What are some Sup Forums approved pets

Need a redpilled pet. Thinking golden retriever

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a turtle




A staffordshire terrier. Or are you not allowed to own English breeds?

Yes. Roach is correct.

Not cats. Every catfag for whatever reason is some limp-wristed faggot

Boerboel, bred to protect afrikaans from niggers

You can have a staffy, they will take a pit bull and a few others from you though

Budgies wont do shit to protect me and you cant play with them


a golden retriever will? theyre the sluts of the dog world mane


Dogs are cucks. Cats are the red pilled master race pet. They keep your home free of tiny pests.

All dogs will protect you abd theyre fun


Stop posting gay shit here

known as the nanny dog for being so good with children. raised right (from birth) they will obey your every command and ignore pain when hurt. they will kill your enemies even if it costs them their life.

>They keep your home free of tiny pests
You sure bout that?

Nekked mole rats

Make a retarded thread, get retarded answers

My sister has some and they are based AF

Parrots are going to be the next dogs. They're even better, highly intelligent, obedient, don't take much space and don't eat much food and the best part really is that they can talk.

now thats a roach i can respect

Choose the worst dog breed ever and anytime you get home, stare in the soulless eyes of the stupid fucking thing.
Every time you do so, you will be reminded how bad it is to breed and engineer a subnormal race of mammal. You will be quite motivated to avoid that destiny for humans.

this is the nigger of the dog world

only a subhuman would suggest a pit


>someone breaks into your home the parrot says "take all you want"

Bunnies, dogs, and quaker parrots. I miss my bunny

The most Sup Forums approved, tho? A FUCKING BALD EAGLE DUH

your the nigger of Sup Forums how does it feel? pit bulls have recently been taken over by niggers just like sweden but they have a very prideful history.


Pretty ironic post you have there user
>Keeps home free of pests
As long as we're not including Toxo and cats themselves as pest, I suppose

Also, just don't be a fucking slob and you won't have mice. Problem solved.

>30 posts in
>no German Shepherd

Pigs, chicken, dogs, birds, easy to take care , doesn't require license, anything that can be eaten when food runs out.

Delicious is important too.

German Shepherd is the only woofer worthy of getting.

thats what happens when you buy them from niggers who forced it to fight against its will.



>The weak should fear the strong

Get a beagle. They eat pitbulls.
>Pic related

>someone breaks into your home and the parrot goes straight to your bethroom to warn you just in time for you to get your gun




i would rather die than have to kill my own pet

fucking subhumans get off my board

I love my murder dog.

Niggers also like to abuse guns. Shall we take away everyone's weapons because of what the nogs do with them ?



Bunnies are best

The most redpilled pet of them all.


Naw, guinea pigs



they have about the same IQ as most of Sup Forums

I'm immune to the gay. How could anyone not be that grew up with the Internet?

>those prophetic digits.


Why would you have these saved on your hard drive?
>inb4 to repel reddit cancer
Smug anime faces and lewd lolis are far more effective.

budgies will play with you if they're tame, but conures have more interactive personalities and are better pet birds


Being this emotional.

If you die your pets will eat you.

They are also very loud at times

Get a bulldog.

A common ravem

the talking isn't necessarily a given, my birds both talk, but plenty don't

mine beatbox which is even better

you're right though, they make better pets than dogs and have all of a dog's good qualities

I don't think someone needs a dog that can plow their wife.

Fuck off, fag.

My cats are lazy as fuck. When I sleep, they sleep. How does that benefit anyone?


try and make me, nigger


I mean, it's cool if your gay but you don't have to push it on everyone else. This is why open homosexual need to be gassed.

be sure to buy a minivan and some deck shoes, too Bob.

Dogs are man's best friend for a reason. Don't get a stupid small dog, get a good family sized dog. Springers, Cockers, Labradors all make ideal pets who will spend most the day asleep as long as you give them a walk in the morning and evening

Birds are NEET pets. They make noise so you pretend you aren't alone.

Keep posting THICC

they can be, but dogs bark and i find those noises more annoying

i have a green cheek, she mostly clucks, talks a little, and tries to beatbox; they're relatively quiet birds, and can't get as loud as larger conures

Why are you posting pictures of Tucker?


Gun dogs. Bloodhounds if you have the space.

Forget any type of Terrier. They're for chavs. If you want an angry dog get a Beauceron or a Doberman, they're at least intelligent.

We have three, that's why they get so vocal. When we had just one it was much more quiet

>eating your pets

You filthy little gook



Neat. Only my grey speaks. He's been long enough with me to learn. My green parrot came to my house as an adult and I can't for the life of me make him to talk.

i have birds and i'm in a relationship, don't need to pretend i'm not alone because i'm not, but of course they make noise nearly all animals do

they do need a lot of time though is the only issue

Anime is by far more shameful to watch than gay porn. Hang yourself weeb.



Human females make the best pets.


Rats are the most based "caged pet" you can get.

They're like small dogs and are social and smart.

I got mine from my grandmother since she passed away but the birds are still alive.

also crocs

How the fuck would you know? You grey faced shut-in.

I used to have a pet rat, damn that fucker was smart, he would make his way from one end of the house back to the other to his cage on his own.

You have good taste in butts, user. I'm not into dudes, but I can appreciate a good butt when I see one.

get burd

>literally a nigger tier pet


i have 2 birds (green cheek and a budgie) most i've had at a time was 3, most of the time when they're making a lot of noise i'm either playing or listening to music so i'm not bothered by it

i'm pretty sure they like my significant other and i because we're as noisy as them

i've never spent much time around greys, they're a little too smart for me to want to take care of personally

i got my budgie as an adult and he mostly seems to talk because he mimics my green cheek and i got her as a baby

it's always harder to get them to bond properly when you get them as adults, is it a lot older? it might talk eventually