Save Trump. Don't be fooled by shills

>Muh Russia

>Datamine to see which of Trump's advisors the base will most likely turn on and fight to defend
>Kushner v Bannon

>Create Bannon is the secret President controversy
>Trump publicly distances himself from Bannon
>Continue Bannon is the puppet master narrative until a natural crisis occurs

>Healthcare debate
>Making Trump's base and moderates happy, while simultaneously getting the necessary votes is impossible.
>No bill is passed because all sides are too unwilling to compromise for now.

>Media pressures Trump to get his 100 day promises in

>Trump moves quickly on Syria without building enough capital between his base after healthcare situation.
>Another conflict arises, Syria.
>At first glance it appears Trump might invade.
>It's really just 4d chess on Russia, China, Syria, North Korea, and Iran, etc.
>Base is temporarily angered because they think he might invade

>Nypost is part of globalist Newscorp that was not friendly to Trump during the campaign.
>Have the most credible right wing MSM outlet, nypost, push an anonymous sources story about faction conflict.
>Separate Trump from his Bannon supportering base
>Democrats + GOPe impeach trump over muh Russia corporate fake news

>Globalist agenda continues in under 1 year flat.

>Global government is established and humanity is enslaved forever.

Other urls found in this thread:

All these "Trump BTFO" threads are shill threads, and they have been showing up multiple times everyday many at the same time.

But the fact is Trump is a multi-billionaire..... because he has a few billion (((Federal Reserve Dollars))). All politicians are bought and paid for. We cannot vote our way to a NatSoc or Libertarian (or whatever you want) utopia.

Politics is always a lie.

Our nations have been taken over by cultural marxists. We have to take them back.

Fuck off Kushner, this kike has no fucking redeeming qualities.

We don't have to attack Trump to get Kushner out, stop pretending we need to suck his dick every time.



Bannon is also Goldman Sachs dou

prove it

Kushner is just a figurehead

He worked there.

>After his military service, he worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department.

Fuck off to plebbit you Donald fuckers

well shit

>being a google

He's just a figurehead to pander to certain people. He's not there to make policy. Same as Ivanka, who is there to pander to women. Trump is not going to get rid of him.

Eveytime, just when I think there might be someone doing something good - they turn out to be part of the club.

It really is just one big club.

Are you retarded, OP?
Globalism marches forward whether there is a Trump or there is not. What has he done to actually reverse the flow? Nothing. Not a single iota of action. Instead he continues the time-honored tradition of American interventionism.

If you are to judge a man by his actions and not his words, so far he has only shown himself to be a fraud.

The pro-trump shilling is getting out of hand and it's done by a hand full of posters.

It was 50 missiles, not a war costing trillions. The wall and Muslim ban are not things he's comprised on.


foreign policy pursued by military actions IS globalism


Your posts just shows how ignorant the average burger is about the world outside of america. Whether it's the left or right you both don't give a fuck about the suffering caused by the US government as long as you can keep stuffing your face and consuming.

This needs to stay trending until it happens.

Wilbur Ross is not a Jew and Michael Anton wrote The Flight 93 Election which if you had read you would be ecstatic that he's part of the administration.

I don't support Russia, but I don't support Trump/Israel either.

If you can't have a rational mind of your own that you have to result yourself into ''Good vs Bad'' and Trump worshiping, then your geo-political mind is cucked beyond repair.

sadly, ive come to terms with this summation, but it isnt entirely their fault they are entitled to no fucking end

The missiles he launched costed several million. It's as if you Trump cultists don't even want a wall and would rather waste more money on waving our dick around to the world. China doesn't give a fuck. Russia is turning hostile. The only people who have positive feelings towards the strike on other Muricans because apparently even our Liberals are as dumb as rural and surburban retards. You were only in it for the memes and not for any real change.