Bannon Lost To Kushner In Syria Strike Debate as it didn't fit with Trumps America First principle

>Bannon Lost To Kushner In Syria Strike Debate as it didn't fit with Trumps America First principle

So it seems (((they))) had a mole this whole time, now that Bannon has gone expect the same old kike crap for the next few years

Also FUCK Ivanka and her brainwashed ass, il certain her and Jared are both Jew agents inside all this

It's obvious they are the new Clintons

It's such a fucking genius tactic though, corrupt Ivanka then use her to get to trump

FUCK guys they are always 2 steps ahead

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how does launching the airstrike fit with 'america first'?

Well you know when jews see a goy with money they gotta get in there

it doesnt.

It DOESNT fit with America first, why intervene in some mudslime shithole when there's more important things at home

Trump said he had to do this attack for National Security.

Maybe for the security of Israel but no way did Syria affect the national security of the United States.

Looks like we gotta kill another country to save it again.

The children of Syria will be much happier when they're all dead.

These fucking liberal kikes are going to kill the rebirth of Nationalism in its crib.


Natiional security, freedom and democracy have been the lamest and most vague excuses for otherwise agressive and invasive U.S. foreign policy since USSR collapsed.


It doesn't. It fits with 'Israel first' though.

Because "America First" really means Israel First.
Think Master Blaster.

That's why they have shills working 24/7 to bomb the stock piles of red pills online.

Only Kek can help us now.

But Bannon is not gone retard

nope its even worse, they have infiltrated the rise of nationalism. Either that or they have somehow hurranged Trump to step in line with their plans. this way they can take charge and steer it in the direction that they want. Killing the rise would have only made its second rebirth that much stronger, this way it can be tamed and tempered

Thats whats its looking like so far anyway. we can only wait and hope. stay strong brother.

He will be.

So now you believe cnn? Nice source.
There is literally 0 reason for Trump to let go of Bannon

Be ignorant and don't believe it. It makes no fucking difference in anything.

Donald Trump 'considering firing Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus'
Top aide to US President claims sackings are a matter of 'when' not 'whether', report says

Merifats can't go a fucking year without being ZOG puppets

Bannon got cucked by a kike! I'm a (((Kushner))) cushion now.

>Merifats can't go a fucking year without being ZOG puppets

This whole thing reminds me of House of Cards Season 2.

I knew this the second they were launched. Remember Bannon was kicked off of the NSC earlier this week. We've been had.

>be ignorant
Says the dipshit citing Clinton News Network as a "reliable source". Fuck nu/pol/


You deserve it. You're retarded. You thought an NYC conman who plays a rich dude on TV would be your saviour. Think for a minute about how stupid you are as a people to believe that.

Good riddance. Poor uneducated whites from Red States and Brexit supporting areas are animals. Couldn't be happier you're being genocided by them.

Reminder to everyone questioning Trump.

You can stuck that larping reminder in your emu ravaged ass

Limited strike my ass

You are obviously at the top of the meme.

He meant he had to punish Assad for using chemical weapons. Allowing people use them with impunity is a threat to national security long term.

Why the fuck are there 15 threads about how Kushner is a jewish mastermind who controls everything right now?

Did it escape you that Ivanka was a Jewess married to a Jew all the time up to now?

>Limited strike my ass

With 60 tomahawks :D

Because fuck Trump.

I didn't think theyed have so much influence

And I didn't think Ivanka was essentially Hilary 2.0

Chemical weapons aren't any more dangerous than explosive ones though, and are less dangerous than modern explosives like fuel-air bombs and cluster bombs.

The whole situation where people stand around while Assad kills hundreds of thousands of people with ordinary munitions, then suddenly needs a response when 80 people get gassed is sily.

Trump is 70, at that age people rely on their children. I think Trump made the right move with the air strike but it is worth keeping an eye on those two.

Bannon is still there, he was at the Xi Jinping meeting and at the other one photographed recently.

Bannon isn't gone yet, we need to meme Kushner out

you forgot one.

>fake gassing
>fake strike

did anyone even die from it?

>had a mole
Kikes run every country in the world. They don't need moles.

It was fake but everyone thought it was real. This was one where the Jews well and truly backed him into a corner

they apparently dont run yours or chinas.

except the strike didnt really do anything

Kushner and Trump need to go. They're both irredeemable at this point.


>muuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ivanka
>look how hot she is, goy!

i hope y'all idiots who fell for the oldest jewish trick in the book - a cheap whore - are feeling ashamed of yourselves

Anyone have a picture with similar style but is about dead baby pictures making you go to war or some shit.

The question I'll ponder this weekend is whether the intense Deep State pressure on Trump - leaving him with only his family to trust - was actually just their plan to get Trump to depend on their mole Kushner.

We need to figure out how to remove them. Ideas?

Evil works it's way through women ever since Adam listened to Eve's retarded advice in the Garden of Eden.

It is man's ONE weakness; his suggestibility through woman.

Jews are snakes, they were snakes back then and they are snakes right now. The snake knows that men have trouble saying no to women, which is why all of his suggestions come from her mouth.

And it may well be Trump's downfall If he continues escalating.

>We need to figure out how to remove them.

Unless you remove the entire government, including Trump, ah no.

Because there's a very dangerous possibility he is.

Glad someone else sees life repeating the Garden of Eden story here.

Fucking snake.

That was why Trump did it, shut the entire western world up via symbolism.

Yes, they fucking do. China may or may not be an exception but Russia is ran by kikes.

This. You cunts are incredibly dense sometimes. Chem weapons have tumultuous ramifications that are randomized on weather patterns. It's insane how many people you can kill with an anthrax payload.

anthrax is a bioweapon and no one uses it

Chemical weapons are rightfully viewed as horrible as they are.

Explosive weapons kill but they don't stick around the battlefield and keep killing long after the battle has been fought.


#FireKushner was #1 TT on Twitter yesterday, followed closely by #KeepBannon.

We need to inspire the masses.