Africans are subhuma-

Africans are subhuma-

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The tacked on spring makes it extra fancy.

>The nigger building a pile of junk
I'm so impressed.

One slight achievement doesn't wash away the flooding of stupidity and degeneracy as a whole they do on a day to day basis. Fuck off OP and saged

There are good people from all walks of life, user. You know as well as I do that tru-Sup Forums hates cultures, not people.


Good for him

did he built it for himself or for the advancement of society?

Same with Whites then, if we're being fair. A handful of Whites were above average and the rest a leeches who support ZOG. The achievements of those few Whites doesn't wash away all the damage Whites have done in support of Israel. This includes WWI and II.

what a BASED BLACK MAN. he's not a nigger - only the bad ones are niggers. this is a BLACK MAN. niggers aren't a race, they're a type of person. whites can be niggers too, am i right?


>mop bo skibbidy bobbiddy bo we use aeronauts n' sheeet
>build a useless piece of crap that will never fly or be remotely useful
>CNN decides to make a fake news clickbait article
wow these african folks sure are geniuses, they were just oppressed by evil whitey throughout their entire existance

you write sage in the options field not in the name, dumbass

>that spring

topkek, "we are proud to be from the city that has invented this" a shitty version of a motorcycle which was invented in the earth 20th century.

>why not both


I hope its first flight is straight off a cliff.

Every fucking time.

>Orks lack individual psychic power, being denied such abilities by the Old Ones. However, they do have a sort of collaborative, collective psychic ability, meaning that if enough Orks believe something is true, then it will actually become so, brought into power by their gestalt psychic ability. For example, Ork rockets painted yellow create bigger explosions, simply because the vast majority of Orks believe they do. This is also why much of the Orks' seemingly ramshackle technology will do terrible damage in the hands of Orks, but will cease to function when used by other races.


you get error if you do that
this feature was implemented to stop people treating it like a downvote


>To train the afronauts, Nkoloso set up a makeshift facility on an abandoned farm seven miles from Lusaka where the trainees would be rolled down a rough hill in a 44-gallon oil drum. This, according to Nkoloso, would train the men in the feeling of weightlessness in both space travel and re-entry. In addition, they used a tire-swing to simulate weightlessness.

How can white imperials ever compete.

At least this actually serves a purpose.



That's like those cancer cures, 1 million exist, every medical college got one, but they all 95% finished, so you 100% die.


>wow these african folks sure are geniuses, they were just oppressed by evil whitey throughout their entire existance

This glorified laziness drives me crazy

That is some warcraft shit technology,OP.

>Year 2017
>Black race invents the cart

I don't get it, how do these people view everyone else around them who lives a normal life? I mean, they're being interviewed in the center of the city with normal modern houses and cars and shit passing by. Do they completely ignore their existence? Do they think they're gods or demons? I just don't get it.

Great, now they can stay in their own country. In my opinion peoples and nations should just be seperated but we should respect each other.

i swear, even 6 months ago i was able to put sage in all fields. how did you know the reason for this change? do they announce this shit somewhere? it sure as shit isn't on the news page

shit i forgot to put sage in the options field

ok so it works in cyrillic

all this attention is akin to a 7 year olds retarded drawing getting praise and being called good when its objectively trash
why do african intellectuals need this

Will it be finished by 2199?

Sage goes in all fields is an old meme; it means you put sage in name, email (removed), options, and text field to look extra angrey with the thread.

It didn't mean you can put it anywhere.

not going to lie, I tried to treat it as a downvote

>flying jet car

So a plane?

African is one of the oldest nations on the planet.
They are still in the fucking stone ages.

>I just don't get it.

Niggers usually stop developing mentally at about the level of an 8-10 year old of other races.

