of Seattle has been exposed a gay pedophile, your thoughts?

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Some junkie comes out of the woodwork decades later when it is politically convenient. hmmmm

Trump curse still rules supreme

He looks like he has a mustache but it's actually just his lip fat. Creepy fuck.

all homos are pedophiles there's a correlation

If true he should hang by the neck till dead.

Remember this shills, your next.

Sam Hyde agrees

Fuck off r/the_donald shill cuck

>gay man
>turns out to be a pedo

is this news to you or something OP?

Run back to your leddit echochamber, you autistic fuck

How about you fuck off to Sup Forums you brain dead retard.

How is that guy a leddit user?

Criminal breaks into home owners house and tells him to leave. I dont think so shills.

1950 Gay Rights: "please don't imprison and/or kiill us"

Current Year LBQGTEYUW: "fucking little kids is natural and good, you homophobe"

What rights do straight people have that homos do not? None. So what are they advocating for now? The right to predate on early teens. When they get that, they'll dip lower.

Why does WaPo try to imply that he's accused of sexually assaulting minors BECAUSE he lobbied for gay rights and opposed Trump

>gay man
Choose two
This isn't rocket science now, c'mon.

nobody fires straight ppl for being straight or refuses to bake them a cake.

Stoning them when? I want to kill someone If I had permission to do so and not go to jail

because this is an obvious hatchet job.

Conservative interests found some old junkie and fed him a story to discredit a mayor.

I live in Seattle suburbs.

I had no idea the mayor was an actual gay faggot.

Like most liberal faggots he wants all the other cities to pay extra taxes so Seattle can give it to the homeless.

Hope he gets hanged tbqh. I got abused by faggots for eight years when I was a kid and I wouldn't be surprised if this faggot was virtue signalling to cover his ass.

Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein's "loli express" and Epstein is a club member at Mar-A-Lago.

Shills are being told to use "go back to the donald" to attack anyone who challenge the democuck shills.

>Trump bombs Syria
>Finally gets favourable press

I hate America so much

He should be shot, and the LGBT movement lose all political power; it is a sub culture for a tiny percent of people that has been turned into a sledge hammer against Western culture.

Because it's (((WAPO))) they've tried to undermine Trump and the right for goddamn ever

Fuck yah. Hang this fucking commie pedo. The rope comes murray

Newfag, shit like this has happened for 2 years, its a common joke that opposing Trump resulted in the worst things happening to people

You can be fired in certain workplaces, if you are not sufficiently apologetic about your straight privilege.