>Mexican designers show that Trump's proposed $21 billion wall would be nearly impossible to build
Huh what now Drumpftards?
>Mexican designers show that Trump's proposed $21 billion wall would be nearly impossible to build
Huh what now Drumpftards?
Ancient peoples without sophisticated tools built the Great Wall of China on mountain peaks and through valleys. Fuck off. THE WALL WILL BE BUILT AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS
>Mexican designers
We built floating concete bridges and drove tanks across The on on d-day. Hitler blew his brains out.
>Mexican designers
>mexican intellectuals
>He thinks Trump will still build the wall
This wall took hundreds of years to build
>Mexican designers
lol, as if mexicans are capable of anything other than shitting out kids and leeching welfare
>Mexican designers
>that brown poo stain
did they really need to add that?
Good. Mexicans are only christians left in america.
>Mexican designers
>Mexican designers
>Mexican designers
I am sure the (((Mexican designers))) are looking at this totally objectively.
>Mexican designers
indeed now if they only had the tools we have today.
dig a moat, the navy need it for transport anyway
>Only Christians
>Literally pray to the Saint of Death for help in their lives
>mexican designers
the memes never end
>Mexican intellectuals
>Mexican designers
what the fuck am I looking at LOL, duty free shopping at the gate? LMAO
I'd rather set up machine gun nests ever 100 yards anyways.
It's not singular. Chinese built many walls throughout different dynasties.
100 days in paint
>mexican anything
we're gonna build that wall so good
>mexican designers
Here we go again.
>mexican designers
>mexican designers
>what now Drumpftards?
We abandoned him already when he went against based Assad and Putin.
>Mexican designers
>a bunch of dirty beaners cant figure out how to build a wall
cant make this shit up
>a prison for illegals inside the wall
>Mexican designers
I'm not gonna assume you have illegals that are friends or family OP, but the evidence suggests it.
>mexican warlock
>mexican intellectuals
>mexican designers
Came here to post this.
>According to the design, Americans would enjoy a shopping mall that's built into the wall, too.
mexican warlocks
>say that it's too hard to build
>attempt to jack up the price
They know exactly what they're doing.
I gotta hand it to those mexican designers they got some good ideas.
Just use them as aggregate when the concrete is poured senpai.
Almost like there's a reason Mexico is a shithole only good for cheap labour and completely ignored for any engineering or design tasks. Rly makes u think huh
>A prison for illegals inside the wall
>mexican designers
Whats with beaners and painting shit pink like that, i have seen that on more than one occasion.
>Mexican designers
>mexican intellectuals
sure if half the budget went to coronas and tacos
americans like their shopping malls, theyre mindless drones
>one degenerate brown south of Texas thinks he's better than another
It never fails to make me laugh.
Everyone knows there won't be a wall, whether it's due to logistics or Trump flip flopping.
Well, you wouldn't want the biomatter in the concrete, but you can use ash as an aggregate.
>Store the Mexicans in the wall
I'm beginning to suspect Mexican intellectuals don't want them back and just want to give Trump ideas. Next you'll tell me they found a way to burn illegal immigrants for fuel for the concrete mixers.
>$21 billion wall
Wasn't it like $7 or $10 billion during the campaign? That pathetic excuse for a president just can't stop lying to his own base, can he?
>Ancient peoples without sophisticated tools built the Great Wall of China on mountain peaks and through valleys.
These ancient people had Chinese interests in mind, not Jewish. Though the orange bitch will probably build at least SOMETHING. Maybe a leaky fence?
Likewise, onii-chan.
>Mexican designers
>from the country that's not benefiting from the wall
>not even architects or engineers, just 'designers'
>Mexican designers
>Mexican Designers
>Uses Businessinsider as source
>Mexican designers
>Mexican designers
Why do they keep doing this
>mexican designers
mexicans you will get the bill soon enuf
dont worry
go back to smakin pinyatas n playing wakky music
Pink is pretty
>malls are dying
>americans love malls
pick one leaf cuck
What's next?
Mexican taxpayers?
>nearly impossible
that's just another way of saying possible.
Reaching the age of 18 without a child is nearly impossible for the average Mexican. They're not known for trying very hard.
>Mexican designers
I literally don't want the wall
>We elect another nigger president
>He floods us with niggers
>excuse is something about making up for slavery
>Zimbabwe/South Africa starts to happen
I need a place to escape to, I live in Arizona.
>Mexican designer
>pink wall
OK then.
Not surprised at this point. Trump is a failure. He is just going to use war to cover up the fact he did nothing for his supporters.
>jack up the price
so they want to pay more?
>mexican designers
what? mexicans don't have any structural engineers or civil engineers?
tip top lelling kek
>Escaping to Mexico for any reason
Out of the pan, into the fire.
Not even nuclear Holocaust is a good reason to go to Mexico. There's about 50 other places nearby that are higher on the list than Mexico. I'd go to Puerto Rico or Trinidad over Mexico
Barns were painted brownish red because dirt made for cheap pigment. In Mexico they have plenty of light colored sand to mix in with dirt for pigment. The result is pink.
>huge walls are impossible to build
We've been building walls for thousands of years. We have this handled.
They are catholics, poor catholics.
>mexican designers
>pink wall
dafuq is this shit
>mexican designer
>that graphic
heres mine
>mexican designers
>Mexican designers
No bias to be found there.
>>Mexican designers
I think this was the worst computing job I've ever seen. Even the mounts made by pol in 30 seconds are better than this job.
If there's one thing trump will be good for as president it will (hopefully) be ending the corrupt inefficient and wasteful public works project process
>mexican interior decorators
> Mexican designers
What, did they plan to make it out of tortillas?
3rd world faggots have no idea of what's possible.
The more you know
Even in America some Mexican ethnic areas have pink buildings.
>Mexican designers
>Mexican designers
Wall Maria mustn't be breached
>mexican designers
I thought barns were painted red because they originally could only really make red paint with rust flakes.