Who was it?

Own up. I know it was one of you fags. Come on. You at the back? Yes you. With the hair.

Source: Times, 07/04/17 pg 34

>3.41MB file
Yeah piss off m8. I'm not made of money.

Peasant friendly version.

No idea why it's fucking sideways.

>Colouring Book Pulled Over Picture of Hitler
>A Dutch pharmacy chain has apologized and removed copies of a children's colouring book from its shelves after finding they contained an image of Aldolf Hitler, complete with swastika armband, giving a Nazi salute. Kruidvat said it was investigating how the image got into the books "despite various checks". It is not known how many were sold.

Testing my new keyboard, lel.

I was only joking about the file size m8. Your thread is not going to go anywhere, it is already dead.

I fixed your image anyway though.

>Testing my new keyboard, lel.
There seems to be something wrong with it m8. It added an inexplicable "lel" to the end of your post.


get on my level

My favourite thing about aussies is how they somehow manage to spew shit and marsupials everywhere and yet improve every thread they're in. Cheers lads.

fuck off cunt

>get on my level
The drop would kill me m8. I would need Jedi powers.

Get transported prick.

Rather proves my point though. Cheers again.

Is this the most used phrase in Australia?

I would imagine that this is how they finish up their evening news.

>tfw nobody plays computer nerd with me


I should probably add I have had my eyes tested and do note you're wearing the south Aussie flag. I'll be nice now. First time was a genuine mistake.


I think that's a hobbit m8

you dont even need to color in the thing to see its Grofaz.


you are like babies

fight fight fight

That image takes up way too many of my pixels. I am not even going to risk opening it. I am already close to my quota today.

Can we compress it more?

Also just curious, why does Sup Forums like turning mobile uploads sideways? I'd there a way round it?

>Convict vs fat boxing
I'd pay actual money for that.



America does it again!

Is there hope for Geert?

>now this
America is unstoppable!

>posts illegible images
>thinks he's won


>not wanting kids to learn history
For what purpose?



should we do this? as in going to bookstores and putting pictures of hitler, trump or pepe in them?

Fuck trump stupid leaf

