And I feel good about it.

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How is it that this finnfrican actually has Finnish features? definitely a bit mongy

what are his chances

dat hitler stash tho

I'd say pretty good, he needs like 80 votes and has acquired meme status on finnish imageboards

>Even the blacks in Finland are mongoloids



>How is it that this finnfrican actually has Finnish features?
Because Finland is a nation of immigrants.

based bruno


What are his campaign promises? Are they any good?

Make Africa Finland Again

Good when HE betrays you like they all do, I hope it reinforces your hatred.

>Voting for a controlled opp nigger

You made the only logical choice, finnbro.
God bless you!

Also in Vaasa. Voted for #204, Alex Elgargouri.

Behold, a Finn.

>Inb4 he turns out to be a black supremacist
>Everyone from Africa gets a free passage to Finland

Sacrificing your country's fate for the sake of a meme is worthy of praise.

Just look at Trump supporters.

t. a country with a walking meme as a PM

To be honest Putulukeso isn't bad candidate at all

What is his platform though? I am genuinely curious.

then you are an idiot

1. Better integration for immigrants, doesn't want them to abuse the benefits
2. Some biogas and environment project as Finnish export to Africa
3. Wants the church and Christian values to be the basis of the society

Not bad.

Heil Nigler

Sounds interesting. What is his take on islam or muslim immigration?

No idea but since the party matters more than single candidate here I guess it's same as for all PS candidates.

Join us in the meme universe, Suomi

are there any tv interviews of him

Not as big meme as


Sounds alright except for being a christcuck and wanting to enforce that shit on everyone

>Blackman in finland
His bones must be as weak as cardboard.

He's a priest. I think Jussi Halla-aho is one of the rare non-religious persus.

>when you need to trust a nigger to keep niggers out because your white politicians want open borders

Maybe we are the baddies

I know this video, but it seriously amazes me how inbred he looks. I somewhere read that on some isolated finnish areas, there was supposed to be "very pressing and alarming problem with inbreeding in the communities"

with isolated finnish areas, do you mean estonia?

I voted vasemmistoliitto

We don't have much problem with inbreeding, because we have been "culturally enriched" by lots of europeans over last 1000 years, so our gene pool is surprisingly diverse. You find estonians here who literally look like germans/swedes, then ones who look like slavs, and also ones who finnomongol etc.

Shut your whorish mouth about Estonia. Finland is their retarded half-brother, not the other way around.

Don't expect a Persu to win around Vaasa, though. Vaasa is highly Swedish speaking area so it's mostly Swedish People's Party and other right-wing liberals that get votes around here.


good work

Redpilled niggers are the future

Pekka “UncleSamPatriot” Luodeslampi a Finnish Christian online preacher and Youtube video maker has central nervous system developmental disorder and tourette.



>even he can get women