Imagine for a minute being a Dutch nationalist

Imagine for a minute being a Dutch nationalist.

Wilders came in number two with 1,372,941 (13.1%) votes yet won't be part of the acting government collation.
Another party with 356,271 (3.5%) votes will

Why is this allowed?

Pretty much the situation in France for 20 years

because the other parties can form a majority without him in the coalition.

maybe the population should hone their autism better and win by a bigger margin

>Without the party that came second

And that's good because...?

Happened in the UK before the conservative shit on their partners in crime. That is democracy. Get rid of this shit form of government that has spread around the world and we would all be much better off.

jews i guess?

It's not good.
But they have been presented with the option of governing without Wilders, something almost all parties said they would have to begin with.
So ofcourse they took it, thus forming a highly unstable coalition that will either fail within a year or turn us into a swampy enriched hellhole

Who cares. The Netherlands is dead. Daily reminder that 70% of the under 12s in Rotterdam are non-white. Similar figures for the other big cities. As much as I like clogniggers, they got btfo.

dear mr. nip
if your population is decressing, are house prices becoming cheaper?



The house prices stay the same because the economy is stagnant. The wages do not rise each year. The food prices do not rise each year. Therefore once you come to Japan you can not leave because the outside economies move upwards. The pop. is not decreasing in real terms. You need to go study a bit more and stop shaming my flag.

This, I will stay for a few more years and fuck off to a place with lower taxes. These niggers are killing my paycheck.

i like you nips

Just wanna say I love your flag, its aesthetic as fuck

Not surprised if these pictures are from cities like Amsterdam or Rotterdam, those places are doomed.

>Imagine for a minute being a Dutch nationalist.
Very, very hard to do that

>Why is this allowed?

Because we actually have a representative democracy, rather than whatever the fuck it is you people propagage on your Island..

How many votes got UKIP how many seats again? And what was the comparison to the SNP like?


I should make my own picture collection of Almere, over 50% of the white women seem to be in relationships with blacks/arabs.

Don't think it's like that everywhere in this country. Only cities like those are doomed. Try visiting Volendam, only color other than white you will see is from the many tourists.

Aristotle and Plato weren't kidding about democracy being a form of tyranny where many act as one :v)

Enjoy it

A representative democracy where 12% of the vote - the second largest group - gets zero representation. Nice democracy!

Never ceases to make me smile..
>All that Amsterdam trash
>That girly guy with the glasses


Plato or Socrates? Remember Socrates was also against academia.

this is our real flag

Because saying you want less Moroccans is literally another shoah. A lower judge even said so.


>zero representation

Twenty out of the 150 representatives in total represent them, user. Because that's what they are proportionally entitled too.. If they wanted to be represented by (part of) the coalition, they would not have voted PVV. It's that simple..

Superior flag, coming through..

>even more EU succing without any koopkracht gains and an exploding house market
>+GL to add some white guilt and tranny policies

end this country

Liberalism destroys a country.

Zero sympathy the dutch from me. You let the migrants and shitskins in, you brought this on yourselves so you can virtue signal about muh diversity.

they do get representation though - in the form of parliament seats. if they want to be part of the government then they should either capture more seats or change their policies so that other parties are willing to cooperate with them.

i bet you wouldn't be bitching about this if it was the PVV forming a coalition and excluding left-wing parties

We deserve a Truck of Peace and Equalityâ„¢ really

Actually UKIP has 0 because the only lawmaker went Independent

>Amsterdam on 27th of April

This will cure the disease.

I'm not sure if Socrates agreed to it.

Plato described democracy as a tyranny in Statesman and Law dialogues.

Now look at Scottish National, in the same list..
>Brits actually having the gall to say shit

Where did he say it is good you faggot?

Not agreeing with women's virtue signaling means no sex for you because you're an unfeeling asshole in their eyes.

m8 pls, have you ever actually touched a girl, grabbed her apple-shaped titties, buried your face between her legs and taken a deep whiff of pussy?

If not, focus on that before going supreme /r9k/...

Plato wrote the words of Socrates.

PVV proved itself to be a difficult party to cooperate with, in the past a cabinet already fell because of him. It was an unstable cabinet to begin with too with the PVV supporting it when it voted but refusing to take part of it.
Another problem with the PVV is that it isn't a traditional party and misses a lot of funds for campaign.

Tl;dr, the PVV is retarded.

The SNP vote is heavily concentrated in a very small number of seats. Of course they're going to win seats if their vote is concentrated in certain geographical areas.

Red Shit fuck off. Stop using out of pol wording.

Its not, but sadly nobody seems to understand this simple fact and just praise the government for not allowing Wilders. Most people that voted on anything other than PVV, voted just because they got scared.

Why is this allowed?

If the far right will never adapt it will get nowhere, to ignore my concerns is to concede power to the center and left.
Although the VVD will could very wel just use the PVV's eternal loser status to get all those sweet right wing votes by acting a little tougher on immigration and such things. You'd almost think they planned this stuff out or something.

