I-I mean
YES fucking kikes
McFucking do it
>dunecoon Shiite zealosts launches rockets to Israel
>It destroys Dome of Rock
>Jews build Third Temple in its stead
You know what I just realized, they are not even hiding it anymore, those Zionists. First the chemical attacks "by Assad" and now this. Israel really is destroying the middle east. They want America to go and destroy their enemies for them.
>100,000 missiles in Lebanon alone readied for the “annihilation” of Israel.
Looks like Trump will be invading Lebanon soon
>Wipe out Israel
Do it.
This will be the long awaited WW3: Muslims against everybody else.
Death to all muslims!
Can't build a third temple if jews no longer exist
>Hezbollah's secret services have been described as "one of the best in the world", and have even infiltrated the Israeli army.
Only by Kek's will.
based Iran
but source is JTA so its only warmongering of kikes with psychotic meltdown
WTF? I love Iran now
Thank the based Hezbollah
Kinda reminded me of
Israel should just go nuclear on these sand niggers
Good. Israel fucking blows goats.
Oven preheated. Where's Yoel Chaim? Still listening to Hamilton soundtrack in Iraq?
Iran is easily the most based country on earth atm, prove me wrong.
Wzzzzaaaap amigos, Shimshon called, he want to talk to you.
> Implying that being based is always good
Do it Iran! do it!
Yamete jew kun
The burger is salty because muh great satan