Shill Warning

There is a screencap of a discord group full of Sup Forums roleplayers floating around. they're trying to create a narrative that shareblue/reddit is raiding to make us hate trump so we go back to liking him. Don't fall for it. We are currently engaged in a 164D chess match with jewish shills.

yep. its the lamest attempt at running away from all Trump criticism I have ever seen. He pulled a neo con move yesterday and anyone who isn't a child with their fingers in their ears can see that. but they refuse to stop sucking trump dick

>to make us hate trump so we go back to liking him.

It's true though. They're lacing their anti trump posts with subtle stuff like shariablue filenames or "i knew i should have voted for hillary" to make it look like they're the paid shills Sup Forums is always worried about. It's reverse reverse psychology.

How many layers of shills are we on right now?

this is retarded. believe what you want based on the available evidence. don't blame shills for your or others' incompetence.


Soon it will be infinite 1488 dimensional reverse psychology.

If you ask me, the shills have landed and Sup Forums is the village in the crossfire

me again

remember to look at the filenames
this butthurt faggot took responsibility for posting a dozen threads with shareblue-sample in the title
only a matter of time before he does it again

They are trying to damage control and they will turn this board into the_Donald 2.0 unless we resist them.


I'm not really sure what you're talking about. None of those posts are mine.

depends on who you want to shill with the information comrade

Jumping ship on Trump when he abandoned the foreign policy objectives he campaigned on is not a matter of shilling.

Trump needs smacked, doesn't mean he needs all of his support lost.

Yep. I'm NOT at all happy about Trump and Syria, and in genuinely concerned about Bannon and Trumps kike son in law, but I'm going full T_D Trump shill for this entire weekend just because I hate these faggot shills more than I hate the idea of dying in WW3.

proofs or it didnt happen shill

Am I the only one seeing more people complaining about skills than actual shills?

Try sliding harder faggot the raids failing so kys

Whoops, didn't realize this was a shill thread. Fuck off OP, pic is legit. I'm full trump train again bitch.
Still salty your satanic cunt lost the election?

Post more funny big brain meme please and thank you

Kek blessed me with these digits true Sup Forums will recognize this as the truth

no it's not it is a single dumdum who didn't rename his files who just has to tell me a filename for my collection to get me to go away

neo-cons and neo-liberals are the same thing
if we voted for hilary we would be in the exact same situation we are in now
you shareblue fuggers are going to fail with the neo-con angle and hard.