>2 neighbouring countries have terrorist attack
>3rd one has attempted terrorist attack
>all this within one week window
should I be worried Sup Forums?
2 neighbouring countries have terrorist attack
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Ei koske Suomea t. Jyrki Käteinen.
Does your country have mudslimes?
All the immigrants you get in Fingolia just end up depressed and either leave or become alcoholized wrecks like the natural population.
Yes you have gay marriage God will send judgement
So do you
We all should be, user.
Do you live in Helsinki?
I just realized that, if Estonia had a terrorist attack then our every neighbor has had one this year
Helsinki is getting to Sweden levels, can't speak for the rest of the country.
Aren't you one of those nordic countries that still kill living whales with their hands?
Feminist party in Helsinki got about 2k votes as of right now
It can burn in hell
>should I be worried Sup Forums?
You're far more likely to kill yourself than be killed be a refugee. That being said, Finns are pretty suited to fending off invaders, all it takes is to avoid the cucked attitudes of your neighbors long enough for the black swan moment to happen.
t. 1/8th Finn psychopath
It's Icelanders who are brutal killers. We are peace loving animal lovers.
Regardless of what his answer is, I'm interested to hear how you tie whale rasslin proficiency to kebab removal skills.
Nah you're fine, just make sure you let them all into your country as quickly as possible and give them everything they request.
As long as you do that, you're safe.
Just keep doing it though, as soon as you let off the gas pedal of tolerance and step on the brakes, they will fucking slaughter you.
Keep that in mind while embracing them.
Good luck!
>He went to Finland as a messenger of Allah. He came back as SPÖRO LÖRO SPLÄRLE SPÖERDOLÖLA :D:D:D:D
There's nothing to fucking bomb in Finland though. Isn't it just one big snow wasteland with a few select towns and a city?
>inb4 burger education
What happened in Norway?
Finbros just need to keep their testosterone high. Deadlift and be nationalistic. Learn from Swedens mistakes. Don't let it happen in Finland.
yes there's only 1 city and 2 towns
Also they most likely will kill themselves anyways if left alone,it's like japan or korea,any distraction like terorists might encourage less suicides and a total net of more fins living
We just got like 50k of these mudshits imported here in a matter of years.
Don´t forget the polar bears
They found a bomb in Oslo and arrested a guy. Russian citizen is all Swedish media said. Made it sound like some random crazy Russian. "Nothing to do with Islam".
not really, we have about 50k mudslimes in total. less than 1% of our population are muslims still
That's not an attack though, only an attempt of one.
Reminds me of the time a truck went to that Christmas market in germany and they forgot to mention the muslim driver.
Ei mitään hätää. Yksittäistapauksia vaan.
Just don't go outside.
How am I supposed to get my spurdo fuel then?
No, we got at least 50k mudshits immigrants in here in the last two years.
Every vowel in the Finnish language is an umlaut. What the fuck.
Kärpänen sanoi kärpäselle, tuu kattoon kattoon kun kaveri tapettiin tapettiin!
Appilan pappilan apupapin papupata pankolla kiehuu ja kuohuu.
Pappilan paksuposki piski pisti paksun papukeiton poskeensa.
Talo palo sano Tauno Palo kun Tauno Palon talo palo.
I will pray for you Spurdos, you don't deserve this shit.
Doesn't work here. It's just different.