Will Mexico Get Half of Its Territory Back?


>The United States invasion of Mexico in 1846 inflicted a painful wound that, in the 170 years that followed, turned into a scar. Donald Trump has torn it open again.

>Among the many lies that he has constructed, none is more ridiculous than his attempt to contradict history by presenting the United States as a victim of Mexico, a country that supposedly steals jobs, imposes onerous treaties and sends its “bad hombres” across the border.

>To confront this fake history, some Mexicans are proposing to remind Mr. Trump exactly what country was the first victim of American imperialism. They are calling for a lawsuit that would aim to nullify the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (signed on Feb. 2, 1848), in which Mexico — invaded by American soldiers, its capital occupied, its ports and customs stations seized — was forced to accept the American annexation of Texas and concede more than half the rest of Mexican territory, now including most of the states of Arizona, New Mexico and California.

>The United States owes Mexico and itself an honest reconsideration of its first imperial war, not only in its schools and universities but also in its museums and books. Hollywood and Broadway, which have always played an important role in shaping the American historical consciousness, should take up the issue.

>Films, documentaries and memorable TV series have helped to modify the memory of two original sins, slavery and racism against African-Americans, and, with somewhat lesser attention perhaps, the racist slaughter and repression of the American Indians. A third sin should be added to these: the aggression against Mexico and the plundering of its territory.

>But the best and most just reparation would be American immigration reform that could open the road to citizenship for the descendants of those Mexicans who suffered the unjust loss of half their territory.


I honestly don't understand what they are trying to say. That all Mexicans should have the right to citizenship?


>not posting archive link
kys maplefaggot

also, reparations

Naw nigga buy stock

So will Mexico also give the money back which the US paid for the land?

That land was always evil, if you dont believe me, search for the history of the tribes that inhabited the West. Even then, they saw their own fate.

And why would we want it back ? All full of holes....

They are saying because you stole California and Texas in an unjust war of aggression every single Mexican currently residing inside the borders of the united states should be granted citizenship as reparations, along with their descendants.

And if you don't they will tear up the treaty of 1848.

>mfw this probably will cause a second war between usa and mexico

Didn't burgers btfo mexicans and rolled into there capital with relative ease and then in turn helped them rebuild?

Literally a few billions adjusted to inflation, fucking kek.

1st off let me start by saying fuck leafs, they're bascially white niggers

2nd let me say I'm an American-Mexican and by the looks of it the United States did a way better job than I could expect of Mexico.

With that said I still think Trump should fuck himself with the wall idea.

>And if you don't they will tear up the treaty of 1848.

I hope they do. Would give us a reason to annex the rest of their territory and unfuck it.

They owe us a lot, we want the American citizenship and be treated with respect or we will break up that treaty signed in 1847.

mexican gov can not even control the land they have. If they had more natural rss we would bring them freedom.

As far as I'm concerned, they can have California back.

Mexico getting half of its territory back is like saying the UK/Commonwealth deserves to get its land it colonized, UAE/Qatar/Jordan, etc

No, niggers are incapable of make any civilization, We had a lot, the most importants were

New Spain

Yeah, and President Monroe wanted to go even further annexing everything north of Mexico City. I'm glad he didn't, but the butthurt that would have come from Mexicans would have been almost worth it.

When will people understand that outside of the classroom, might makes right? No one cares if you are a victim.

I hope you and every nigger you know gets deported back to Mexico.

Fuck mexico.
Return all stolen lands to the Indians
And get your greasy asses back on the boat.
Spain is calling you home.

your shit empire crumbled, you only survived today because if we stretched our resources a European power would have gained a foothold again in the americas. You are literally useless.

Mexicans are literally the worst people in existence. They combine the entitlement of the nigger with the savagery of the Muslim and the victim complex of the Jew.

Literal plague upon humanity.

>And if you don't they will tear up the treaty of 1848.

Not smart, unlike Syria nobody will bat an eyelash if Trump goes full helicopter ride on Mexico. Nor would anyone complain.

There is not a single Mexican whose ancestors were diaplaced by the treaty. Any Mexicans who happenes to be in those territories, all 10 of them, became citizens of the US. Anyone who brings up Texas is objectively mentally retarded. They joined of their own free will after being their own country for 10 years.

Never. Indians dont have a soul, they dont deserve too much territories.

America was discovered by Hispania in 1492, remember this, its our fucking land.

If people think stirring up a war with mexico will keep the US busy they are very mistaken. Their territory is not even worth taking it is all shit

The New York Times is owned by Carlos Slim, who is Mexican and has huge business interests in Mexico.

He represents to Mexican fifth column within the United States that has zero loyalty to the country. He is a villain and wants to harm the US.

you can not even control the little land you have now. Keep crying, maybe the UN will listen and give you a grant.

Don't forget the cartels and the filthy shit in Mexico

This is approaching revisionist levels I have only seen from the Japanese, holy fuck but thanks for the laugh I guess.

we own the cartels, if we didn't mexico would have been given freedom a long time ago

After living in California my whole life I couldn't be more sick of Mexicans. If you're an anchor baby and you didn't have any choice then just live here as an American. Don't expect me to learn Spanish so I can sell burgers to your fridge-shaped troll of a mother.

No, never
When the US took it those territories were wastelands. Now they have a shit ton on people and infrastructure, so it would be imposible to get it back as long as the US exists

>Remember that time US troops stormed Chapultepec Castle? In that time it was a military school. Americans have being shooting down schools for centuries

hahahahahahaha a desert shithole fill of sand niggers and Ethnic groups (2015[1])
27.15% Indian
12.53% Pakistani
11.32% Emirati
7.31% Bangladeshi
3.13% Sri Lankan
38.6% others


the oil is running out, and you will come back to fuck goats again mehmeht

> implying they haven't taken it already

seeing as the saudis have trillions of barrels of oil, no one is gonna give you attention




fuck u chi-ca-no, Mexico sucks because we keep mostly south and the south is shit

No, Trump will annex Mexican land. Mexico has violated the Rio grande treaty, by 2024 Mexico will cut in half and Cuba will become a US territory.
Pic related...

>diaspora Jews shame white Americans about blacks and slavery 247365
>movies, music, awards, lobbyists, protests
>and jews shame whites about Indians
>"Columbus wasn't here first, Susie" - teachers
>diaspora Jews now teaming with Mexicans
>White America "owes" tacofags land back
>meanwhile Zionist Jews in Israel slaughtering Palestinians
>telling them (((we))) were here first, we superior
>take all their land
>now they set sights on sandniggers across Middle East

Jews are shaming whites here as Israel mimics America's expansion. Always playing both sides. Burning both ends. Get upset when thrown into oven.

>chicanito detected

its bravo river idiot, that was how the Spanish named it.

>Be Mexican
>Jump the border into USA
>Treaty gets annulled
>Now back in Mexico