I began to realize something about America possible ethnic replacement for poc over whites

I began to realize something about America possible ethnic replacement for poc over whites.
Even though a lot of people say that the white population will be a minority, I almost don't believe it.
It seems to base itself on birthrates ,Which is the average white Americans real problem. Where as that doesn't seem to be the case of non-whites.
There are more factors in the equation.
Th US's biggest issue is obesity atm.
These are the stats by race
47.8 percent of Blacks (including 37.1 percent of men and 56.6 percent of women) >blacks
32.6 percent of Whites (including 32.4 percent of men and 32.8 percent of women).
Hispanic populations are either overweight or obese. Of the 60% that are overweight, more than half, 52%, are obese.
Religion is one of the biggest factors for a race to survive.
One of the many thing i began to notice in my City and others is that Hispanics and Blacks are becoming Atheist or Agnostic.
Even black Muslims i know are becoming atheist.
While on the flip side Whites are becoming more christen and conservative in the area i live and in other places in US.
Back up for this with in Latinos
This is mostly anecdotal though so yeah.
Hispanic and black women arn't knows for their chasity and they have a high abortion rates compared to whites.
>Black and Hispanic men are ugly cucks
You don't even want to the things I've seen.
Niggas are uglier then ever
You already know the answer to this.
It's seems more likely whites might be still the majority in the next few years.

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Tupe "bump" OP and ill give you my opinion regarding this issue.

I don't think your analysis was that bad at all, pretty smart actually. However, I don't think it really works to apply your area to the entire US. I don't think increasing obesity and secularism is based along racial lines, moreso along zip code. In general the US is going on a type 3 population cycle. We can see the same trends occurring in other developed countries such as Denmark, Japan etc. and once the minority populations in the US attain a certain degree of wealth that their birth rates will follow the trend. I also don't believe the libcuck statistics that this is like the end of the white race, because were going to keep expanding our definition of what "white" is to lighter skinned racial mutts just like we did with the Irish and Itallians. Then we'll start pointing the oppression finger at people who literally had slaves as great grandparents KEK. I think alot of the racism that has been surfacing recently (From both blacks and whites and everybody else) is mostly in response to SJWs and the realization that were the goliath nation having open auditions for the part of David. I'm really hoping that we don't devolve into meaningless race war and can just chill out and work on making America great again.

You forgot about the impending genocide

How does religion and obesity change whites becoming a minority?
Whites have a lower birthrate than spics and that's the only relevant stat here.
Or are you implying that death by obesity for spics is in some way compensating for birthrates (which is it isn't).
Don't know where you're going with the religion, which doesn't change the population count in a relevant fashion.

All in all your analysis seemed like it wasn't one about whites becoming a minority, but just naming almost completely unrelated statistics.

He's predicting that birth rates for spics will plummet and that birth rates for whites will rise. It's actually not totally implausible since spic birth rates are way less now than they were 10 years ago.

The projections are based on current trends. This shit isn't even close to linear, and the nogs and the spics depend on our gibs. Well, the illegal and the non-illegal imported spics. Nog and spic lifestyles go away when our economy takes a shit and the gibs go away. With the nogs, this dependence is generational and they know nothing else. Your average ghetto nog would starve to death without drug sales or gibs. Same with your average welfare spic, though there are some based spics in ag who will do OK. I'll go even further: When our system of social safety nets collapses, our very own special snowflakes are going to be pretty fucked too.

When your fat you can't give birth and you die faster, friend.
The obesity also means the race a massive decrees with in a population.
As for religion look into Stephan Molonyx, as he did a fantastic presentations of religion,birthrates and race.
He summed it up much better then i did in his videos.Especially on issues in you nation, Hans

in terms of our voting system- cities are more diverse and filled with internationals than rural areas.

mexicans in the south are still growing in number. this is because there are shit for jobs when you're an unskilled worker- so those unskilled workers come to the US.

the number of blacks has stayed relatively the same over the years at around 13% +/-

upper west coast, mid west, and rural areas of southern states are predominately white.

i dont see that white people will lose too much influence over this country even if they do become a minority.

unskilled worker in northern mexico***

Being this delusional....kek.

