Now that the USA is the largest producer of oil and there are enough oil reserves in North America to be energy independent, what strategic value does the Middle East have to America?
Now that the USA is the largest producer of oil and there are enough oil reserves in North America to be energy...
>USA is the largest producer of oil and there are enough oil reserves in North America to be energy independen
substantiate your claims
Muslims needed to complete the white genocide
It has no value to America, it has value to Christ.
USA, Mexico and Canada have enough oil to sustain themselves. United States does not have to import oil from the middle east. Only reason it does now is due to price and some coastal markets having poor pipeline infrastructure.
The US doesn't need it for its own consumption, but the oil is still of value to other nations. Whoever control the oil has power. If the US doesn't maintain their control, Russia or China might take over. As it is, oil is what keeps the US' currency afloat (without the demand for it going up due to oil sales being in USD, they wouldn't be able to print so much of it without inflation) and allows them to control the world's financial system (other nations have to "buy" USDs with exports to be able to acquire oil).
If it's true that we are no longer dependent on foreign oil then we will probably see middle eastern borders getting "redrawn" sometime in the future..
This, same reason they needed Venezuela under control or in recesion.
We are seeing that now. Technically you could say it has been happening since the USSR invaded Afghanistan. The emergence of nations takes a long time.
>don't forget, you're here forever; best goy
>enough oil reserves in North America to be energy independent
>falling for Republican propaganda this hard
"Energy independence" is a myth. The oil in the US is owned by oil companies that also own oil in several other countries. It makes up part of a global market and the prices are set according to that.
The only way this so-called energy independence could actually take place would be through government control of all US oil, i.e. communism
The US being in the Middle East was never about oil, that was the just the cover story under the cover story of spreading freedom. The real reason is ZOG wants the wars to get rich and to help Israel.
seealso you don't understand corruption. if i say to you why an employee of a gas station will stole from it if the capital of the station will be reduced?. make sense that for you. (((they))) are not stealing for the people, the are stealing THE PEOPLE
What about the hundreds of tons of gold stolen every time the US goes to war with the middle east?
>muh joos
You not only have to accumulate power for yourself, you also have to keep others from doing the same.
You just take everything in the name of total control.
Because a stable MENA would mean oil being traded against a gold backed OPEC currency instead of US dollars.
Plus it's always a nice boost to weapons manufacturing, gold stealing and the chosen people's interests
Protecting g-d's chosen people duh
Nobody in the world can be self-sufficient with oil. Why do you think humanity is researching alternative sources of energy (solar cells etc.)? Energy needs keep growing and soon oil won't be enough. (Yet, oil is still very important.)
Secondly, oil is sold in USD, and that's what gives USD its value. Americans absolutely have to make sure that oil keeps being sold in USD or the dollar will collapse. Research "petrodollar" online if you are interesting in seeing what makes the world go round.
tl;dr: Americans have no choice but enforcing their will in Middle East.
There is oil but its too expensive to drill.
This is what we get for getting off the gold standard.