Israel is not our ally.
Israel is not our ally
I'm sure you kiddos know better than your high command
Too bad they are in charge lol
Israel is the enemy
So Palestine is our ally now?
say it with me
ofc they are our ally you doumb idiot!
This isn't your safe space any more.
Israel is a necessary evil. The Jews are one of the main reasons why multiculturalism exists in the West, and Israel existing means that the West has fewer Jews.
This picture doesn't make any sense, it's anti-anti-Israel but you're anti-Israel
Yes, and stop thinking world is black and white "if you don't support x, then you support y"
First of all, Hitler supported Israel. Second of all, you neocon Trump supporters have done nothing but got BTFO all the time last couple days
Congrats, you're useful idiot. I hope you get drafted so you can die for your masters
>being this fucking retarded and underage
If we have been getting "BTFO" like you say, why are we running this board now?
Go cry into your SS uniform you fucking waste of air. Suck start a shotgun.
>OY in the ID
Fuck off these jews need to die off they want to own all off the middle east we should drop bombs on all their curly sideburn asses.
>It's not BTFO because I'm the one getting BTFO'd
doesn't work like that, retard. You're not running shit, Sup Forums has been way before (((Trump))) announced that he's running for President. You're by definition, useful idiot. Get drafted and die for your masters. I hope you get nice fat bullet to your head, Israel thanks you for your service.
Shouldnt you pasty white fatbags be posting anime over at cripplechan where you belong? (actually where you belong is in the grave)
stay BTFO nazi faggot
sure thing reddit
You're not even trying anymore, stop LARPing as a shill. You don't know how to do it.
Retard, you just confirmed yourself a jew shill by calling us Nazis, you don't have to be a Nazi to hate the jews, literally everyone who is not a jew hates them