Out of all the tomahawk missiles that were launched 23 hit their target

>out of all the tomahawk missiles that were launched 23 hit their target
>23rd of september
Do you believe now /pol?

It's April though, you dumb coon. April is not September.

59 missiles launched
> 23 hit their targets
36 missiles hit something else.....
> more than half of the missiles missed their targets
What did else did they blow up, where did all the others land??

23 though and 100 years ago yesterday was when America joined WWI. WWIII starts 100 years later. Believe now?




ww3 hasn't started.

>WWIII starts 100 years later.
thats bullshit but not only do i believe it, i will spread it

yet. It was pretty much the thing that got it to start

>Make It Happen Faggots

You think they "missed" half their missiles.
Haha yeah. No.
>That's the wrong word my friend.

>bannon is the one posting this

9-23 Woah duuude you're right!
23 hit their target
and like 9 people were killed

there was just two stars that clashed

Shahah America never fails to be the best posters hands down. That pic is golden. Fuxking larpers guess what's gonna happening on the 23rd NOTHING JUST LIKE DEC 21 2012 or fucking DAK

Oh Sheeeit

All the coincidences in the world couldn't wake a willful sleeper.

They were likely shot down by russian air defenses our govt doesnt want us to know about



Just a pity WWI was already in action for 3 years. And the missile strike took place on the 7th, because you go by local time for events like that.


Prise Kek. He id coming

He is.
The time from now to then will be the test of faith.

>Three branches will become one
>An island will float away
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill

>The star will gorge itself on clay