Why does Shareblue think that Sup Forums is subvertable or even worthy of subversion?
Why does Shareblue think that Sup Forums is subvertable or even worthy of subversion?
>or even worthy of subversion
you can't /thread your own threads
from yesterday's thread
>until the wall is built they will continue to shill. They think if Trump loses support he won't be able to build it
It wouldn't be too hard to get rid of Sup Forums if someone really wanted to.
Like they'd risk Sup Forums to spill all over the internet.
Why does Sup Forums think that being against a strike supported by almost all Democrats, including Hillary Clinton herself, is being a Shareblue shill?
this is war
>blame everything on shills
okay shill
Why does The_Donald think the same way. In that they think they can get us to unquestionably support Trump? You're both fucking cancer shitting up this board.
That wasn't even mentioned though you spastic.
nobody mentioned trump
Because they are getting paid for shilling here.
They are fixated on an obscure image board, hidden in the bowels of the internet.
So it's just a thread that is entirely unrelated to current events, then? What a fucking pointless slide thread.
They're the only faggots pushing the shareblue narrative so hard. Because they're afraid they're about to lose their meme factory.
>watch this maximum overshill shit for like 3 days
>on sunday when Sup Forums is waking up there's a ton of threads calling it out
>they tried to subvert Sup Forums when they were out for the weekend
Shareblue is a sitcom protagonist.
it's because we have sway or at least they think we do there was a article on it and they quoted some big wig at shareblue about it also all the anti trump shit now is mostly leftpol fags with some shareblue they dont have at much staff and reply on bots unlike leftypol faggots on discord
you're transparent.
>releasing us from our containment board onto the wider intrawebs
They want all knees to bend.
They are foolish and wasting their money, as Forced Leftism only works on forums such as Reddit, where accounts can be named, shamed, and banned for posting wrongthink.
On a completely anonymous forum like Sup Forums, the right will always rise to the top, as the right, is usually correct, and the left is 98+% lies and emotional bullshit.
/leftypol/ only exists as a hugbox for those whom the truth is too heavy.
it's not but saying ww3 and am done with trump rand 2020 is
Because the invasion has been successful
They dont think
Aldo Sup Forums is a threat because we have more truth here, and people once they learn, will turn away from them
oh goyim, how can you not suppport trump?
Why does Trump fangirls think everyone is a shill? See, no one expected anything from Clinton #2 or Bush #3, they were always going to be just tools of the global jewish cartel while the rest of the world would have to suck it up and accept it because it's the statu quo.
Trump promised to change this, he's an outsider with the money, the charisma and the ideas to do it but it's not even 100 days since he's at the helm and he's already falling for clear psyops and fighting Israels wars.
If you've been here long enough you'll be sopping with ISIS gore, whatever Assad might have done, ISIS is worse, if they win the christian levantines will be literally genocided and more undercover murderers will be sent to the West.
It's borderline impossible to defend him now, except for hysterical fangirls. If he had stick to plan and rolled tanks hand in hand with Russia to vaporize ISIS at last you would have a new strong ally in Russia as he wanted while Israel and Saudi Arabia fuck off and we would all be praising him, but he hasn't, so every day when I wake up I hope to read that he has thought this through and decided to stick to his core motive of America first and stay there, because we can clearly not trust him anymore.
rely not reply
Why do you think Moot created Sup Forums? Contain the faggots currently occupying this board. Sup Forums was a shitshow before Sup Forums was created. You can kill this platform but the ideas and beliefs will not go away. Shareblue aren't the first to attempt to do this. None have succeded, Sup Forums has probably done more damage to Shareblue than they could ever do here
fighting israel war
no war will happen you mong
he only bombed a empty airfield
Why do you think that just because democrats are for something its bad?
Do you also support Israel because liberals love Palestine?
Jews play both sides. This air strike did no damage. psychologically the jews think they have just won a major battle when in reality they have gained nothing.
because we definitely have an effect on public opinion.
i wonder if this is even legal.
threads promoting organized raids of websites get banned, because Sup Forums could get sued.
can Sup Forums sure shareblue/CTR for what they do here?
Nigga, it is confirmed that the POTUS wants to work with Assad, he did it to appease globalists.
Aren't you that one guy who makes communism generals nonstop?
Because lmao reddit
Nobody even mentioned Trump yet all these faggots show up.
Really makes you think
Its the real shills that think this is about political parties
but why?
mook sold us out
We really need to start posting more gore
Their little invasion is cute, but annoying
Nope. Sup Forumsacks just need to start making their own platforms and organizing while still using this one as a battlefield like they are.
They don't, it's just the mental gymnastics you pull to convince yourself that no one could have a legitimate criticism of dons fuck up. They're clearly just paid to have those opinions
You're the only faggot.
You're a newfag
t. 15 year old Sup Forumstard
Did you learn about the scary goreposting from /r/Sup Forums kid?
They can't play the long game. If they did they would be converted.
>invite all your friends to shill
>see new posts that are falling for it
>its working!!
>its actually just other shills.
Are you using containment board as a metaphor for our lives? I liked it.
This is completely unrealated to Trump. Why do you think it's because of him?
nope been on Sup Forums since 2013
nothing wrong with being a newfag freshblood to redpill
Post it then. I'm always looking for fresh OC
Technically possible but very difficult
>worthy of subversion
Yes absolutely, we redpill many people here.
Look, if Trump won all his fights David Brock would be in jail and a known pedophile. Of course David Brock is gonna go all out preventing this from happening.
>not a newfag
Yes you are.
Why does The_Donald think the same way. In that they think they can get us to unquestionably support Trump? You're both fucking cancer shitting up this board.
pretty transparent dividing & conquering dude
I've been in New Orleans for a week and I come back to this shitshow? fucking lol
it's how leftists always fuck up their own shit
>MSM reports
>"racist" gets primetime 24/7 for weeks
>literally the only thing on tv
>twitter blows up about this
>reddit blows up about this
>now it is ensured that everybody learns about it
>hitler had less coverage
>there's always a fraction who is getting sold by this
>meanwhile: coverage of issues leftist would like advanced: almost zero
>and if covered, it's adapted to knee-jerky virtue signalling in response to aforementioned "racist", effectively adding to his publicity further
>months pass
>4 years
>Nearly a third of Sup Forums's existence