Keep sharing and forcing these pics in the social media so they would be seen by as many normie liberal faggots as possible confusing all of their three brain cells.
Keep sharing and forcing these pics in the social media so they would be seen by as many normie liberal faggots as...
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People need to see this.
Poor doggo ;_;
This one always gets me
Dont let them forget the other times the religion of piss did this
We should be bringing them by the boatfull according to the mohammadens, judens, and faggot liberals
JFC Muslim ban
How many more need to die before we kill them all the mohammadens and traitors in our midst?
The town so nice they named a Syndrome after it.
Fucking shit man well will swedistan wake the fuck up and crack down on this?
Spread David Wood's channel also, to expose Islam
Spread these to all normies
That's what they voted for.
These are just the simple pleasures of living in a multicultural society
>Her mother couldn't get a hold of her after the attacks
>Made a facebook post describing her and her clothes
>Got shared by everyone
>Marineblue jacket, purple jeans
>Also mentioned that she was deaf and might be hiding somewhere
>pictures of the victims emerge
>Marineblue jacket, purple jeans, backpack from a school for deaf students
She was only twelve years old man
Imagine how scarred the guys are that had to clean those bodies up from the street, how they didn't immediately grab guns and head to muslim neighborhoods and start blowing heads off in beyond me.
mohammadcaust when?
And they want to bring more in. How many more dead young european women will it take before we turn it around and destroy their will to live and take their women as our rightful sex slaves.
New official flag of Sweden.
Remember loli and doggo.
We should be using refugee boats for target practice for our military.
Once the word gets out the boats will stop coming.
i don't know. i drives me insane to watch.
the italian military ships them in by the boatload.
sweden, i'm sorry this happened
Make sure you spread the pictures of the dead dog! As soon as this happened someone said that it was better to spread the pic of the dead dog, because no one gives a shit about dead white people. Well, he was right. People are flooding my facebook wall with sorrow over the dog, but so far I haven't seen anyone mentioning the crushed 11 year old girl or any of the other victims. It's sickening.
why did it have to be a little white girl? why cant they run a nigger or some shitskin, i feel bad for her and the way she died, i hope it was quick
Looks like the little deaf girl is now a little dead girl.
These are fucked up times...
Will things ever get better?
there's a lot of manchildren on Sup Forums as well who are whining about the dog, and they use baby language
this is 'crazy cat lady' tier insanity
Stuff like this is when you never see liberals scream and shout "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!"
They never really cared to begin with.
read this
I went ahead and google translated it for y'all.
The Socialists entered a pact with the Muslim Council of Sweden called "Faith and Solidarity" in 1999, ensuring
votes to the socialistparty in exchange for government positions to muslims. The socialist lost a big portion of their
given votes in 1985 when membership in a blue collor workers union no longer automatically registered you as a Socialistparty member.
The son-in-law of Faith and solidarity chairman Helena Hummasten, Munir Awad, was convicted of preparations to commit terrorist acts in 2010.
Helena denies any muslim extremism in Sweden...
Sweden is neck deep in shit. Our biggest political party is in bed with the Muslims meanwhile any and all antisemitism gets blamed on SD.
>that edge xD
Quick translation:
>Was at the Drottningstreet this evening. I saw that no one had left a flower or lit a light at the place where the poor dog got killed. So we gave it its own memorial place. Rest in piece little friend In memory of you, good dog! I have thought a lot about you and cried many tears at the thought that neither the politicians nor the police or media has ever mentioned you. They have not counted you as one of the victims who lost their life. Even though you can feel as much pain, happiness, sadness, love and fear as we can. My greatest thoughts goes to you, where you lied with the entrails outside the body, the leash still around your neck, all alone. Your human friend is supposedly also dead. If that is the case, it is a small consolation that you are together. You are not forgotten!
if you can't handle people joking about dead little girls you're in the wrong place
Fuck off fag cat lover.
I think Swedecucks cared more about that dog than their fellow countrymen or that girl that died...
>TFW you will never fly over Mediterranean Sea in your A-10 and brrrrrrring rapefugee boats.
