Are you really surprised that Trump did something you disagreed with?

Jesus fucking Christ, Sup Forums calm down.

It's okay to support Trump and disagree with this missile strike. Did you actually think you would agree with 100% of what Trump would do over 4-8 whole years?

Anyone who is "no longer a trump supporter" because of this is a shill.

Anyone who supports it and spouts some "7D string theory kerplunk" garbage is retarded.

I don't agree with an intervention in Syria. But I'm smart enough to not have to think about breathing, therefore I'm smart enough to understand that I don't have to agree with Trump on everything all the time.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Are you really surprised that Trump did something you disagreed with?

Everything he's done I've hated. Trumpcare was shit and world war III will kill us all.

>still in denial



shareblue sure is obvious these days. How much you getting paid, shill?

>reddit spacing

What, there's absolutely nothing whatsoever you disagree with Trump on?

I disagree with what he thinks about vaccines, but If I could vote in the US, I would have voted for him.

there was plenty of stuff before that and i didnt jumped off of the train because im aware he wouldnt do a 100% run. but now its clear that he is a president who acts because some neocons and the msm showed him a few dead babys. fuck that what do you think happens next? he is emotional he felt for that shit he will do it again.... we lost him its over.

I only supported Trump because he pisses off feminists and openborder-fags. Also, he supports Nigel Farage, I think.

He has abandoned so many of his central policies that he campaigned on this was the final straw.

If he pulls his Head in, focuses on jobs, infrastructure, wall and immigration he might be able to win this board back otherwise he can fuck right off.

You're falling for leftypol shilling.

Trump knows more than we do. He is playing 4d chess. Just wait and see.

>It's ok if you don't agree with a major back flip


Kys neocon bootlicker

If you do a backflip you end up facing the same way as before, you stupid bogan


>muh 4d checkers

Eat it, Colgatistan. Trump is still the chessmaster!

Nigger I've disagreed with nearly everything he's done in the last two weeks. The Syria strike was just so retarded that there's no way it could've been le 5d chess. He chose a side, and it's not the American people. The only people still happy with Trump are his MAGAtards and Evangelists who love Kike cock.

fuck off, leftypol

>If you do a backflip you end up facing the same way as before, you stupid bogan
He made a 360 degree turn and walked away

Very effective in checkmating himself with every move.

Honestly I never really bought the whole "shill" thing before now. Why would companies pay people to go on a Vietnamese cross-stitching anime board and post dumb shit? I honestly just thought it was people larping.

But this shit right here is the most obvious culture attack the board has ever had. The instant 180 over a single policy decision is too much to ignore.

We called Obama a pussy for not following through with threats against using chemical weapons, and then when we do follow through we get mad? Fuck off.

there have been organised shills here for years. can at least say from Correct The Record onward was 100% shill teams.

i can live with a lot of the stupid shit he does but his non-interventionist stance is one of the main reasons i supported him. just 3 months in and he's already reneged on that. i'm waiting to see how it all pans out but this isn't good and it made me feel pretty blackpilled.

If I wanted to support ISIS by bombing Assad and risk world war 3 in the process, I'd have voted for Hillary Clinton. :)


They don't understand because they are literal children posting on a chinese cartoon board.

One of my big criticisms of Obama was that he took the USA out of international affairs, allowing countries like Russia to expand their influence. If trump can walk the line of intervention without full scale regime change I will be very pleased

It's a wee little worse than just "something we disagree with", famalam.

And THAT is how I know you're a liberal shill.

Conservatives don't exaggerate or over generalize with shit like this. They realize that politics are nuanced and that yes it IS in fact LITERALLY just something you disagree with.

The only people who think it's more than that are liberals and children because they don't understand that other people can have different points of view than them.

And I mean that in a literal sense, you actually don't understand it in the same way children actually don't comprehend other people exist. I think liberals are literally retarded in a lot of ways.

>Honestly I never really bought the whole "shill" thing before now
It's probably because you're a cancerous newfag
>This is how I know your a shill
Trump has filled his cabinet with kikes and pushed out any nationalist. He's now starting interventionist wars that benefit no one besides Israel and the oil pipeline. Open your eyes faggot, you are the shill. If you want to stay in denial go ahead, but Trump has turned and you will see for yourself soon enough.

>McMaster’s friends in the media, as part of a broader strategy to increase McMaster’s power, have claimed Jared Kushner and Bannon had a major falling out. In fact Kushner and Bannon are united in their opposition to McMaster’s plan.

bad shop, the Sup Forums logo is too low.