Are there any down sides to having too many different parties as part of a coalition? I'd imagine if you wanted to ignore the second biggest party, the other parties you use to fill the void would have competing interests and be able to hold out their necessary portion to get that assured 51% majority, or 2/3rds, or however it works there, making it impossible to actually tackle problems, problems that grow this giant party you're trying to ignore, because you have to wade through this ocean of internal conflict.

Why would I invest time reading a message from a dutch faggot?

Your language is a retarded German dialect and your English accent is stupid and incomprehensible. All clogs should be gassed

Why is what allowed?

You can't force a party to stand in all constituencies.

The 1.5m votes for the SNP is split across roughly 50 seats, i.e. about 30,000 votes per seat.

The UKIP vote, say 4 million, is spread over about 600 seats, i.e. about 6,666 votes per seat.

Learn to separate national parties from those with geographic constraints and you might start to make more sense of it.

I said FUCK OFF back to red shit.

You dont hve regional parties in your country?

Then why are you making this thread? Mad because we're not a pawn to use against the EU?

>Your language is a retarded German dialect and your English accent is stupid and incomprehensible. All clogs should be gassed

>It's another Englishman mad that they abandoned Germanic in favor of their romanised non phonetic shit spoken by Paki's and Poos alike.

Lmao m8.

>Why is what allowed?
Giving 3 million voters nigh 0 representation, while giving barely 1,5 million voters 50 seats?
>You can't force a party to stand in all constituencies.
But you can force a country to simple proportionally represent their people.
>The 1.5m votes for the SNP is split across roughly 50 seats, i.e. about 30,000 votes per seat.
>The UKIP vote, say 4 million, is spread over about 600 seats, i.e. about 6,666 votes per seat.
>Learn to separate national parties from those with geographic constraints and you might start to make more sense of it.

Learn to apply proportional representation, and abolish fptp, and you'll maybe able to become democratic as well.

We don't have regional representation in national elections. We have regional parties in regional elections. National elections are proportionally represented.. You need roughly 60.000 votes for a seat in parliament, and it doesn't matter where the voters live.

Picture of a local school, there is like 1 white kid out of 10 blacks/arabs. There is also a school here that was changed to a muslim only school, they changed the name of the school as well.

No thanks, I like my elected official to be representative of my local area, not some darkies in London.

Why should someone in London have any say in who represents someone living on Orkney?


>bred out of your own country using your own women

lmao, fucking cucks

Why should the 3 million UKIP voters not get any say in what happens to their country at large?

>being this mad
>actually lifting the filter to read this post

LMAO at your life, nigel..

>your own women

In Rotterdam? Doubtful...

Mfw it's another Britbong doesn't understand proportional representation thread

Because not enough people voted for them in any specific constituency for them to win many seats.

In all of these constituencies the voters thought that they would be best served by voting for a different party, and they did so, representing the will of the largest majority of people. They only have to get more votes than any other party in a constituency and they're elected. The rules are no different for them than for anyone else.

He said democracy was the 2nd lowest form of society just above dictatorship. Also said "notice how the men and women act the same in democracy".

So because their neighbors in their little bits of Britain don't agree with them, 3 million people nation wide do not get any seats in national parliament? Seems like your system does not represent the actual will of the people very well.. Who cares what a small geographical area wants with the country at large? Shouldn't it be the entire population that gets to weigh in on that, regardless of where they live?

13.1% is a higher proportion than 3.5%. Does Netherlands have electoral regions, sort of like the electoral college (ie why shillary lost)?

You must mean a boat of peace

We have 1 man one vote. The amount of votes are divided by the amount of seats in parliament, and whatever comes out of that is the amount of votes needed for a seat. Typically around 60.000. There are no regions or constituencies. If you live in the Netherlands, or one of the Carribean Islands that fall under administration of the Netherlands* you're all part of the same national constituency, and all vote for the same national pariament.

*Some Carribean islands have seperate governments, but they count as seperate countries within the Kingdom and don't vote for the same parliament we do.

Brits are fucking retarded.

The party that came first decides who to work with

The PVDA (socialist scum party) had in 1977 53 seats but was not in the government. It is just the way our system works.

>We have 1 man one vote.
*don't have.

What I meant was all votes are weighed the same. Was thinking of the wrong term..

So how the hell does Geert not have any influence then?

>Seems like your system does not represent the actual will of the people very well

What about the will of the tens of millions of people that voted for other parties? I think it does a splendid job of capturing the will of the people. It's a shame that you seem to believe that your community shouldn't be represented at the highest levels of government. That's your choice.

>Who cares what a small geographical area wants with the country at large
The people living there. Why do you think that they should not be represented?

>Shouldn't it be the entire population that gets to weigh in on that, regardless of where they live?
The entire population does get to weigh in. Everyone has a vote for their local constituency MP, the same as every other cunt in Britain does.