You ever see a kid put on daddy's necktie and stuff some crayons and shitty drawings into an old briefcase and pretend like they're going to work?
This is the same thing, and the media heaping praise on them is like mommy saying "what a big, strong man you are!!!"


satan digits but jesus comment--from the best ones i've ever read


yes, i know, but i mean, how did he know that was the specific reason it stopped being allowed? sage not being a downvote has been in the rules forever, but i don't remember a time it was ever disabled like this(if you try to use it for the name field and options field both) before. then again there have been times where i've gone months without sageing anything so maybe i missed it.

But they see technology around them, they see people using it, do they have no social or other ties to those people? Are they from a poor ghetto and completely disassociated from the actual city? Because from what I'm seeing, they're living in pretty normal looking houses too, and they're if not in the city, very near to it. They even participate in traffic with normal vehicles, it's not like they're some tribe in the middle of nowhere.

Are you trying to say that all of the white societal and technological advancements that gave us civilization are equal to the accomplishments of blacks (which is nothing)?

>africa is a nation
it is not the africans who are retarded


Kill yourselves you disgusting Iedditors

>trying this hard

I'm glad you posted that, which reminds me of this, which slays me every single fucking time.

this is a great reaction pic my friend, do you mind if i save it? :)

tyrone is a traditional irish name btw

But of course. This is why the Irish were never considered white to begin with.

suuure, you want to "save" it.

Please, it's all yours friend. :)

I laughed at this.
But then I asked myself what more than this man I had done to serve my own community. Shit.

Your community is the entire internet, user. We depend on quality Australian shitposting and bantz.

Even one half-hearted Aussie line about cunts and bogans is worth five hundred negrocycles.

i planted some flowers outside of my commieblock so i'm all good

I mean, yeah but this is actually useful to those who can't afford vehicles. Apparently has been around since before they had motorcycles in the region.

thank you :)

so, it's a case of ahmed's clock reloaded or what?

What is this from, if you don't mind me asking?

It's a flying jet car that does not yet fly. The article says it's built from scrap but literally a drivetrain from something else had a body built out of garbage around it. It's just like describes

He's trying to fly away from Africa


Also RARE?!

I love this timeline.
Das because whitey came along and cursed us! Woe now we are all retarded and only money can reverse the white magic!

I swear I saw this in the news like fucking 5 years ago that he is building it. He is still building it lmao

Nigger first names are Gaelic, nigger last names are Anglo

>Trayvon Blacklivesmatter Washington

>But they see technology around them, they see people using it

Niggers (and liberals) are animists—they believe that inanimate objects are inhabited by good or evil spirits. This is why news stories always read “73 people killed by guns in Chicago this weekend” instead of “73 people killed by niggers in Chicago this weekend”. This is much like how you’ll see babble about good and bad neighborhoods; they truly believe that white men took all the dirt inhabited by good spirits and that all their shortcomings are caused by bad spirits that control their dirt. They’re truly confused when niggers move into White neighborhoods (causing all the Whites to move away) and those neighborhoods then decay into a semblance of African ‘civilization’. The only answer must be that evil whitey done stole the good spirits when they left.

Now, look at the technology in the background of the video. Motorcycles, paved roads, cars, trucks, buildings and other infrastructure—those niggers created none of that. To them it’s magical.
The niggercycle, the helicopter from Zimbabwe, the afronauts; they’re just mimicking the technology they see, with the belief that if their creation is inhabited by a ‘good’ spirit it will work the same way.

>We do not even steal for a living. There is nothing to steal anymore.


I'm aware of cargo cults and such, but those are usually in remote tribes and happen only when the "great white man" leaves, I just can't wrap my mind around them existing in civilized places, because you have to somehow pick up on normal civilized values and knowledge by osmosis, I can't believe you can be so isolated socially and intellectually, especially in current year with mass media and globalization and everything.

>I mean, yeah but this is actually useful to those who can't afford vehicles.

Sure, the niggercycle might be useful; the redpill is the spring that serves no purpose nailed on to it.

They only add it because they've seen springs like that on real motorcycles. They have no fucking clue what it might be for, but believe that it somehow makes their creation better.


