Post-nu/pol/ is now so tiresome

>post-nu/pol/ is now so tiresome.

I don't even know who to believe anymore. This place has finally been compromised. Shareblue has finally found Sup Forumss weak point, the air strikes.

Half you retards abandoned Trump at his first campaign promise breaking. Was this babbys first election? You turds sound like Bernouts when he endorsed Hillary. Boo hoo he broke one promise time to commit Sudoku. Fuck off. Welcome to politics. I'm 42 years old. This shit happens all the time. You little queers giving up at the first break is funny and pathetic. This is why the voting age should be 25 or having to rent/own a home.


Kek simply wanted chaos

Right now there are currently shareblue agents working as anti trumpers trying to out a discord full of Sup Forums users roleplaying as anti trumpers so we hate him and then like him again so they can keep the russian shill narrative going in washington. We're currently engaged in 264D chess with jewish shills

go to bed little baby

I still support Trump. Fuck Assad the shitskin. Let Syria burn to the fucking ground already.

Putin needs to back off and stand with Trump otherwise he can go get fucked too.

Shut the fuck up retard.

Not sucking Trump's dick doesn't mean we're abandoning him. We just want him to prove the shills wrong.

Nobody wants another war.

why don't you just trip, you are so easy to find. just give me the file name

It's redditscum attempting to consensus crack, they ACTUALLY believe they can turn Sup Forums into some far left socialist hugbox by capitalizing on Trump bombing some airstrips, it's pathetic, things will be back to normal by Sunday. In the meantime post gore to ward them off.

And chaos is what he got.

If you can't take it then get out of the jungle you little bitch boi op.

>broke one promise

>no Hillary prosecution
>no Muslim ban
>no healthcare reform
>no wall
>no drained swamp
>neocon foreign attacks

Literally broke all his promises lmao

its this

nobody is falling for the shareblue has killed Sup Forums
it is now fun to find you fuckers out and expose all your shenanigans
wondering why you were so exposed today?
look around you.

Fuck niggers and fuck any white person who associates with a nigger.

why don't you actually read what people are saying and think critically you fucking idiot. i'm not an unconditional supporter of anything or anyone, because unconditional support of anything is fucking retarded. trump has the potential to be a great president. problem is, his kike son-in-law is setting him on a different path. it's very obvious there is a divide happening. it could go either way right now, but if trump goes the way of the kike i WILL abandon the trump train. i will have been given no other fucking option. the left will begin to love him, the kikes will love him, you will suddenly see the MSM saying great, wonderful, rosy things about him - and that's when you'll know.

this. we need to push back against this cheeto fuck before he gets cucked by zionist neo-keikes even more

And get his fucking whore daughter out of the white house and her kike husband. Shes a full blown pro-refugee democrat her entire life.

I voted for Trump, not his kike family.

Fuck these mudshits too, fucking rekt.

Why does Sup Forums have to blindly support anyone, let alone some overweight, orange, jew loving cuck?

The truth is you're dreaming, but you can wake yourself up if you shoot yourself.

More mudshits culling themselves? Sure, user!

Hell some of us voted Trump because we just wanted the political field shook up. We never expected miracles, we just wanted to see libshits cry and complacent politicians start to reflect.

You morons are taking your "victory lap" a little early. Just saying.

Oy vey!

>no Hillary prosecution
That was just for the campaign
>no Muslim ban
He did one, but others prevented him
>no healthcare reform
He tried, but again prevented
>no wall
This can still happen or not
>no drained swamp
I agree
>neocon foreign attacks