Do you actually choose Assad over Trump?

Do you actually choose Assad over Trump?

i choose neither

trump is a neocon

all of trump's cronies are neocons

assad is also a neocon

all of assad's cronies (including putin) are neocons

if you support either, you're a cucked numale NEOCON bitch ass


Is anyone NOT a neocon

Randy :3

Assad for potus 2024

I agree, Trump should of just done nothing like Obama, who cares if it would of pissed of half the reps in office who already hate him and made it look more like trump was a Russian puppet, and who cares

>>>>>>>(((((not a single one of his EO or bills would ever get passed again)))))))

Trump wasn't stupid enough to break the Geneva convention so yes.

it is the difference in choice between making the best of a bad situation or making a bad situation worse. trump is a tool and has shown his colors.

I actully do support ASSad over trump, Fuck Trump and Fuck white people and dont forget pic related : Trump Impeachment soon

>Do you actually choose Assad over Trump?
No, but I do choose to leave Assad and stop helping ISIS fuck with him, so trump can lick my sack for 2020.

I oppose the kikery in my country. I know it when I see it.

>supporting (((international law)))
>what is sovereignty

Look at it this way:

Ive supported Assad since 2012
I've supported Trump since 2015

So yeah

Everyone that says that Assad > Trump is a liberal from this 400+ strong discord that's trying to raid us constantly.

Always do the opposite of what (((they))) want.


This latest revelation just lost Donald Trump my vote. Not that he ever had it. And not that he cares. But here I was, still waiting to hear a single sensible plan on any major issue, see if he might somehow, by some miracle of God -- develop statesmanship skills and a presidential demeanor. I was waiting to hear him tell the truth on something, anything, about himself. But today I am officially off the fence.

I Beg to Differ His actions over Cuba, and his failure so far to admit what he did, render him indefensible.

When challenged about his companies' bankruptcies, Trump continues to shrug and boast that he did nothing wrong. "I only use the laws of the land to protect my business interests," he says.

However harmful his four bankruptcies were to the small businesses they left suffering and broken, even I had to admit he was right: every business bankruptcy followed the letter of the law.

For the record, I don’t hate Donald Trump the person. I hate Donald Trump the president.

I wish I didn’t. But I do. Here’s why:

-He’s a pathological liar, even according to Republican Ted Cruz.

-He’s a fake, a fraud, and a con-man, according to Republican Mitt Romney.

-He convinced 81 percent of white evangelical Christian voters to throw Jesus under the bus to vote for a man who bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy.”

-He fired the acting Attorney General in a Monday Night Massacre because she determined that the president’s executive order on immigration was constitutionally indefensible.

-He’s created an environment in which a southern white man can shut down a northeastern white woman while she’s reading from the floor of the Senate the cautionary words of a heroic southern black woman about a southern white man, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, who was deemed too racist to be a federal judge in 1986.
He disrespects duly-appointed, Senate-confirmed federal magistrates: “so-called judges.”

-He’s offended our friends and allies, treating the Mexican and Australian governments in much the same way he’s treated John McCain and Megyn Kelly and a disabled reporter and Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz and the Gold Star Khan Family and Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio and Rosie O’Donnell.

=He hasn’t, as far as we know, paid federal income taxes in years, bragging that it’s smart on his part — meaning it’s dumb on our part to do so, thereby undermining citizen investment in shared governance. Nor has he released federal tax returns, as other presidential candidates have for the last 40 years.

-His wife in New York City, his weekly trips to Mar-a-Lago, and his gallivanting children are costing us a fortune.

-He’s sloppy with national security. Proof: Michael Flynn.

shareblue go home

Of course. Anyone Sup Forumsacks who truly opposes Israel and the Saudis knows how important it is to keep Assad in power. It's just as important an issue as immigration.

>this fake shit again

Good Goy

If you support Assad you're an anti-semite with a hate-boner for Israel.

You would though, ya fucking sand nigger

>one minute four seconds
>two people reply saying it's fake
Go home.

>implying that's bad
I am an anti-semite with a hate-boner for Israel but I support Trump.
I also think the holocaust never happened (at least not on the scale they say) and I want it to happen now.


I choose whoever contains Islamic nutjobs.
Trump is helping Islamic nutjobs with his recent action.


You can see the hack paint job in the bottom comment you stupid shill bong. Try harder.

Honestly, it doesn't matter if you're from there or not
>what matters is your pl-
Nah just kidding fuck off back to leftypol or reddit or wherever you cancer faggots come from

>muh unrestricted submarine warfare
>muh europe first
>muh communism
>muh weapons of mass destruction
>muh crimes against humanity

I don't buy it.

>Posts the same pic on every thread
>Asserts it's True
>Ignores the fact that a lot of the base are legitimately pissed off that Trump fell for a neocon trick

Assad Trump is a ZOG puppet

Whose side are we taking in this war? If not Assad, then we're on al quaida and isis's side. I'm scared this is prelude to another Iraq I voted against Hillary so this wouldn't happen. I don't think Assad is a great guy but who else if not him?