Which has nothing to do with obesity (and as it seems also not much with religion (hint: most blacks are "religious" and still aborting their babies like there's no tomorrow).

Regarding the point of white birthrates rising/spic birthrates falling, I don't think that white birthrate will rise above spic birthrate without a significant change in culture, which is not indicated by any current developments.
And even if it did, it would probably be too late since (if the articles I read weren't false) white babies are already in the minority in the US, so you only have a few more years. Not to forget that judging from what counts as "white" in America we might already be very close from actual whites becoming the minority.
You seem to misunderstand what obesity means.
I have never seen a spic as obese as the white americans that are regularly posted here (boogie etc), so the notion of them being physically incapable of giving birth seems pretty far fetched to me. Most spic women seem to just be way too fat to have an attractive figure, but still not be immobile.
As long as they're not physically incapable of doing so, spic women will always be able to give birth since spic men love fat sows.

If you cannot explain how religion is going to save the white birthrate then please don't make that point.
I see no indication of whites having a strong enough growth in religious beliefs to be able to predict a big enough rise in birthrates to stay a majority.

Obese women are less likely to get a guy to have babies with them for hopefully obvious reasons. Religious people tend to have more kids than non-religious people. One of the reasons why the spic birth rate has dropped so much is because they are a lot less religious now.

Black really don't matter. They've been stable for decades; it's spics displacing whites in America not anyone else. They also aren't really religious; just in name only.

I do agree though that I don't see much of a reason for the white birth rate to rise, but I'm pretty sure the hispanic birth rate is below replacement by now.

Awkward moment when a kraut thinks he can lecture us on our demographics. I wouldn't count whitey out yet, a lot of things can change in the years to come.

The US will be majority Mormon in 60 years.

Wishful thinking but at least it has validity.

>Regarding the point of white birthrates rising/spic birthrates falling, I don't think that white birthrate will rise above spic birthrate without a significant change in culture, which is not indicated by any current developments.
>And even if it did, it would probably be too late since (if the articles I read weren't false) white babies are already in the minority in the US, so you only have a few more years.

We have an unsustainable economic system. When that goes, the culture is going to change, and those who don't change with it are going to perish. Those who figure out how it is going to change and position themselves are going to make out like bandits. Again, the nogs and spics depend on the gibs, and many will starve to death when they go away, and go away they will.

I would be happy about that

>Obese women are less likely to get a guy to have babies with them for hopefully obvious reasons.
Which, as I said doesn't matter much since being fat isn't as bad for reproduction for spics as it is for whites as spic men like fat women.
>One of the reasons why the spic birth rate has dropped so much is because they are a lot less religious now.
I would guess that also has to do with growing wealth since, which is also a major indicator for birthrates.

The most important fact here is that white babies are a minority at this very moment, even though spic birthrates are low. That means there's only a few years for white birthrates to rise or spic one's to fall drastically, which I don't see any sufficient evidence for.

>Black really don't matter.
I didn't make that point.

>I'm pretty sure the hispanic birth rate is below replacement by now
Which doesn't say much at all since they're still way higher than white ones.

Feel free to bring on an argument.

I see this as something that might happen, but that won't do whites any good since when that happens the US (and by extension the west) will be so heavily damaged that China will be able to capitalize on that weakness and gain global hegemony status.
Of course there's a lot we don't know, but expecting whites not to become a minority is, as others have pointed out, wishful thinking.

The Chinks can have global hegemony status. IDGAF. It will crush them. Take it from a burger who understands why the US meddles all over the place: It fucking sucks having the world reserve currency and having to play globocop to prop that system up. It was great at first, but it is a fleeting burden.

