Donald Trump plans on stepping down as commander in chief in 2020 in order to let his son-in-law Jared Kushner run for the white house

In another bizarre twist, plans are going forward letting his wife Ivanka Trump, run as his future VP.

I thought the USA was a Republic and not a oligarchy. So much for MAGA

it's about time America gets it's first jewish president

sign me in hillary timeline man

Would he get the south?

>Make It Happen Faggots

Getting our First Jewish Prez really is making AGA

>Implying every president after Kennedy isn't Jewish

Why? Either way the kikes are in control

I just hope Putin doesn't pussy out on us and nukes this Zionist shithole known as the USA

Suck a bag of dicks, OP!

I'm saving this because I think OP will be proven correct.

Go fall down an escalator Chink faggot

Kushner may be a leftist, globalist, but he's also Jewish. So we should trust him.


Ivanka is Trump's achilles heel, he loves her too much to see what's going on. She has to leave Washington.

So we could have a king and Queen?

There is a TV show about a shitty president and his corrupt bitch of a VP wife


We already has Franklin Delano Rosenfeld

Good. Trump is old. It's about time a Jew ruled directly.

I need someone to talk to please.

I was recently released from prison after a 2 year + stint inside and I'm feeling hopeless and unironically considering suicide.

>implying Putin isn't controlled by the same (((people)))

I'm out.

Hell no

kill yourself

Good goy award 2016 goes to.. Sup Forums. For Sup Forumss instrumental work in memeing (((their))) guy into the white house. Congratulations Sup Forums!!

This result is a huge upset as reigning champion Merkel was expected to cruise to victory.