All kids should be taken care off by the state until age 23

Agree or disagree?

That is free kindergarden, free child care, free healthcare, free school, free high school and free university. All at high quality.

That would take care of a lot of problems.

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No, it would create an army of deranged, mentally crippled, physically weak drones, as has been happening since the state began interfering in child raising. Look at young liberals for the perfect example.

>past age 18
>stilling calling them kids

Resources aren't free.

Fuck off, commie
Stop suckling the teat of the government and learn to be a real man

>get taken care by the State

Fuck off.

The state can't even take care of itself, mail, military, or even infrastructure, what makes you think they should be in charge of human beings?

>educating a nations people creates mentally deranged individuals
That has to be the single mist retarded thing ive ever fucking read Thomas

Ok ill bite . But since we are in the monetary age everything costs money, who pays up this cost? Taxpayers? Hell no. I think you need to dig deeper into natsoc boy. Natsoc really had a way to give their people ( not niggers or muslims or other subhumans) a great value of life then the jew fucked it up like always .

This is a well-known pro-pedo talking point

>All at high quality


You're still adolescent until you're 28

>who pays up this cost? Taxpayers? Hell no

It is the taxpayer who pays in Europe and typically the payments are made until the age of 26.

only education must be free. in ARG we have free healthcare and child care, is bullshit and is not working at all. also we ve stupids law that "welcome" inmigrant from peru,bolivia etc, and they come becouse is too ez to get one of thoese...stupid shit hole country

if Trump comes out in support of this idea then everyone on /pol will support it.

Your argument is dumb. Since you care so much then give up everything you have to others,but you cant force others to do the same. Also theres not enough money to cover the cost of government and all these social programs . So you have to prioritize. I suggest cut all welfare, social programs, half military budget, downsize government, stop immigration and other cuts to cover what you propose but would you actually do it?

Disagree, but the west needs to raise the age of adulthood to 20 like it is in Japan. We live longer than we did in the 20th century so we can spend 2 more years on education or add a conscription service for some sort of federal service: military or civilian.

>entrusting the state with your most precious and personal possessions
>can't even trust the state to keep you safe from rapists, terrorists and islam
Wake the fuck up you dumb kraut cuck

>all education is inherently good
Depends on what that "education" is. If it is an objective and non-biased system that allows students to form their own opinions, fine. If it is the current situation we have now where leftist professors indoctrinate their students into becoming "activists" and pissing and moaning that they can't find a decent job with their bullshit degree, then no. It's a pants on head retarded idea.

In the UK you're a young person when you turn 16, then once you turn 18 you're an adult.

Calling 23-year-olds "kids" is illogical. Also this will lead to thousands of immigrants flowing into the country just to take advantage of these benefits and exploit them.

>Calling 23-year-olds "kids" is illogical. Also this will lead to thousands of immigrants flowing into the country just to take advantage of these benefits and exploit them.
You could make those benefits only applicable to national citizens and also close the borders for illegals.

In a tightly knit, ethno-centric nation with a strong sense of community and work ethic, you may be right.

>Disagree, but the west needs to raise the age of adulthood to 20 like it is in Japan.
23 I think is the right age to be an adult. 12 years of schooling and 4 years of college means that most people will still be kids when they are 22.

Kill yourself, statist cuck. A girl belongs to her father.
I can't stand people calling college students "college kids". It's evidence of the infantalization of people.

The state is too centralised and nuclear families are far better for children growing up.
If the state becomes compromised (as it is now), it's game over.

Sup Adi, how are you doing?

>giving up control of children to the state

Brave New World here we go


So grown men in the United States drinking alcohol in bars are children according to you?

>23 is the right age to be an adult
a hundred years ago when walking for 40 minutes away from home could mean getting kidnapped by a child rapist or eaten by a bear, kids were trusted to do their own thing at 12. in the modern world (that's much safer if you're in a western country), why are we treating people like kids until they're in their 20s?

what, my great great grandfather was given a rifle and the task of checking up on the sheep 8 km away on his own at 13, that was completely okay, but a 20 year old needs to be at a university in the care of the state?

