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Real blood n guts hours, nucka!

Not none of that fake shit, na mean

Based Stef.

bodies in sweden?

Not an argument.


Czy to dostatecznie aktywowalo twoje migdaƂy?

yeah I did, but it was the dogs body that got to me

There were a few yesterday, "enriched" by that truck of peace.

Another truck went into the crowd. Day as usual in Europe.

>People can't care about more than 1 thing
If anything both events are just part of the same cycle of violence

Yeah okay lets be sad about sweden, but lets remember that it was just a few radical individuals and Sweden is open to immigrants! :)

How does Poland avoid it when it borders Deutschland?

i just started watching this faggots videos and hes annoying as fuck. what prime stuff of his do i need to see?

Tomahawk missiles are not an argument.

nothing. it's just hours of him babbling nonsense in a condescending tone.

Cruise missile strike against evildoers in Stockholm incoming

The implication is with the media and narrative. With the gas attack they want you to feel mad at Assad about the dead Syrians, but with the Sweden truck attack they don't want you to feel mad at Muslims over the dead Swedes.

This guy is like Scientology: basing people while asking for money. kek.


His truth about videos are decent, but I dont even really watch his videos anymore.

This. And he's absolutely right.

sss aahhhhh

dammit audible kek

>Look at me i want attention.

Jesus christ I can't believe I chuckled at that terrible joke.

He used to be a lot better. He's devolved. His Truth About series is good, watch the one on Muhammed Ali.

Trips of truth.

They only show us bodies when it serves their purpose, as propaganda.

It's already working. No one will pay attention to the Sweden attack now. And ultimately prolonging the Syrian war will end in more refugees coming to Europe.


How long before he rents a truck and drives it into a mosque?

He mean the bodies in sweden are a false flag. There was no terror attack.

I hate this faggot. Ever since "one fucking dollar" I think every he just says inflammatory things just to get exposure

>--- Think About It --- Think About It --- Think About It ------ Think About It --- Think About It --- Think About It ---


A chemical attack in Syria and every mainstream media outlet plasters every second of news with images of dead kids.
A terrorist attack in Sweden and they don't show a fucking thing unless they absolutely have to.

It's enraging. There are a few people responsible that really just need a fucking slap.

I didn't see the bodies in Sandy Hook

why is it okay to see dead foriegn kids only?

as if any actual syrians are refugees

Its a pretty good argument

Wellfare here is so low, that muzzies don't wan't to be here.
They just wan't to cuck the welfare states such as Sweeden and Germoney.

>No one will pay attention to the Sweden attack now

Can you imagine how mad the muzzies must be about this? probably they all sit in one room in front of tv waiting for reports and all they got is news from Syria.

from cucked to trucked...don't say they weren't warned

nothing, he's a shit faux-intellectual

Didn't he just say a minute ago that photos of dead people are not an argument?? What an unstable confused man


Poland is a shithole that isn't worth emigrating to, nor attacking.

poland is a slav shithole