If whites are the master race, then why does this African man make a fool of you on your own instrument? Explain yourself, Sup Forums.
If whites are the master race
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how will blak bois compete youtube.com
>posting a swede trying to refute a black man's skill
can't make this shit up
have some diversity wite boi
Tosin is as overrated as they come. He even admits that most of his graduating class at Atlanta Musical Institute were superior musicians, and several of them are even more technically gifted than he is.
Video related: one of the MANY guitarists out there today that show technical prowess far beyond what Tosin is capable of.
Holy shit that guy's actually really incredible. Thanks for turning my shitty baitpost into a worthwhile thread.
For the sake of shitposting, have an Evan Brewer. Guy's a colleague of Victor Wooten, who needs no introduction.
I'm probably a better guitarist than Tosin at this point. I used to cover a lot of AAL songs when I was younger.
As far as skill goes, there are a million skilled guitarists out there these days. It's hard to find guitarists who actually write good music though. Josh Martin is pretty good, but he is a liberal faggot cuck.
Ha, yeah Evan Brewer is pretty damn good. Certainly the most talented member of The Faceless in my opinion. Check out the bassist to Cryptopsy and Brain Drill, if you're really into these super technical bass-soloists.
I fucking love both those bands. I'm a sucker for a talented bassist. Mastodon's latest album puts some heavy bass emphasis on, which i appreciate.
While on the subject, any love for the candyrat guitarists? I've been loving the new /comfy/ material they're putting out lately.
Haven't really heard of that term before--"candyrat"? Is that just a catch-all term for a lap-percussive style of guitar play? If so, then yeah, I think it's pretty interesting for sure. Usually my favorite percussive style players are Pierre Bensusan and Micheal Hedges, but this guy certainly has a tremendous amount of talent.
Also, this is now a Sup Forums thread. We /mupol/ now.
Apologies- Candyrat is the name of the record label. What they specialize in is highly percussive fingerstyle guitarists with a high degree of technical skill. Antoine duFour, link related, is one of their more famous artists. Their fandoms see a lot of common ground with the more traditional metal guitarists due to their high emphasis on percussion. Both Pierre and Hedges are close in style to what Candyrat usually signs up with.
Awesome, I'll be sure to check them out in the near future. I see a lot of familiar names popping up on the wiki article that covers Candyrat, so they're probably right up my alley.
You seem to have similar taste in music to me--just to ask, are you a musician? Most of the people I know who listen to the same musicians as I do play music themselves. I've never met a person who's a fan of Brain Drill who DOESN'T play an instrument of some kind.
>Djent fag
I'm an amateur jazz pianist. I've recently gotten into a lot of prog metal lately because I really enjoy the groove and odd time signatures that a lot of them employ. For reference, my biggest inspiration is probably Tigran Hamasyan.
(video is quite long, just skip around a bit to get a taste of his style. He's incredible.)
I FUCKING LOVE PLINI. Have you checked out Sithu Aye and David Maxim Micic's latest albums? DMM's Who Bit The Moon blew me away. Handmade Cities for Plini was amazing as well.
Know about Sithu and his stuff is comfy. Never herad of DMM before so i'll give it a listen
stop replying to shill threads
Just clicking around a bit, I can tell the guy is a hell of a pianist. I'll have to start listening to this group a bit more, especially since I've been trying to expand my musical repertoire into jazz recently. The only "jazz" group I really listen to at this point is Naked City.
If you're just getting into progressive metal, I'd strongly advise you to check out the following:
The Helix Nebula
Ever Forthright
Little Tybee
That's a pretty good sample of some of the better progressive acts that have come about in the past several years. They're all comprised of extremely talented musicians.
nigs btfo by 17yo qt white girl
Back to Sup Forums you utter faggot
Micic is a good friend of Plini and Sithu and has had a few guest spots on albums by both of them. I'd best describe him as a strong mix of Plini and Devin Townsend, and he has a good affinity for guest musicians as well. Jeff Loomis has done solos for at least one of his albums, and he's had plenty of crossovers with some fairly famous names in the metal community for sure.
Helix Nebula and Corellia have been recent favorites of mine, and Tybee got posted earlier in this thread. I'm excited to hear more tunes from all of them. The progosphere is really exciting, there's lots of interesting musical ideas being thrown around. I haven't been exposed to this level of creativity in ages!
link is for the plini/sithu user
The white man's weakness is their compassion.
Cause Tosin is a god among men, probably ayy lmao
Anyone hating Tosin is a fucking faggot, I prefer him over any fucking rapper any day, You cannot like this type of music but anyone, ANYONE can see this is better than modern black culture, blacks need to go back to make blues, jazz or other kind of music
t. nigger
It's strange how africans from africa are consistently viewed as more favorable than the americanized ones.
It's because only the top 0.000001% ever escape Africa in the first place.
I see your Tosin. And raise you all-in one Guthrie Govan.
And just like that your nigger guitarist is now an amateur again.
praise whitey
Who designed, manufactured and sold the guitar to the bro? Not other bro...
BASED TOSIN (he is great, but not the best, anyhow...)
Monkey see, monkey-doo-ooo-ooo
Im pretty sure aryan is the original masterrace
and here i give you the original GOAT and whitey is back to step one. GG.