Besides, the Chinks have worse long term problems than we do. The entire developed and much of the developing world has built a complex network of global trade, and that complexity must come crashing down by necessity. The Chinks have a lot of mouth to feed and a lot of fucked up water.

>The Chinks can have global hegemony status. IDGAF.
You don't seem to understand what the chinks plan on doing.
They're not as nice as white people and will do everything in their power to make sure that we never recover from that they're planning on doing to us.

>spic men like fat women.
[citation needed]

>Which doesn't say much at all since they're still way higher than white ones.
Not really. The latest data I have is from 2010, (~7 years ago). Whites are at 1.79 and Hispanics are at 2.35. But if you notice the massive dropoff that occurred in such a short period of time (~3 years). It may have slowed down, but there's no reason to think that dropoff would stop. Hispanics are certainly below replacement by now; very likely in the 1.8 range while whites may have dropped down to around 1.6. It's not so bad.

Who are all these majority non-white babies that are born then? I'm no statistician, but I'm pretty sure a 0.2 difference in birthrates wouldn't be enough to cover for the difference in population.

Oh and
>[citation needed]

Couldn't have said it better myself. They are undergoing societal stagnation and ruin.

>Oh, let's have a 1 child policy
>Oh, let's favor males

What the fuck did you think would happen?! They are outbreeding with the Africans because there are not many women in China.

Don't be a dick Dracula

Of course it's not enough, but what I am saying is that the white majority in America will probably last past the usual projected decade simply because Hispanic birth rates have sharply dropped off suddenly.

>this link
This doesn't really mean anything.

Check the birth rates in every South American country and in Mexico and compare them to 10 years ago. They are falling rapidly while whites in the US had a constant birth rate for decades.

>white majority in America will probably last past the usual projected decade
Which might or might not be true, but lasting longer can't possibly be good enough for you, right?
>This doesn't really mean anything.
You asked for a source on spics liking fat woman and I provided a study on the subject.
Specially what this shows is that spics like fat woman more than whites do and since white women in America also have a problem with obesity, this is one more thing you can count against white birthrates rising.

I'm sitting 20 miles from one of the largest stockpiles of nukes on the planet. Economic collapse won't change that. They'll play nice with us, or we'll both get glassed.

>Religion is one of the biggest factors for a race to survive.

>Economic collapse won't change that.
It will if it's on a scale big enough to make natural selection happen because of a bottleneck by starvation, since an event this big would most likely cause a civil war (or do you think blacks and spics will just starve silently?), at which point the chinks would most likely find a way to gain control over the US without risking to be nuked (or at least with a risk small enough to take).

fuck off 1 children and dog fedora tip

I think that the blacks and the spics are mostly urban and know fuckall about producing their own food. Forget about fiber and leather for clothes. The US is a big place, and exerting control over it if we don't want them to control us would drain the Chinks dry. Even under economic collapse conditions.

The nogs and spics are low IQ on average. That makes them less adaptable when it comes to adverse conditions.

Well how come the countries withe the highest birth rates are all religious.
And all the nations with lower rates are known for having a high number of bitchy atheist.
and where is your proof to disprove me

oky here are your flaws
it doesn't matter how ugly or disgusting someone looks there will allways be a hole you can fuck
tend to knock up as much bitches as they can
you're allowed to get romantic visitors, pregnancy is not that scarce

In the even of a civil war, many of the cities would probably be wiped out, since that's were wogs concentrate, controlling the urban regions would be hard, but they don't actually have to do it.
They just have to claim "protective custody" over the US and then either wipe out any resistance quickly (which they could, no amount of AR-15s is going to save you from a bomb) or slowly force subjugate the country by economic/political ways (for example a puppet government).

>That makes them less adaptable when it comes to adverse conditions.
Sadly this doesn't mean they can't still kill all the whites in their neighbourhoods/cities.

not if they go to private prisons