Someone posted images of a discord planning to take down Sup Forums is this part of shareblue's program to become more prominent on the internet?
Also post all David Brock, Shareblue, CTR related memes and documents
Someone posted images of a discord planning to take down Sup Forums is this part of shareblue's program to become more prominent on the internet?
Also post all David Brock, Shareblue, CTR related memes and documents
Other urls found in this thread:
some other relevant images
post the shill discord images if you have
Oh man...these guys are actual non-ironic effeminate cucks
>tfw no matter what happens in my life
>i'll always be more masculine than these cucks
Might be individual employees tasked with seeding astroturfer groups of unpaid useful retards.
>Brock can spend more money on boipucci.
its really fucking funny when anti-fa dickgirls
and femboys threaten you online
like really nigga?
I need a wordlist for the sage bot. What phrases shills frequently use?
we've had boot on the ground in their discord. i've seen it, got banned though.
dumping from >120195185
thanks danebro
thats all i got
r8 me Sup Forums
David Brock
Now this thread is clear, carry on
they have been seen posting pics with donald trump in a red kippah, and naming their images (so no string of numbers)
seen a huge uptick in use for those
$0.05 Kushnerbux has been deposited into your account.
They can study the science of our shitposting but they'll never understand our art. If they do, its too late and they become one of us.
"We voted you," cried his voters.
"And you've betrayed us, heavens why?
"You knew the jews were evil and now we're going to die,"
"Oh shut up, silly goyyim," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a kike before you took me in."
t. delusional cult member in denial
Thanks, forgot about t_d.
Going for another run, watch'em scatter.
$0.05 Kushnerbux has been deposited into your account.
neck yourself nigger
clippety cloppety, get of my propperty
Your balance of Kushnerbux has now reached $0.15, you can buy a packet of Top Ramen with $0.85 more Kushnerbux
weak bait
>we are the only thing stopping shariablue from taking over
what did he meant by thsi?
told you so, they name their pics and use akward, out of place lingo
.05 kushnerbux has been deposited into your account.
Ivan may as well add "kushnerbux" to his sage bot, considering today is the first instance of this term being used.
0.05 kushnerdollars has been deposited into your account
way to change it up, fag
Congratulations, you have enough Kushnerdollars (0.25) to buy a stick of gum
ITT: Delusional retards who think people are after them and LARP because it gives them a sense of self importance.
>we memed trump, we so powerful!!
No, you're a fatass who doesn't leave the house and has absolutely no influence on his society (apart maybe from bringing its standards down).
$0.02 kushner buckaroos have been deposited into your account
eat shit and die, fucking nigger
Added, though it's not really useful since they won't use this word in the OPs (the bot scans only them).
>this triggers the jew
Criticizing your bosses is not allowed, if this happens again we will revoke your free room and board and we will demote your pay to $0.03 Kushnerdollars per post.
Using racial slurs is also not allowed, 0.1 kushnerdollars have been revoked from your account
Keep up the good work.
was getting caught part of your plan?
I got banned from ShareBlue discord for saying I was an Ethno Nationalist
Work harder and we'll raise your pay to 0.051 cents of a kushnerdollar
I can't do this alone: either I'll get b& or I'll run out of money (captcha monkeys ain't free).
This is the bot's code. Figure out how to run it (I included some instructions inside) and help me. Maybe I'll set up a bitcoin donation address, just 1$ equivalent is enough for more than 400 posts, I don't even need that much.
>Qvick! Qvick! The goyim are onto Trump, invent a new boogeyman.
Shareblue have no power. Zionists have the power. Trump is zionist. Simple and plain. The only ones who deny the Zionists hold the keys are dupes and Zionist shills, whether they're christian, atheist, or whatever. They are the only ones. Everyone who looks into who controls what, arrives at the same place.
ShareBlue is bullshit.
keep this shit alive
>unpaid useful retards.
that's shareblue from top to bottom
Shareblue and the Brockites are funny.. they think they're accomplishing stuff here? We've been under constant assault for years.. by much harder, much smarter, much stronger enemies..
They still don't understand that they're not fighting against a collective or even a concerted set of ideas but rather the pure spirit of free speech.
Forgot pic related
PROTIP: Shills can only convince Sup Forums that Trump is a cuck when he is actually acting like a cuck (like he is now).
*notices thread is on page 10*
oWo whats this???
bump! :D
bump ya cunts
it's 13 year old faggots trolling other 13 year old faggots.
3 dots or 1 you homeschooled virgin retard.
Hah cool. I meant to ellipsis... Thanks for Correcting The Grammar ™
if this is a discord thread already then come join this libertarian-right one.
thanks for keeping this bumped
>it's 18-35 year old faggots trolling other 18-35 year old faggots
There clearly are shills here, though.
Glad to do it.
thats whats so amazing.
these guys are non stop short sighted. in everything they do.
they don't realize, the more they try to infiltrate us the more we infiltrate them. they will be drinking their mocha frappe with their pussy hat on wondering why no man (or woman they tried) wants them, then someone bumps into them spilling their mocha on their fair trade african wool scarf and he/she mutters out "fucking jew"
... it is too late, all shills are infected...
this one worked, i'm in
if anything worth of note happens, i'll let you guys know
Also, any way to get ip adresses from discord? asking for a friend
social engineering
it works like that:
1. create a fake site
2. add an IP logger to it
3. drop the link into the discord
You won't get username-IP relations, though.
i'll make a minecraft server using logmeinhamachi. i can get their ip and name using that
working on it now
Important to note that we don't really know what information discord themselves has access to nor do we know what they intend to do with it... likewise with this site, however.