I laughed, I shouldn't have, but I did
Do I seem upset?
Meh my social circle already knows my views.
I drop subtle redpills at work mainly in the form of "have you heard about what happened in London/St.Petersburg/Stockholm" to establish a common narrative of muslim problems. Works amazingly well when people themselves come to this realization + if there is a demented leftish snitch, they can't tell HR anything... spreading the news is not racist :D
Not quite true, the dog hasn't been mentioned anywhere in the media here. That was one of the reasons people started talking about it.
A more accurate statement would be that swedecucks care more about mudslimes than their fellow countrymen. At least when it comes to the media and pretty much all political parties except SD.
Good point in light of the Syria gas attack, the leftists are *selective* about which children they care about.
(You)Redpilling new normiess from T_D?
>nothing to see here goy
dammit why didn't the assault truck get them
I hope someone terror attacks his family
Is that the little girl that died? Seriously, that young deaf girl on her way home from school? Is that her? I'm so full of deus vult right now thinking that's the cute little girl they killed.
Are they really censoring that??
I like how you put protecting the dignity of the deceased over your own personal agenda like a true christian...I'm just kidding, you are just as low and despicable as those sandniggers who post pictures of their victims online so "people can see them".
lol silly nigger.
There's nothing wrong with destroying Islam for our personal ideals.
webm related, it's you.
Nice try Ahmed
>if you post pictures of victims of terrorism to raise awareness you're just as bad as terrorists who post pictures of their victims to gloat
Germany YES
Imagine being this girls parents and seeing your daughter in pieces on a fucking road. Jesus Christ I have no fucking feeling for these shit skins anymore
10-4, blasting on liberal news twitters now
>Sweden in charge of waking up
try to be the first to post it on big twitter accounts' new tweets
Fuck off. Does it make it harder for you to shill your pro refugee agenda.
And then you see shtskin kids celebrating it or at least making light of it. I don't see how those images can't redpill even Swedes
too obvious you sperg
#RefugeesStillWelcome would do it
This needs to be printed on giant posters, and plastered all around Stockholm. Imagine the media outrage as thousands of these posters are replaced overnight whenever they're taken down. Everyone in the city needs to know that she'd be alive if they didn't open their boarders.
kys kraut
SD is already leading the polls and that was before this attack.
I haven't seen any pictures of the victims in Finnish MSM. Only random whites crying, police and emergency personnel.
And of course the muslim candles was a huge hit.
a few kids die in Syria and the world explodes to help them. Europeans in Europe die and they don't give a fuck. Its sick, and I'm tired of it, the blood of our brothers and sisters is not worth it.
I actually said this to a liberal I was arguing with, they just shut the fuck up immediately and never brought it up again.
no no no
shop it together with pic related and have it say some bullshit like one death is worth the lives of thousands
Got any evidence that non immigration helps Europe?
> you are just as low and despicable as those sandniggers
Alright Europe, Hans wants you to know that protecting your borders is somehow morally wrong.
> despicable as those sandniggers who post pictures of their victims online so "people can see them".
it works, you brainwashed faggot
combine these two pics to really drive the point home
That doesn't surprise me, I meant censoring that non gore from twitter. Ignoring is one thing, (((censoring))) is another
If you guys fuck this up with all this meme material that just fell on your lap, then these people died for no reason
>even the wiki article mentions forever sleepy doggo
>drives me insane
oh you
I'm getting ready to watch the fabled cuck to viking metamorphosis. Don't let me down.
Based Pekka.
Respekt, broder! Suomi Ruotsi Perkele!
I'm crying right now, I didn't tought I would again at gore or shocking images after all these years of Sup Forums, I'm mad at the moment, and just can't believe how is it possible that it happens to innocent children like that, this virus need to be eradicated from the face of the earth, I'm trying to redpill all Swedish I can meanwhile I'm in their country ( I'm an exchange student frenchfag.) But thats a pretty hard work with all their censorship policy, I just never want to see that again in Europe. enough is enough. Thats just absolute horror, I'm shaking...
This is what made me think of it. They care depending on the narrative pushed by the media.
the dog that died was just playing 4d chess btw