How does Sup Forums date millenial women?
How does Sup Forums date millenial women?
Don't be ugly.
>wait for gen x
>let gen x dudes fend for left overs
Dating is for betas.
Gen z* lol
What a waste of quads
I don't know, I've only ever dated polish girls
my honest opinion is you guys arn't blunt enough, or dont give good hints
just, just fucking ask her, and if she declines just remain conversational friends there is not need to obrit her unless you have no choice
they ask me out and i go along with it
Jesus Christ women are so fucking stupid but that guy is also fucking retarded, then again maybe he thought he would impress her enough for her to bite too bad he doesn't know how modern women work, they rather fuck a couple chads and be treated like shit before they will settle down with a man such as him. If I was him I would immediately stop giving her attention and spending my money on trash.
look at those twig legs tho
and the posture too
>dating breeders
>How does Sup Forums date millenial women?
I don't, I'm gay.
How sad.
>falling for the vaginal jew
>I thank God
They probably are dating, they're just ultra Christian, and saying that they're "just friends" is as close to dating as their families will allow them to get. Source: grew up in ultra Christian rural town.
i feel bad for the dude. he just doesn't know how to really treat a girl. the girl is a cunt for writing out all that shit
He's taken his first redpill. You can see the pain on his face and how it's going to metastasize into MGTOW or full-blown woman hating.
He's been taught to be a "gentleman" and he's realizing that it only allows women to walk all over you.
It's the face of a boy who is going to snap.
I usually just pump and dump
>How does Sup Forums date millenial women?
I have a waifu, she's the best.
I'm sorry
this lol
careful now hanz
don't want muhammed to find out
This is sad.
german gay cuck, no wonder europe is done for
You always have a choice user
literally the whiniest fucks on the planet. You sound like the type of nigga that got his heart broke cus he stalked a girl a bit too close, and then when she denied you, you never got over it. Hope you pass highschool there Brad.
>implying women aren't perfectly aware of the fact that her beta orbiter wants to fuck her
>implying she isn't absolutely disgusted by this thought and only abuses him as an emotional vacuum until a handsome alpha male approaches her
You give women more credit than they deserve. Or less, I'm not sure.
Hey german gay user
How are you doing?
what about the socks, anĂ£o?
Exactlyyyyyy. 50 years ago I would have taken a woman out on a date. The women of this generation quite frankly aren't even worth spending money on.
> There are people on /pol who don't practice rape as a mating strategy.
it isn't hard, you just have to avoid talking politics.
I feign being liberal so my gf stays in check
consensual sex is pretty cucked to be honest.
>Why can`t i meet a guy like you, user.
How do I swoop up a barely legal gen z qtpie virgin bride to bear my children without making it awkward?
>and if she declines just remain conversational friends
Why would you want to be "just friends" with a woman though? Literally nothing good can come out of it except you wasting your time.
holy shit. that's probably true now that I think about it. still dumb, but thankfully nowhere near as sad.
By being a fucking man and not a beta bitch
>This thread again
>friend date
Gen Z is redpilled as fuck.
1. Go to student town
2. Get Hitler mustache
3. Work in local coffeeshop
4. Local redpilled Gen Z qts invite you to their Nazi-theme party
5. Impregnate all of them for glory of the Fatherland
I think modern women are actually kinda disgusted by the idea of a date. They like the fantasy, but in reality, what's really going through her head is
>You really believe that I am so above your level that you have to pay me with food, gifts and entertainment, before I would want us to have sex together?
>Why would I choose a guy below my level, when I could be lucky to get one above my level?
>A guy so cool, popular and busy, that he wants ME to cook for HIM before he'll even consider being interested in me.
> Be a beta cuck
> Worship woman
> Dropped.jpg
> "Muuh fuck whores... MGTOW 4life"
Literally this. If no woman wants you or stays with you it's because she doesnt value you. Odds are you aren't valuable.
Ouch. Everyone should brutally make fun of him so he wises up
Promise the world. Make them think they found someone who really truly cares. Make them feel like they can trust me. Withdraw. When asked why so distant, "it's not you it's me", kiss her. Have sex with her because she realizes now the only way to keep your kindness is to submit to your desires. Ignore her until I want to fuck her again, spend an hour reminding her that I care, catch up on her life, apologize in advance that I'll be too busy to be present in her life for the next few weeks. Fuck her, ignore her, rinse repeat.
What the fuck?
That's just a polite way to day "girls being sluts. I never dated, my marriage was arranged as is the moral way to be with a female.
>friend date
>uses the beta up for all expenses and experiences
>gets home by 9
>texts chad to come over and fuck her full of 4 loads of cum
>beta texts her good night *love emoji*
>no response
>slut is busy swallowing chad's fifth load
We don't, we hate women of all kinds for the most part.
