Serbia Protests - Need Redpill

school me on the protests in serbia going on right now.

>media blackout
>i don't know the political structure so i can't make an informed decision on the happenings

need a gestalt Sup Forums
any serbfags have updates?

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get in here faggots

i want the whole pleskavica!

this is c/p

corruption is such a huge problem. In the west people do not understand the scale.

There is so much bureaucracy, this Asterix and Obelix sketch is actually factual...

What happens is because people in Serbia have an average wage of 350 euro a month and their expenses are much higher, they need to find a way to make up for the difference so they accept bribes to allow people to speed up the process for an application avoiding all the unnecessary bureaucracy.

Hence bribes are inherently a "cost of doing business"...

But why protest against Vucic, a number of factors including but not limited to:

1) His party is the only "united" party in Serbia, the Main opposition disintegrated in 2012 and no other party formed, not unified to oppose him. So Vucic's party has so much more political power, monetary capacity and drowned out all the other candidates by essentially controlling all the media with his very powerful advertising campaign...

Think of it like this, you have the Democrat and Republican party (most countries have 2 strong parties), one in essence has a huge fight they all go their own seperate ways, sort of like the democrat party now in the US. Nobody will have the capacity to stand up to the Republicans then....

Thats what happened in Serbia... But Vucic does not have a party line, he literally does what the fuck he wants... no matter how bad, stupid or destructive it is, he pulls out the only positive and runs with it, people see though that bullshit and no longer buy it..


I assume that's like "the whole enchilada?" as we say here.


2) he is just incompetent. Everything he does is just completely idiotic...


He used to be a nationalist, then after he was elected, he reformed his ideals and became a left leaning pro European politician... before 2012 he called for Serbia to end talks to leave the EU then backflipped...

3) thats where the comedian Ljubiša Preletačević beli comes in... Preletač describes a politican who goes ("Flies") from one party to another to in essence remain relevant... but he flew from one side of politics to another...

he legit does what the fuck he wants, no checks and balances...

4) why do people vote for him... Job security... if the government changes, everyone gets fired and the people who supported the party get jobs. Thats happened each time a new party won, but especially when Vucic won last time, so his supporters and their families... are specifically loyal...

Thats also because the Serbian government is the biggest employer in the country...

So many other things but those are the main themes.

that is correct, since its a serbian thread, its a pleskavica

more c/p

Support protesters. He is controlling almost every single media, he is great at brainwashing and becouse of that he has support of elder population.

He is constantly saying that we are doing so great where in fact we are turning to slavery.

Also noone can publicly see list of all voters. By their math there are around 450k 0-17 y/o kids where in fact if you take statistics for past 10 years it should be around 1.8M. What happend to that 1.3M? We had evidence where guy who is dead for 15 years is voting.

And if you try to file a report on this it will be denied. He controlls EVERYTHING. Media, Military, Police, Law, Courts and judges. His men can literaly do anything and go away with it. Last year on the night of parlament election, major of Belgrade (with fake master degree like our minister of Police, current president has fake degree too) litteraly destroyed part of Belgrade becouse of project Belgrade Waterfront. Year after still noone was found guilty, and AV said he knows who did it.


But worst of all are America, Germany and Russia. I dont know what does he promises them behind closed doors but its so convinient that all 3 publicly gave their support to him just few days before election. They are saying we are heading in right direction (like for past 5 years) and for simple averge men that is enough to vote for him.

He is smart, crazy and thief, but smart. He knows how to control average people. He is calculated, and he can spin everything in his favour.

There are so many iregularities in this election system. People selling votes for 1000din (8e). "Bulgarian train", where they give you filled election paper with his number checked and you have to bring out blank paper that you got inside to prove that you voted for him.

He is constantly on media, if not as PM then as candidate for president. Huge amount of serious crimes havent been solved becouse those charges are against his men. But when one of very few anti AV papers said on cover that our major did commit crime and ilegaly destroyed buildings in Belgrade he was charged instantly and had to pay huge amount of money.

Situation is far from nice and EU, US and Russia are ignoring him becouse of personal affection.

People got fired becouse they were seen on protest on Monday. Many of them were treaten that they have to vote for AV or they will loose their job.

These are student protests. If we dont fix this NOW, we will be forced to migrate around the globe. Already huge amount of young people are leaving Serbia.

Its quite sad.

Very well said. Thank you, user.

It's bunch of hipsters, faggots, college kids and leftists that don't know shit about politics, protesting because they saw you fucks doing it after the election.



dude it's not just them anymore the army and the police joined them and so did some conservatives.