>Kill yourself, statist cuck. A girl belongs to her father.
Hi ISIS, Ahmed. Allahu Akbar.

>I can't stand people calling college students "college kids".
Hi there ISIS, how many people have you decapitated today?

This is why women shouldnt be in politics, they just want to baby people that shouldnt be babied

she has a really nice ass.

>kids were trusted to do their own thing at 12.
Actually, the age of adulthood was higher 100 years ago than now.


The age of majority is when a youth is considered to be independent of their parents. For example, a minor cannot enter into a legal contract because they are not considered independent persons under the law.

Traditionally the age of majority has always been 21 for males and 18 or 21 for females, depending on the state. A female always gains majority on marrying, thus oddly you could have a situation where the husband is older than his wife, yet is a minor, but his wife is an adult.

The shift from 21 to 18 as the age of majority happened around 1970. For example, in Massachusetts it occurred in 1974.

In 1900 voting age was 21 in nearly all states.

>Kill yourself, statist cuck
>A girl belongs to her father.

i'm seeing it now in australia. you will be watching the news, they will say something like "two teenagers have been arrested in manly after breaking into a BP". then it will turn out that these "teenagers" were actually 19 year old men.

women need to get out of politics.

Parents should be psych evaluated, iq tested, disease tested and take a parenting knowledge test before having a child, but that's probably literally Hitler tier in the mind of liberals

Why not just end childhood at 30?

That way all the niggers can die in childhood.

>>Actually, the age of adulthood was higher 100 years ago than now.
it doesn't mean shit, do you know where the english phrase "young man" comes from? 100 years ago people were given a lot more autonomy and a lot more trust then they are now. the age of adulthood was higher, so what? they were treated as intelligent responsible MEN the moment they turned 12.

>buying the nuclear family bullshit
This is how can you can tell the difference between a traditionalist and one who wants to talk like he is.
>I have nothing to actually say
What a surprise
What's your problem wuth the truth?

>trusting the government to do anything

You germans are such suckers for authoritarianism.

>>I have nothing to actually say
>What a surprise
Hi there ISIS Ahmed. How many 7yr olds have you raped today?

Whatever, remind your government to sign the damn Spanish corvettes purchase already



23 is just too long. Maybe if it was something like helping parents out while the children are still small and parents either need time off from work or a sitter to help.

A tax cut for families with children under six and a 'workfare' program where qualified government money recipients can be hired as babysitters for families to receive a bonus to their welfare checks.

I have no problem to treat a 12 year old like someone who can take responsibility... but adulthood still should not start before 22 or 23. Voting is a privilege and 18yr olds are too stupid to understand who to vote for. And many other parts of adulthood shouldn't be something 18yr olds should be able to do, e.g. marry without the consent of the parents or using inherited money etc.

The state should control everyone until death

>statists brainwashing children into docile cucks and whores

of course not, you dumb cunt


you're a fucking control freak. no wonder hitler was able to take control of germany.

wow, it's one of the worst, unhuman ideas i've ever heard. shocked it's coming from a german!

Yes, welcome to the state of realising the world changes.

I just nut to that photo. Is that your girl friend?

>wow, it's one of the worst, unhuman ideas i've ever heard.
It is reality in Europe and America. You know that, right? Right?? You got college grants and college loans and your healthcare is now going to 25 on the parents' healthcare insurance due to Obamacare.

Stupid people will still vote stupidly, age does not equal mentality

user doesn't understand state sponsored education.

If you were raised in a low income household, youd know that the state basically already does all those things for your kids. Its not a good thing.

>yes goyim, hand over your kids to the state

Oh yes, state ANYTHING is SO good....

Will they be allowed to vote? This will just make your children giant fucking babies super reliant on the government.

All that would do is cause niggers and other degenerates to breed more.

As long as it's run like a military leadership school for the combat arms. Imagine a population instilled with a warrior ethos and the values of duty, honor, and selfless service to country.