>he doesn't realize its just downhill from here
What did he mean by this?
I'm starting to think that Islam would actually be a step up for Europe at this point.
Is that what Germans look like in 2017?
I don't
It's not complicated, it just takes money.
i got lucky and found a girl who was redpilled while living in cali
she knows the full extent of their degeneracy
i like it. stay gay user dont let anyone change you.
i wonder if you can order those little cylindrical hats they wear online?
you're naive if you think she isn't signalling for Chad
Gen z is more right than any generation before it back to the greatest generation.
In my experience, you have to think of dating as less of trying to woo her, and more of just making it a mutually enjoyable time getting to know each other.
Never do something extravagant on your first few dates, just get coffee and walk around town or something.
It really isn't that hard to get your dick sucked on the first date if you're laid back and friendly.
as someone who's been in a relationship for 10 months
>still single tho
>Gen z is more right than any generation before
From the pov of millennials where everything is literally hitler
Nigga, you can only blame the guy in this situation. Guys who complain about getting friend zoned are like women who say women have no blame in getting raped. Stay with me.
>woman wears skimpy clothes
>acts like a slut and gets black out drunk
>get surprised when an opportunistic chad fucks here
>too afraid of rejection to make intentions known from the get go
>tells the girls "it's just a friends thing xD"
>gets buttflustered when the woman takes advantage of his "friendships"
Both parties know that they're going to get taken advantage of going in. Quit being fucktards and don't put yourself in a bad situation.
that kid is definitely her gay friend
>he hasn't taken the prostitutepill
Good lord put this man out of his misery. God have mercy.
Nobody dates millennial women. Problem solved.
"""""Friend date"""""
Actualy true.
>just asking up front
not all of us are burgers in exile man
in Germany you have to get a girl sufficiently drunk first before throw yourself at her half conscious body
>implying Gen Z is old enough to have a a quantifiable political opinion
Wew lad
She's a cunt but this guy is also to blame. He made a move and she's not interested... and he thinks if he keeps throwing money and gifts at her he can buy her attraction. Doesn't work that way. She is not into him and never will be so he needs to just fuck off and get on with his life.
>Jesus Christ women are so fucking stupid
shes knows exactly what shes doing dont kid yourself
I wonder
I don't. And after I've discovered that prostitutes are ultimately cheaper and ride only my dick, not my brain, I don't regret that.
She's a bitch but he's a beta
>mfw my name is Daniel
That's awful, thank god I found my grill instead of getting trapped in a friendzoned clusterfuck like that
"thank God" is an empty, meaningless expression these days, people say it without meaning it
Same with "God damn it", or yelling "jesus christ"
Once I got genital warts I stopped
damn that sux bro
>gets the gift that keeps on giving
>doesn't give it to others
selfish desu
Yes it does.
My dick and top of my mouth are covered in warts.
Losing my virginity was not worth it.
I think I'm starting to get bells palsy from it as well, my face keeps twitching
>Being this naive
This is an advertisement for other needy beta orbiters.
>He isn't a boomer or Gen Z
Might as well kill yourself desu
Yes She does (#stillsingletho). They guy doesn't on a conscious level. He made a decision at some point that pursuing this woman overtly and aggressive is bad. Somewhere in his twisted mind he believes he deserves her still or has a chance so he tormented by thinking I should just treat like a friend that is how women deserve to be treated, and by the undercurrent of if I treat her like a friend, and lavish her with attention reserved usually for a very significant other with not even a hint of strings attached. I think the eventual goal is for men like this to have even that small desire undergo death (like some sort of partial focused ego death) or kind have that impossibility as their ideal, which keeps them guilty and subservient. When in reality this kind of attention and affection should only be given to you wife, fiance, or at the very least girlfriend. Even on the other hand as the girl its wrong too, she shouldn't be accepting that kind of intimate affection from a male, as it would be inappropriate if she had a girlfriend. But whatever, these are the same people that call Pence "Sharia Mike".
A friend of mine lost a virginity to a slut and got them. I mean its so ironic that you two got it the first time
I think its because the guy is a faggot, he looks like he's gay to be honest
>tfw this is the final redpill on women
That's horrible. Best of luck to your friend
>He didn't fuck up the world
>Might as well kill yourself
I think you have that backwards.
Its insane when an arab on Sup Forums speaks truth like this. I dated girls and they were mostly crypto-sluts and dumb as fuck. Thank god i have the option to go for an arranged marriage with a virgin in her prime, handpicked by my family. Women have to be kept in check, they are simply too stupid to entrust with (((freedom))). You're alright man.
We're already darker than that.
damn start taking vitamins and supplements to boost your immune system to get rid of that shit
Nah a gay guy would never do this. Its just a beta cuck hoping to get pussy from inside the friendzone.
>being friends with women
Daniel is probably a homosexual. Look at him.