Once an obscure nationalistic politician, apprentice of people who ruled in the 90s came to power 5 yrs ago fooling West that he is pro European and pro Western. Since then, slow media censorship has been enforced, TV shows were shut down, newspapers censored and private TV stations, both with national frequency and local ones were bought by tycoons loyal to Vučić.

It came to point that only 1 TV station reports about protest objectively and most newspapers simply ignore it. If you don't have access to Internet you probably do not know about these protests. For example, my neighbour (an eldery woman) asked me as I frequently go to Belgrade what is going on and how many people are protesting, when I told her that there was 50 thousand, she was just shocked because nobody reports about it.

He didn't fulfiled most of his promises, economy is badly deteriotaing, pensions and salaries are being cut down but most important is his attitude. He is pretending that everything is normal, he is talking about massive economic growth, he is talking about special relations with West and Russia, he consider himself to be only one who is truly doing something, going so far to call citizens lazy and uninterested to work. I believe that is what irritates most people. For every mistake he blames opposition, says that previous governments were doing more badly. Blaiming opposition, which ruled up to 2012 (and left everything in ashes according to him), has been until recently 1st choice for him when it comes to blaming for poor results.

His thugs, both in party and on local level, are a big minus for him.

Cool, 100k people walking in Belgrade. I am certain Vucic is going to resign and apologize.


So is it leftist liberals like in the US doing the protesting, or conservatives protesting?

I know that political terms aren't always the same as in the US, so I'm trying to understand. Are the protesters antifa/communist type SJW faggots, or are they /ourguys/?

>Are the protesters antifa/communist type SJW faggots
some of them are, and most of them are students

also there are nationalists in the mass who also protest against the regime

Always leftists. Gays, commie flags, pro eu flags.

*i mean, most of the protesters are students

Oh boii,
The story starts in 1989, Slobodan Milosevic comes to power as a ruthless dictator of Yugoslavia, put's an iron fist over Yugoslavia and wars start. I'm not going to go deep into why the wars started and who were the good/bad guys, it doesn't matter for this topic. In Serbia as soon as the wars started, anti war and anti Milosevic protest started, first in 1991 when tanks cleared hundreds of thousands of people out the streets. During the next 10 years, at least 7-8 more similar semi-violent protest were held until Milosevic was brought down. During that time, as he had all the power in the country, the media was heavily censored and journalists and political figures were often assassinated. Somewhere around the end of 90s a government was formed along with the Radical Party (the first party ever in Yugoslavia to rule along with the Socialist) and here in story comes our current PM Aleksandar Vucic. At the time he was a information minister and notorious for his right wing policies and assassinations of journalists (many murders are associated with him, but no evidence was ever found, the witnesses always disappear or decide to stay silent)

In 2000 on 5th of October, the protests finally reached critical mass and Bulldozer revolution happened(see wikipedia for details), Milosevic was arrested and the Democrats took the government. Democrats ruled the country for the next 12 years, but nothing important happened in that time period

Fast forward to 2008, Vucic decides he is no longer a right wing nationalist but a centre pro european politician, he reorganizes a huge part of the Radical party and creates his own "Progressive Party of Serbia". They quickly win the elections in 2012 and the important bit begins

Since 2012, Aleksandar Vucic has been doing the same things as Milosevic during the 90s.
Absolutely the worst criminals are in power, people who never finished schools and gained money trough mafia and criminal illegal businesses.

>Always leftists. Gays, commie flags
so a colourful revolution, excuse the pun

Do Serbian people like this guy? Read a bit about him seems like your best option?

Far from a revolition. West likes Vucic, so they have no interest in replacing him with someone that they'd have to build good relations with.

This is just impotent rage that's going to dwindle down.

you forgot to mention that nothing changed douring democrats because the only person pushing for change got assassinated- prime minister Djindjic.
basicly by people who helped him defeat milosevic- secret service and mobsters
so yeah its FUBAR

that guy is a Soros shill
he is trying to undermine election results , same as Hillary

so Globalists dont like Vucic, but EU does, right?

Part 2

Almost all media outlets are controlled by the current government , and between 2012 and 2017 most of the government organs have changed their directors to Vucic party members. His party right now numbers around 400 000 members which is more than the Yugoslav Communist Party had during it's golden years. The rules are, either you're a party member and you get a job, or you'll never be able to find a job. People are forced to vote for this scum, and everyone who is in the party HAS to provide 10 more voters or he gets fired.

Journalism is at it's all time low as the most popular and cheapest media outlet is notorious for not having a single true news story (They always write about wars that don't happen etc..). Journalists who refuse to do this are blackmailed, threatened and sued for stupid reasons.