Yes you could also indoctrinate the future voter as you wish.
Get rekt communist scum

Yes,yes, when the workforce is gender binary cyborgs with remote control, productivity will be so high, and dissent non-existent.

disagree, because i live in poland and the state is always retarded

The only 7yos I've ever ducked are my daughters and that ain't rape.
You still haven't actually said shit against the points I brought up.

>trusting people living on them government money checks to be looking after your children
You can't be that dumb.

sup Shaniqua

Fuckimg eurocucks. Go back to being a nigger talking about your donkey muhdik

We're already doing that now and it's created some of the worst people imaginable.

Disagree because of minorities.



>That would take care of a lot of problems.

You mean the problem of critical thinking?

That is a magnificent way to destroy a country, well done.

>The only 7yos I've ever ducked are my daughters and that ain't rape.

>Ahmed admits to fuck his own 7yr old daughters
>says it is not rape because under Islam fucking your own daughters is ok

Wake me up, folks, I can't take this Islamic evil assholes no more.

it would destroy a lot more than that

read Brave New World for an example of what this german wants

That would so awful. The government would just use it as an excuse to have the parental knowledge test be a way of weeding out people with non-progressive ideas to prevent them from "indoctrinating the youth with racism". There is literally no way the government would deny 16 year old Shaniqallia the chance to have a 3rd kid because they'd be called racist if they did

most retarded shit i have ever heard.That would mean total indoctrination

>Parents should be psych evaluated, iq tested, disease tested and take a parenting knowledge test before having a child
It wouldn't work because whoever was in charge of the testing would directly control the future of the population instead of right now where tax money steers it. (((One small group))) would get the completely ruin a nation.

If we just had really high quality everything and it was all free, things would be better

Wow never thought of that

Why don't we just make EVERYTHING free?

Millennials and Gen Z.

They certainly act like it.

>Why don't we just make EVERYTHING free?

Suggestion is to take a very select group (kids aged 4 to 23) and pay for their education and healthcare... pretty much something that already is done this way in all Western countries.

American reaction to reality: COMMUNIST! Why not make everything free!!!!

Jesus, people on here are retards.

Ain't rape to do girls you own.
That ain't even the issue here. The issue is you can't defend your dumbass opinions without namecalling

>age 23

Fucking statist cucks...

If you shut your borders off, you can adapt whatever the fuck kind of economic system you want and I'm sure you'll be fine. It's an already wealthy nation with a still high production economy. A tight-knit homogenous culture with large social programs and concern for their fellow man. It works great.

But if you let millions of unproductive and unskilled people into your economy each year, then you need to start eliminating social programs entirely. People don't mind sharing with those who are from their own culture, and also guaranteeing that everyone is provided a good standard of living will just keep attracting more leaches to come.

>Jesus, people on here are retards.

Some free education might have done you some good, redneck Clapistani.

What you propose is taking children from their parents and implementing some kind of african style community bullshit.
Kill yourself you stupid nigger.

Didn't seem to help you any.

Absolutely not.

The State is the worst provider of any service imaginable. The only reason the State provides any services at all is because people incorrectly believe that private companies and individuals are not capable of providing such service.

When the State puts regulations on private companies in regard to child raising, the quality of child raising decreases, even if the State is not doing the raising. Because of the State's meddling, private companies cannot offer the quality that they need to offer, further leading people to incorrectly believe that the problem lies with the "free market".

The State cannot educate.
The State cannot discipline.
The State cannot teach morality.
The State cannot create motivation.
The State cannot feed children properly.
The State cannot clothe children properly.
The State cannot instill work ethic properly.
The State cannot do anything correctly or efficiently.

The State must be removed from its role in regulating and providing services.

You should be encouraged to find work at 14.

Do you disagree with my argument? I'll boil it down to one simple axiom: the welfare state and open borders are incompatible

Good video.

"Uhurrr", the clapistani exclaimed

Educating is being taught how to think. Being indoctrinated is being taught what to think.


Your argument is some weirdo fantasy of millions entering our social system. Don't be so salty just because we're going to be the better USA.

>be german poster
>advocate for bigger government


*breaths in*


kill yourself cuck