wouldn't engage in anything major with each other, but minor fighting would occur. Countries don't just launch nukes as soon as one attacks the other.
it's no use to try explaining geography and foreign politics to an american, they are too stuck inside their own fat asses.
Baltic powers would likely not get involved unless attacked first. It's in their best interest that they not get involved, due to their proximity to Russia and the fact that they're so tiny that they don't matter.
Russia's chief goals would be to secure already contested holdings. Like in Latakia.
Europe should really consider flipping, unless of course they like taking in more refugees.
nigeria is americas bitch right now
is it just me, or is it really funny to see Germany as blue here?
Aw that's cute. The yellow eyed monkey thinks he's educated!
NATO, so I can get to Australia.
No one is gonna attack Australia and I'll be safe
fuck russia
>Baltic powers would likely not get involved unless attacked first
right thats fair enough, but the baltic powers happen to be part of both the EU and NATO. so they would HAVE to get involved whether they want to or not.
Europe's future would be at stake
I don't see why they'd get involved with either side. Wouldn't it be best for them to stay neutral?
His side.
>saudi arabia doing anything other than just staying rich
not likely
>fucking leaf at the bottom
kek, how the fuck are you losing to Indonesia. they cant even afford proper roads, let alone a proper army.
Forgot to include Saudi Arabia on our side
Ukraine and Turkey are American allies cuck.
Obviously he's better educated than the retards in this thread
The side of FREEDOM ofcourse
desu red has no chance
Russia and China don't even like each other. Way more likely that China stays out of it and helps rip Russia apart
The fun part is that the monkey actually is more educated
The side that doesn't fight
Not much of a world war without China.
This is mainly a "everything that could go wrong does" situation.
Leafland's historically had a pretty small, but extremely well trained and competent military desu. Everybody talks about how leafland contributed a ton in WW1 and even back then our military was pretty small compared to everybody else.
i wish i was in South america rn, i dont want to get raped by russians desu
This is so retarded in so many ways
Sage goes in all fields
Also JTF2 doesn't fuck around.
Sometimes I have the urge to get mad at Brazilians. Then I remember that every Brazilian poster is probably doing so on a seven year old laptop in their mud hut.
I'm an American and there's no way in hell am I going to be on the same side as Canadians. Those people are scum.
Neutral, too many of our blokes have died for other peoples wars while we let all the cunts that hate us into our country. The US should not jave struck syria, obongo should not have armed syria.
>thinking there will be a shot fired.
Oh you.
Yes goyim, the country that's 15% whiter, 5% more christian, 3% less gay, has three times less mudslimes and generally votes conservative more often is literal scum.