It's not working

>I'm aware of cargo cults and such, but those are usually in remote tribes and happen only when the "great white man" leaves

You really should look at the Zimbabwe pic in my last post.

they just perceive the world differently and they aren't equipped to comprehend civilization on the same level as us. they're biologically and genetically different, that's all there is to it.

in the 19th century, during a time where trains and telegraphs and machine guns existed, there were tribes in africa who hadn't invented the wheel. wrap your head around this. tens of thousands of years of difference in technology. imagine an alien race that was 10 000 years ahead of us in technology. do you really still think africans are our equals?

the only reason you're having a hard time understanding how they can fuck up this badly is because you think they're literally europeans with a different skin color who happened to not develop technologies by accident. that's not true. your thoughts and your inner world and your perceptions are infinitely more complex than what a nigger has to work with.

do you read sci-fi? remember all the times in sci-fi where it has been advised against uplifting lesser races and interfering in their affairs? that's how it is with niggers. we are literally a galaxy-spanning civilization compared to them.

Aka. traditional black name.

Thank you for the glorious keks


And as usual, the press presents these "inventors" as if they are accomplishing something. Imagine if billybob in alabama, or paddy in ireland had created the jet car or the boardcycle; the whole piece would be mocking their stupidity.

It's hilarious that everyone condescends when it comes to blacks, but it's a crime to acknowledge this. Like that black woman the other day wanting to know why the picture of blacks reading hadn't gone viral. Sad, really.

i love this shit. liberal projection is incredible. "whitey fot our tech be magic yo".

meanwhile niggers in the 21st century literally build wooden statues of white technology and worship them as divine.

seriously, do they just see things their people do, feel ashamed of them and then randomly accuse us of doing the same thing?

>Like that black woman the other day wanting to know why the picture of blacks reading hadn't gone viral


You're just mad that you wasn't kangz.

>>in the 19th century, during a time where trains and telegraphs and machine guns existed, there were tribes in africa who hadn't invented the wheel.
Yes, but they didn't live right in the middle of a city with trains and telegraphs and machine guns, seeing them used by other people every day.

And I'm not just baffled by the intellectual difference if that's what you got from my posts, I'm more baffled by the complete separation on all levels, intellectual, social, economic, etc. that seems to exist despite the fact that other (probably even black) people are driving cars and such on the exact same roads they're driving these wooden bikes on.

For example in, I don't know, Cambodia or India or something, you'd have people saving up to buy a cheap scooter and then use it to transport their entire family on, or to bring food for their entire slum or village or whatever. They would be at least loosely connected with the "civilization" and on more levels than one.

I mean, honestly, I would sooner expect people to get the idea of "I'm going to have to suck 2000 dicks for a scooter" in their heads than this, as long as they're in touch with some kind of civilization in their general vicinity.

The best part?

They only have these because of colonialism. Beforehand, they didn't even have wheels, much less boards.


It was on Sup Forums a few days ago, but I can't find it. It looked like a pic from a subway, where two adult blacks and a child were all three reading, and the black tweeter wanted to know why it hadn't gone viral.


anyone who hasn't heard of cargo cults needs to check it out.

so you're equating a mass of people who can behave themselves and participate in civilized society with a mass of people who regularly disregard the rules of common decency and consistently fail simple ethical and logical quandaries? whites and blacks just aren't comparable m80, not as groups

I saw this a lot in Africa. It's the same sort of thing that imaginative school children do when they think they are investing a perpetual motion machine, or building a fusion reactor. Well meaning white women with big smiles encourage the make believe, and soon they start to think they're actually building something. They get excited. It's fun to pretend! But eventually it gets plugged in or turned on and nothing happens. The disappointed niggers look around for encouragement, but the smiley white lady with the nice shoes is gone -- she has moved on to the next sub-human shit pile in need of useless human encouragement. The children go back to lighting each other on fire and killing each other with AIDS and machetes.