Last year, a dozen of houses were destroyed in a city center by mysterious masked men with bulldozers to make way for a new skycraper built by Arabs. One media outlet accused the Major of being behind this, and got sued for 400 000 euros, the media outlet quickly went bankrupt, only to be revealed a year later that the Major was indeed behind that

Last week, he stole the elections. Cases of dead voters, bulgarian train frauds, payed votes and forced voters were numerous. Vucic denied this and even agreed to manually count votes on voting places where irregularities were found (see picture below. )People hit the streets and are now protesting corruption and voter fraud .

Picture related : The government election commision counting the votes from a sketchy voting place(above). Notice how you have to bend the poper in order to put it in a box(below)

Vucic has no politics, he is an opportunist who just seeks power and money, he changes his opinions to appeal to the masses and uses foul techniques to silence opposition

This is not a Left vs Right fight
This is dignity vs dictator

because he is not turning back on russia- taking their scrap planes and tanks

Oh yes yes, damn, I forgot to add that the revolution ultimately failed

nice shilling
get a better candidate or BTFO

their not scrap if they work senpai, remember the AA missle which shot down the stealth jet.

Death to capitalism banners and Rage Against the Machine playing on speakers DROPPED

From the serbian flag posters here, it seems as there is a disconnect. Some of you are posting for one side, while some are posting for the other side.

>my take based on what you've posted here

1 Vucic is Milosevic_2.0?
2 He's a flip-flopping, corrupt, lying, scumbag?
3 Serbians are protesting because he's EU-centric?
4 They're protesting the corruption?

What do the protesters want? Money? Government jobs?

If they are faggots and SJW types, what are they wanting?

They are not just in Belgrade you fucking retard. They are in other cities and towns as well. I am not saying he will resign but atleast those people are trying to do something unlike you.

i think that is most important at the moment because it shows we can't change this country by walking around and protesting nor with politics
we know how strong clans are and until we cut that cancer out its just a theatre show really

>1 Vucic is Milosevic_2.0?
>2 He's a flip-flopping, corrupt, lying, scumbag?
>3 Serbians are protesting because he's EU-centric?
>4 They're protesting the corruption?
yes is the answer on all questions

Its nothing i was there to watch the patriotic banners and banners dedicated to victims from Kosovo war... The Liberals are so fucking stupid they teared it down and destroy it... Its literally nothing there are less than 2k people just some faggots immigrants lesbians liberals with colored hairs communists and rest is normal people who are sheeps basicall there is also one small group waving the yellow duck flag which is obvious that some are getting paid by soros... its just pissing in wind...

long story short story:
SJWs, faggots, leftist, drunk and drugged students are trying to protest against ...
even they don't know what

true but its not 1999 anymore

Basically no one likes, only geriatric people and the people working for the state voted for him. He's a corrupted, thieving son of a whore, but we also hate the faggots on the streets, because they're bunch of leftists

migs will do desu, dont worry ;)

it also shows how little they know about how this country works

The protests started as student protests and there were lots of SJW's fags and hippies, but yesterday the Police and Military syndicate joined. The protest look normal and you can see all sorts of people, both the libtards and the radicals, I even saw a neo nazi group and a communist movement

>What do they want
These are the goals
1. The Republic Election Commision directors to resign
2. The The Government Media Commission to resign
3. All heads of parliament to resign
4. Vucic to step off power and Parliamentary Elections to be repeated

what for Vladimir ?
fuck off with your wars and shit , we had enough thanks

We need to set a lustration , google it, I am tired of explaining things

just shows how fucked normies are on all sides
we did this years ago and nothing changed
we need different approach

sounds Marxist
no thanks

nth for prole second-class pieces of shit

haven't been following the news or these threads for the past two days, did anything change other than police/military joining up and supervule blowing the fuck out of the opposition with the vote counting

>no thanks to arresting and removing from the goverment the entire network of thieves

you sound awfully liberal my man

but honestly
you wanna change the system
half of people are unable to realise they should move from the door in the bus so other can go out and come in

I'm still trying to figure out the situation. If Vucic is corrupt and "progressive," don't the SJWs want this? gibmedats, etc?

Resident shqiptar here, what do you suggest happens then? I'm interested in your opinion.

Don't listen to this faggot. There are both nationalists and leftists on the street

I might sound but I am not, also not on the other extreme
you cant arrest half of country m8

I don't know shit about Serbia but it seems like if it's worthwhile to take meager bribes then globalists could essentially buy Serbia like so many other poor countries. The only defence against this is rabid nationalism so they'll try to dismantle that first.

The protesters look mostly like worldly young people. Is this another globalist shill SJW faggot protest? Vuvic doesn't seem like a globalist shill to me which would explain a shill protest but I don't care enough to analyze the facts and sift through the rhetoric.

