What can we do about the prevailing narrative that being right-wing=being stupid?
What can we do about the prevailing narrative that being right-wing=being stupid?
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Stop being stupid
>jokes on them i won the election
It's not a narrative, maybe you're just wrong?
>jokes on them I got to downgrade my residence and do the same shit everyone I beat would have done for four years
1 Be right wing
2 Don't be stupid
3 Don't capitulate to hostile memes
Get control of Hollywood, the majority of news outlets, and academia and then stock them full of right wingers.
By supplying sauce on your pic
There's something so dishonest about that method...
Needing to be the only voice in the room is for leftists.
those on the left are dumb and/or naive
those on the right are seen (by the left) as evil
>caring about what other people think
Tell that to Samantha Bee or Stephen Colbert.
Or any college professor who isn't accused of being a pseudo-scientist.
People need to start reading and stop watching tv. Even though I voted for trump a lot of his supporters are dumb as bricks.
Liberals destroyed the image of being intellectual and now so many right wingers just wanna be tough guy brutes.
People need to be tough, but also reasonable and smart.
Right wing women will always be stupid parrots, just as left wings ones.
Joke's on you Ahmed
>prevailing narrative
Stop watching (((television))).
Step 1: educate yourself
Step 2: stop denying science
Step 3: stop saying retarded stuff
You guys couldn't even stop "Right Wing" from becoming a dirty word
nice try, achmed
If we set up this system and everyone follows the rules all of us can benefit and live comfortably and in peace.
Hurr, I can game this system to benefit myself and play these fools for as much money as I can.. They deserve it anyway; fucking idiots arent as smart as me.
You can't, Trump proves it.
Stop catering to retards.
Right wingers are stupid. Left wing runs all the college's for a reason.
Post more of her or link
That bitch is gross
Principles define a person, but the honorable defeat is no way to be a politician.
>we appeal to 18 year olds because we have the best argument
>Sweden criticizing any other country for who they elected.
We have some garbage politicians to be sure. There are defiantly some very screwed up things in our country. Poverty here is a horrible reality.
But we don't have to worry about getting raped and murdered if we set foot outside our homes, we can at least still speak up and not get fined or jailed for "racism." Fix your shithole of a country before you even think to criticize America.
There is nothing you can do to prevent this narrative because it doesn't matter how smart you are or you aren't, your opponents will always call you stupid.
Stop playing the identity politics game
you have autism
Yeah it's a dishonest method for dishonest people. But do you honestly think that the leftists who control every major social institution will propagate a pro-right wing message willingly? No, they'll be actively pushing back constantly, with way more force than we can currently muster. So either get control of the weapons they use to attack right wingers, or completely discredit the institutions they control.
Would you please give me your definition of "identity politics"?
Also, sorry guys, but the only other pictures of her are NSFW.
>Trump supporters are dumb.
>Sheep on the Left that don't know anything about history or economics are clearly smarter.
This is about as ill informed as an Occupy Democrats post.
I can't tell if you're strawmanning or if you legitimately don't understand the distinctions between conservative and liberal.
Also if you don't want people to think right-wingers are retarded you should never give your opinion again.
We are looked at as stupid here in amerifat land because of the leadership of the Republican Party and "activists" connected to it. In the party you've had:
>John McCain
>both Bushes
>Christian zionists
>Paul Ryan
And from popular media and activism:
>Rush Limbaugh
>various cringe-inducing Fox hosts
>John Hahee
>tea part rednecks
>I dont have enough life experience or cognitive reasoning to understand what your saying, so you are stupid
That is the best you can come up with, absolutely pathetic. Your country is broken almost beyond repair and has some of the worst crime rates on the planet. We just need a zeitgeist shift in this country and we are getting that, only God knows what it will take to fix your 3rd world mess.
His point just flew over your head.
you continue to have autism
I want to fuck her puss faggots
hot chick but sorry, no soft porn either
Stop talking about jews. it doesn't help your narrative whatsoever.
Not much, the Marxists won the ideological war long ago. Allow my man Bezmenov to enlighten you on how the Soviets destroyed America.
easy fix. learn something. develop an intrest in a subject and read about it. you can even play on a lower diffaculty and watch documentaries.
proove them wrong by actually learning new stuff every day
Execute lefty intellectuals and burn their books.
Are you 15, you are just throwing around autism without understanding what it means. That word means nothing to me since my country isn't getting raped to death.
t. schlomo
This is the best advice.
But it should be stated that Leftists conflate their politics with intelligence and morality, if you aren't on their side you are an evil idiot.
I don't know, have you tried not being stupid?
Gain. Control. Of. The. Narrative.
We all know the liberals, though are more (((educated))), are not anymore intelligent than the right. What makes them see themselves as "smart" is that they control the narrative.
Does it sound intelligent to go to uni, major in liberal arts, come out of school totally in debt, unprepared for life, with zero job qualifications?
Schooling =/= intelligence
your memes are weak
>Leftists will make sure that we brown people are given things! They're on my side!
My side gives you the opportunity to try to take what you want, without being under the thumb of government. Why doesn't that appeal to you?
What does your country being raped have to do with autism.
The majority of western population won't take anything you say seriously if you show a dislike for Jews. It's the sad truth.
Everyday they show more and more anti-white rhetoric. We'll at least have whites on our side someday.
I don't know, Sweden over there is the one throwing around the autism claims. I'm just trying to point out that he's throwing stones from a glass house.
Honestly, I've found that's more so the case with muslims than jews. Talk shit about muslims and they'll just view you as racist/xenophobic, but with jews they won't make that connection because they consider jews white.
Also plenty of lefties hate Israel so that's a good starting point.