>get busted with obvious fake images in several threads all day
>keep shilling anyway
Not surprising since neocons never learn from their mistakes and your Syria invasion will be no different.

Assad doesn give a shit about the west. he just wants to smash other Arabs and Jews

One of them is a man of the people fighting against globalism kikery and the other is a neocon

Yes, Assad over Trump

>Trump should of just done nothing like Obama
this is how i know you're a reddit retard

No, I choose America over Israel.

>muh babbies
>muh barrel bombs

Assad could kill them all, idgaf. No more wasted blood and money to strengthen Pissrael.

kill yourself shariablue piece of shit

Killing people to improve your political situation is pretty fucked up. Like clinton against the serbs.

even his dog, bro.

I choose...


Assad's wife is hotter, his suits are better tailored, he's not a kike, he's not surrounded by kikes, he doesn't have a bimbo daughter telling him what to do...
I'm with Assad now

Move to Syria.

I miss the ironpill comics.

I dont support trump's raid.

But fuck you prehistoric sand nigger the only reason i support your sand nigger president is cause he is an enemy of the globalist

welcome to the real world


It's not about choosing a person over another person like some wrestling match you fucking retard.

It's about following the timeline of events; understanding why we fight wars (petrodollar, Military-Industrial Complex, & being part of Israel's hand) & and weighing the consequences of the taken actions.

At the very least you should be angry that they insult your intelligence by heralding these wars with half-assed propaganda and false flags.

sup #ResistTrump ?


Trump is a zionist puppet.
Assad isn't.

The choice is clear, isn't it?

babbys first realpolitik


thank you president trump for avoiding world war 3 even though the deep state tried to manipulate you into a mccain/graham style iraq war with syria

Liberals(and neocons) disliked Assad first, they were all about
>>muh allepo
>>muh white helmet heroes
Fucking weird seeing pro trump right wingers cozy up to the same policy so quickly. CTR ain't the only people that have shills. It's just marketing and PR now. I'm willing to bet a 1/4 of this board is paid to be here by one firm or another. I spend a lot of time here refreshing and shitposting, there are so many threads that get repeated daily for weeks and months. Same verbatim topics different pictures, like clockwork.

Obama bombed countries for the last 8 years and no one ever called it a war.

Trump does one little bombing and now we're in WW3 somehow

kill yourselves

Has trump ever called out the kikes? The Assads have

no shit, doesn't mean I have to like it.

We could use more of this.

Yes, fuck the Jewish cock sucker,

>Killing people to improve your political situation is pretty fucked up
are you talking about Assad or Trump here?

No I get it, it's why I mentioned clinton. Doesn't mean it isn't scummy as all hell.

Over here we are concerned about muslim terrorists.

Assad will never be a threat to us, never was. Assad fights the muslim terrorists.
If Trump fights Assad => Trump empowers the muslim terrorists.

Then Trump is the evil. That's all, it's very simple.
I don't hate Americans, I just wish you would fucking stop empowering islamic terrorists.

There you go with your little "teams" mind-set.

The important thing is that Trump is following the exact same plan as Obama. Let's just hope he's doing that whole 45D Chess in Space like you guys parrot.

Got me there, but I'd say that Assad is a different situation. Whatever is after assad is going to be a hell of a lot worse.

This, it's not really Trump's fault tho. Obama continued Bush policies and Trump will continue Obama policies. The foreign policy really hasn't changed that much. I really don't think the president has that much say in it, the MIC does what it wants.

Trump is helping ISIS now

so yeah fuck Trump, he's just proved himself to be a pathetic Saudi puppet just like the others

I choose literal Ass over trump.

Why would you choose Trump over Assad when he has just sold out on everything? I don't care about Trump the individual, I care about what he claimed to stand for - but he has just become the crazy warmongerer bringing us closer to WIII, precisely what he attacked Hillary for. It's pathetic, and so are you, lovestruck fan-boy with poor understanding of international politics, if you stick by him.

I chose America over both.

Trump fucked up. That doesn't mean he wasn't the best fit for the America that I want at the time I vote for him. It also doesn't mean that he isn't the best fit now.

I choose both. Fuck off nigger.

That's the idea.

But coming into the elections, didn't we all figure that Trump was going to be the opposite of this?

On top of that, his campaign run was bolstered with the idea that he wouldn't intervene in unnecessary foreign matters.


They get people all hyped up every 4 years by making an election like a super bowl. We all go pick a team and think things are really going to change this time. It never gets anything but worse but every 4 years every single media outlet, family gathering and happy hour will be talking about it and it draws us in. (((They))) have this shit down to a science. Edward Bernays could have sold ice in the arctic.

They've been fighting the kikes since they first set foot in Palestine