Again, why should 10,000,000 brown people living in London have more say in what happens in Orkney than the 20,000 people who actually have to live in Orkney?

Nope, first-past the post was abandoned when universal male suffrage was introduced in 1917, when the socialists and conservatives worked together to sideline the liberals: socialists got proportional representation and universal suffrage in exchange for religious schools getting government funding (religious schools are still an integral part of dutch education believe it or not). The idea was for workers to vote the left into power however they voted for christian parties instead.

Geert has 20/150 seats in Parliament, with all the allotted speaking time and resources that come along with that. If he'd open up his party to members (technically he's the only member, the rest are supporters/voters/employees technically) he would get even more in terms of national funding.. The fact that he's not getting into government is entirely due to circumstances, like him saying weird/crazy shit every now and then, the fact that he has little to no competent and qualified people to fill ministerial posts, and the fact that you NEED a coalition in this country, and Wilders is the absolute and undisputed master of alienating himself to other political parties.

You do not get to suggest ridiculous bullshit like 'headragtaxes', and still be considered a serious coalition partner..

>past cabinet fell because of him
If CDA and VVD had just played ball and let Wilders into the coalition shit would've been fine, but they just HAD to virtue signal to their constituents.

>PVV refused to take part in the unstable cabinet
Wrong, CDA and VVD explicitely stated to the informateur/formateur that they REFUSED to work with PVV in a coalition. That botched cabinet is on them, they should be thanking Wilders on their fucking knees for letting them govern as long as he did.

>Again, why should 10,000,000 brown people living in London have more say in what happens in Orkney than the 20,000 people who actually have to live in Orkney?

Why should people concentrated in Orkney or London have more to say about people living in Britain at large than the people in Britain at large? I get voting for regional parties and such in regional bodies, but when voting for national parliament, about national matters, shouldn't the entire nation's vote be weighed equally?

I wasn't referring to first past the post. There are many types of voting (like preferential and weighted average) that can be used in regional systems.

We have none, as said. Just the amount of votes divided by the amount of seats, and then some magic maths juggling to round it off for the very last seat..

>You do not get to suggest ridiculous bullshit like 'headragtaxes

You do not get to suggest sensible policy to preserve the culture of your nation and still be considered a serious coalition partner! Virtue signalling cucks only!

What a fucking joke. Do you really believe muslims will return the same toleran favor to you?

1917 also saw all regional districts removed.

>shouldn't the entire nation's vote be weighed equally?

In what manner is anyones vote not weighed exactly as any other vote?

Wilders is a total Jewish agenda proxy, I don't fucking understand why Sup Forums likes him

Cause he is what passes for "right wing" in Toleristan

He is anti-globalist and wishes to maintain Dutch culture as the predominant culture in the Netherlands.

I don't settle for someone that thrives on pandering to Israel

Western euro "nationalists" and "right wings" praising israel are the lulziest shit ever. Its like hating baldness but praising cancer just to be a contrarian.

>says the guy from Volendam

Seriously, all this political bullshit brings us nothing

The establishment celebrated victory on live msm, though no vote was counted yet!

We do not live in a democracy, how clear do you want it?

Today I ordered some new (legal) weapons and next week I'm learning to shoot

Get ready fags

Reported to AIVD

>legal weapons

Shooting guns at a club is also legal

So go ahead traitor

>You do not get to suggest sensible policy
A tax on headrags, suggested in those exact words ('kopvoddentaks') is not sensible policy.. Something like having the freedom to deny people in a headscarf a job position on the basis of dress code would be sensible policy. Banning full face veils in certain public areas is sensible (and policy as of now, I believe). Taxing a certain way of dressing because it's ugly, is idiotic and unfit in a free society like this one. Especially when wearing scarves and such over hair used to be traditional here not too long ago.
>to preserve the culture of your nation and still be considered a serious coalition partner! Virtue signalling cucks only!

Not being taxed or troubled for the way you dress in public IS part of Dutch culture.. I think headscarves are retarded and look stupid, but I don't believe the government should have a say on what people choose to wear on the street unless there's some very pressing reason.

>What a fucking joke. Do you really believe muslims will return the same toleran favor to you?

No. Unfortunately our government and laws actually favor religious lunatics over regular folk, it seems, and I am throughly against that.. It just doesn't mean I'd support freedom repressing measures from the government just because I think Muslims are cunts.. At the same time though, I don't believe private establishments or people have the same requirement to accept every stupid hat onto their premises due to 'muh religion', much less hire people that wear them.

what did you order, and from where

Of course they have to "virtue signal" it's called being a party if not they might as well fly all over the place. Wilders should have taken that into consideration.

Shooting guns at a gun club with the intent of aquiring one to use in self defense is very rarely legal. Something tells me you do not fall under the terms of Article 29 Wet Wapens & Munitie.

UKIP voters: ~3-3.5 million. Seats: 1.
SNP voters: ~1.5 million. Seats: 50.

In that manner perhaps?


Mehmet pay denbt. Lay off the wine & women..