>media blackout
yea right

we should just give it all away to you guys
but seriously it's so fuck there is no easy and quick fix
serbs lack self discipline

Taking bribes and doing shady shit is commonplace in all of the Balkans. This place has been and always will be an oligarchy until something (I have no idea what) happens.

Public sector is biggest employer. All public sector jobs go to party members. To succeed in Serbia you have to be a member of whatever party is in power. It's basically communism.


You fags where the worst

You do realize that the banners where accidentally toppled, not even destroyed and it only happened on the first day
1. The government should build a monument to the lost lives in Kosovo, not a fucking fragile paper banner. You should be the ones who take the banners away and request a monument
2. You were protecting a piece of paper that none wanted to destroy. Most of you were very aggressive in doing so, fucking idiots

>2k people
At Least 20k by reports

Lustration Lustration Lustration

>sounds Marxist
It is anti marxist bwahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

You have to hate all public sector workers.

Not really. In 90% of cases they don't give a fuck about the party, its political plan or the cause. They willingly bent over backwards in order to survive.

I said this in another thread, but most of you don't understand the ramifications of this level of corruption. Friend of mine couldn't sign his kid up for kindergarden for 3 months until he find a hookup with some distant cousing who was a member of the party.

I stand corrected sir

Lustration is a process after a revolution where all ex government political figures are stripped off their democratic rights
That means if the revolution happens and you work as a position politician
>no more voting
>no more politics for you
>no more organizing parties

Basically, make all politicians plebs and start again

>This place has been and always will be an oligarchy until something (I have no idea what) happens.

First we need to kill all of eachother, then the smart ones will be left to build a nuke and start ww3 to end it all.

Can't argue with those digits.

sounds good
but I am more focused on secret service and organized crime that really run shit
how we deal with them ?

why do foreigners use elipses so much when typing in american?

So what is the direction for Serbia? They've been straddling the line between the EU and Russia for almost two decades now with no clear intent. They can either go the Eurocentric route and get strung along & exploited by the EU or they can go nationalistic and side with Russia, who will probably exploit them as well.

Is there an option for an independent and sovereign Serbia or is that option non-viable with the current economic and geopolitical situation?

Well a ((serbian)) did start ww1 so let's see if lighting strikes twice then huh?

Get a guy with determination like Djindjic and start arresting the rats one by one

we tried it in the 90s remember?
but it doesn't work

It is simple. There is an attempt of overthrowing the current government and establishing pro-EU and globalist leaders on the balkans especially in Macedonia and Serbia and this is mostly because of the Turkish stream which has to go right through these 2 countries.

>Is there an option for an independent and sovereign Serbia or is that option non-viable with the current economic and geopolitical situation?
i guess no

we're getting fucked from the both of the sides as always

EU is the only option, unless we want to be a pro-Russian enclave surrounded by EU and NATO.
Despite all the pro-Russia shilling, everybody wants to go to Venice for vacation visa free, and most people would rather work in Germany.

>until something (I have no idea what) happens

I agree but why would it end different this time ?

Vucic is pulling our nose left and right on that one.

Some people want EU, others want Russia, but it doesn't matter what they want until the Big Boss decides. And he decides by how much he's paid and given directions.

It's a really pathetic state we currently live in. I read day after day about these heroic Serbian fighters who died for their land only to look at it now with the slimy, disgusting, vomit inducing thieves running the show. And Vucic is not the only one, there's an entire parade behind him, hundreds of crooks.

Fuck off nazi scum

That would only work if you had control of a police force willing to arrest every politician on the scene these past 30 years, and a court willing to prosecute them.

true but we don't want SJW male white guilt shit that comes along

Fascism is the only answer for the Balkans.

I see that as a non issue


I don't know, I simply don't have those answers

Here are some words from Zizek
"Perhaps it is time that we set our possibilities straight and become realist by demanding what seems to be impossible. None can guarantee a future, there is no train of history to ride, the future of our revolutions depends on us and none else"

which we don't have and people normalized it
that is the problem in my opinion

Let's both face it, 20th century politics are over

Not enough dead, we gave up, should have made terrorist attacks on European and US politicians, and their entire families, because they dared to mess with our chaos.

Then, you would need a legislature to repeal every single commie law left over from the old days. So basically we need Jesus to come back.

Eh you never know, Easter is coming up in a week...

Corporate republics, then.

but fuck them abrahamic religions

nah I leave that to the religion of peace

>Let's both face it, 20th century politics are over
Say it aloud for all /poltards to hear, maybe it finally drills into somebody's thick skull ffs


Yes, but I don't think a bunch of SJW, leftist crybabies are going to bring revolution. They haven't done anything worthwhile, ever.