Well /pol, I guess World War III will be happening pretty soon. I'm thinking between North Korea and USA...

Well /pol, I guess World War III will be happening pretty soon. I'm thinking between North Korea and USA, kind of scared actually. Korea has nuclear weapons, and they're a militarized nation.

>World War
>Only 2 countries will war

wew lad

Man up, you pussy!

don't you worry, the plebbit fags will be in here shortly to tell you how easy invading nk will be and how they don't stand a chance even though they have been preparing for 60+ years

You are done, burgers. I repeat: DONE.

Well won't their be others involved? Unless nobody supports North Korea, I mean North Korea doesn't have allies, do they? Figured USA has more. Also don't most Asian countries hate North Korea? Like Japan and China I figured weren't allied with them. Well I know South Korea certainly isn't.

>spends 20x more on national defense than 2nd place
>youre worried

If America/Russia went to war, there would be a hell of a lot more than just two country's fighting. Depending on the stakes of this war, it could end up being a total "shitshow". There'd be Muslim countries attacking Israel (not like I care, but our President would), there'd be Muslims hitting Europe (as well as Russia), there'd be NK hitting SK (along with China probably going after India & Japan), there'd be America attempting to go after Iran, Russia, Turkey, and China (more than likely), etc. Let's not even talk about all the heightened tensions within South America and Africa or about the heightened tensions within Europe itself and about the Muslims who would probably turn into combatants the second Europe attacked a Muslim nation.


The entire world with the exception of a handful of isolated places (Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, etc.) could turn tits-up in under a months time.

>North Korea
>Doing anything

You're scared of those knock-off chinks? They're like 5 nothing and weigh a buck ten a piece because Dear Leader ate all the riceballs. Pathetic, get out of my country

the only real threat to US is russia unloading nukes, ending the human race

so we gucci

Don't you burger bros have a sub off the Chinese coast ready to immediately retaliate to any nuclear attack from China or NK?

That's the only reason Lol Kim hasn't launched them in the past and he'll continue not launching them forever.

America and Russia would be allies. China would sweep through Russia like Stalin in a WW3 scenario. Go look at a map, there's thousands of square miles of uninhabited Russia right next to rat-packed Chinese cities. Putin's not dumb, he'd fight with us


This is the only war I support. Will be awesome to show those delusional manlet pieces of shit what they're truly up against.

Yes you are correct, we have many ships that patrol the thin neutral zone between Taiwan and China

China doesn't like it, but there's nothing they can do about it

Yes you are correct, we have many ships that patrol the thin neutral zone between Taiwan and China

China doesn't like it, but there's nothing they can do about it

So this ShareBlue thing, they just hurl racist insults at each other and get paid for it?

Let's be honest here, Putin is going to do what's best for Putin. I don't want to start a war with the Russians by any means, but to think they'd side with us (someone they've been in a "Cold War" with for years) over China (someone they've been somewhat allied with for the past 10-15 years) is naive. They'd take the first chance they could get to seriously either hit us or Europe if it meant that they'd win and there'd be a NWO with them near the top of the food chain.

Peacetime alliances are much different than wartime alliances. Peacetime alliance are about furthering your interests, wartime is a out survival. There is no WW3 scenario in which China wins that they don't sweep through Russia.

There is though. China is the bankroll and Russia is the military. China may have the numbers, but they keep their populace compliant and borderline autistic. A Russia/China alliance would allow them (as a Union) to become the new world power by being able to overpower Europe/America/NATO (with other outside help obviously).

Think about it as if you were them. If you had to ally with someone to become the new world superpowers, or just continue being a bitch nation, which would you choose? I don't know about you, but I'd side with a foe to accomplish something as mutually beneficial as that.

You do understand that it wouldn't be a fist fight right?

I'm thinking you're retarded

>china will go after India but Pakistan won't

What's the problem? You have much more nukes and modern weapons unlike North Korea.

North Korea is not a threat, their missile technology is so outdated that it's unlikely even a single nuke would get through America's defenses unless they shot them at very close range like at South Korea. Their populace is physically weak due to being starved for generations, literally it's the opposite of survival of the fittest in korea, weeny little shits who can get by on less food have prospered, that's why their soldiers are on average even shorter than SK soldiers. Not to mention that modern NK has no experience in actual warfare, their last war was sixty years ago, while the US and many of the US's allies have been engaged in conflicts around the globe. And let's not forget the amount of NK soldiers who would just willingly surrender if it came to a full on war.

You do understand that smaller soldiers have trouble firing off big guns effectively right? It's just a matter of physics.

You do understand that physical brawn is still important for a soldier right? They need to be able to climb, kick in doors, drag their dying buddies to safety, etc.

World war between 2 countries? Are you a fucking retard?

North Korea is going to fight a nuclear war with us? You dumbasses really believe that? They have like 12 warheads (maybe) with yields measured in kilotons mounted on bottle rockets. One Aegis destroyer could probably shoot down their entire arsenal by itself. Fucking bunch of nancies around here.

So Russia provides the guns and bullets and China provides the cannon fodder? My goodness. Imagine all the oil, steel and other resources still untapped in China and Eastern Russia(Siberia).