Can't believe we once stood for this guy.
I really thought he was different. This is the first time that I was utterly and completely fucked in the ass by a politician.
I feel raped.
Can't believe we once stood for this guy
Other urls found in this thread:
>because of this one act Trump is a bad guy
>haha guys just vote democrat next time
Just kill yourself
Also sage
bump i pick "left"
But HOLD ON theres MORE
>muh divide and conquer
>this level of straw manning
What's wrong r/thedonald? I thought your fedora give you magical logic powers, I can't imagine why you would have to resort to fallacies
Trump just kicked out Flynn's last connection:
President Trump will ask K.T. McFarland to step down as deputy national security adviser and serve instead as ambassador to Singapore, giving National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster a chance to pick his own lieutenant, two administration officials confirmed.
The officials confirmed a report by Bloomberg Politics and spoke on the condition of anonymity because they're not authorized to discuss personnel moves.
There have been questions about the future of McFarland, a former Fox News commentator, since the February dismissal of Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, the retired three-star general who hired her.
Flynn resigned after acknowledging he had given “incomplete information” about conversations he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December about American sanctions against Russia for hacking Democratic Party officials during the 2016 election.
Trump appointed McMaster, a U.S. Army lieutenant general, as his new national security adviser in February and gave him authority to remake the National Security Council as he saw fit.
That authority led to last week’s removal of senior adviser Steve Bannon from the council's principals committee.
The officials described McFarland's move as a promotion because Singapore is a key U.S. ally. The paperwork on her ambassadorial nomination is still being worked out.
The anti semitism and racism on Sup Forums is digusting.
We must help Israel in any way we can, sorry muslim shills, you need to go back to fucking your goats like Assad is doing.
I don't understand this picture.
These newfriends make fantastic shabbos goyim. Im with you, Leaf. Never work for a zionist, never been a yes man my heart is like rembrandt painting pictures of death camps
I once stood for Trump.
Now He is allied with Jewish, Media, SJW & Saudi SCUM
Now I want Impeachment.
Impeach Trump!
You shouldn't support anyone because in the end you're the one who is going to lose
Second time for me. I voted for Obama in 08 a month after my 18th birthday.
Tried voting like a good goy to bring about the change I wanted (Obama ran on being anti-war back when everyone was sick of gwb), but it doesn't work. In the end its either "vote for the obvious scumbag, or vote for the stealth scumbags who tells you exactly what you want to hear but in reality intends to do everything that the other guy promised to do".
Obviously, what follows is my attempt at a funny joke and is completely satire for entertainment purposes only, but I think it's about time to openly consider armed rebellion against the federal government. If the best opposition candidate in our lifetime was corrupted in 3 months, then it's pretty apparent the system is fubar and needs a hard reset.
shill plz leave
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Move on
To the left we see ruinous extremist ideologies of islam, communism, orthodox church, leftist shills like greenpeace, and other "peace" organisations who disrupt western world.
The the right are the various modern powers who proof their existense with succesful economy and progress (but I doubt saudis belong here, looks like a mistake).
double DOUBLES huh
even ur cuck frog kek knows im right
fug of gommies desu
This lel
back to the drumpfster
wow are you Alt right cucks going to put yourselves on suicide watch?
Mental gymnastics is going into overdrive. Down right chaos theory in here.
>Choose your side
There's always a side that will enable you to destroy them all.
Nigga, you are kicking a dead horse.
replying to your own post is sacrilegious, fuck off shill.
>I was utterly and completely fucked in the ass by a politician.
>I feel raped.
So stop going to dinner with Podesta