how does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
hardly surprised at all. watch this go absolutely nowhere (Google probably outspends everyone on lobbying right now)
>men have jobs in google like software engineer
>women have HR jobs
>different jobs get different pay
>surprised when women are paid differently than men
These articles will never openly say that men and women are being paid differently for the same jobs. They just put misleading headlines up for the sake of creating controversy by making up victim narratives.
>utter and complete shills for Hill
>now under attack for trivial bullshit by other shills for Hill
Kek is truly the god of chaos and idiocy. The recent unfolding of events, one surprise after another, like a theatrical piece by Shakespeare.
From now on I shall laugh with our god as the world is plunged once again into primordial darkness of the Lightbringerin.
Hail Kek, Praise Kek
First they go for YouTube, now straight for Google. Do they really think they can win?
what if they dont identify by either pronoun?
didnt wash/ore/cali just have the first person in court officially become genderless by law
>be me poking around open network drives
>find list of the mechanical engineer's salaries
>ranges from $28k to $90k+
>all men
Imma gonna need proof this is gender related and not just related to skill, education and negotiating starting salary.
all you have to do is say that they're paying women less and they get all kinds of fucked up before anyone actually checks and sees that it was a total lie
then, once you prove that they don't have a wage gap, you're sexist
it's all so tiresome
we live an a world where its your job to hire x-number of all genders and races and religious beliefs
its not our fault, its up to you to make it happen
This makes me want to get naked and paint myself.
Nobody ever talks about the simple fact that women take more time off than men. Watch all the "traditionalist" whiteknight cucks on Sup Forums ignore this simple fact, too.
Good. It makes me feel good. These "muh wage gap more women in tech" faggots are getting BTFO by their own hypocrisy.
>liberals projecting their insecurities and shitty practices onto the world
It isn't surprising in the slightest. If you want to know what a liberal is doing, listen to what they accuse you of.
lol didn't they help push that narrative against the white man
It makes me feel like women are inferior workers in our current capitalistic system and that their work is rightfully valued at less.
Wtf I love Google now
mostly male, mostly white!
Yeah it's that same Jack Nicas dude. He's on a bullshit claims spree
man google's gonna need to make a shit ton of feminist doodles to make up for this
>HR administrators get paid less than lead engineers
>When you are so diverse that your only female workers are illegal aliens, Moot and Afro-American without graduation who dance the whole working day on break room tables so that the only people that actually work are the Indian part-time workers that all named Pajeet for some reason, because of that they can't get the same wages than the Pajeets and so your female worker get naked with body painted toilet graffitis on the street and strike for more money than the Pajeets earn, but this is not bad, because atleast your company is not full of bigots.
why did you include Jazz? shes S AF
and created the preteen DTM (delicious trap movment)
>how does this make you feel?
But seriously these companies are going to find the way to solve this problem soon thus fucking up everything even more without solving anything. Just find targeted women and overpay them ridiculously.
The average goes up even though most women are still HR and not programmers. The people doing the retarded statistics won't notice this and thus make your company look like everyone's paid the same.
Of course that, and the gender gap are both created through mathematical illiteracy.
Obviously they pay women less because
>men have most of the high paying jobs in engineering, etc.
>in general, women are more timid about asking for higher salaries
My only feeling is unease because this bad publicity will make companies push for more (((diversity))) in my areas of work by cutting out white males.
Haha doing good, but seriously we can't let these guys get their hands on the nuclear codes.
it sucks, but at the end of the day a company is going to hire the people that make them the most money.
Doesn't Google employee very few black engineers?
Checked and keked.
Poor Jazzz...
>in the trailer two of the doctors say pretty disturbing things and you see Jazz is visibly upset. One doc says something like "the puberty blockers are amazing, revolutionary, but the problem is they don't leave much material to work with down there"
>The second doctor is blunter and says "because of the blockers I can't do the surgery- I can't do the surgery you want".
Hormone blockers = micropenis.
Micropenis = no inverted penis vagina.
The people pushing trans are leaving them crippled for life. They can't "become a woman" because they haven't grown a dick. Remember Gordon Jahans the fat fuck with zero testosterone and a micropenis? From him we learned that this process can't just be started later. He'll always have a literal baby dick.
Which means these trannies can't even "go back" to being male. Trans advocates and hormone blocking has fucked up their chance to be any gender.
Why don't all those repressed female IT geniuses create their own search engine company and show those "boys" a thing or two?
This, I knew a guy who made the Google hiring person (a women) cry while negotiating his salery.
YouTube is a google/alphabet property and the WSJ attacked their revenue streams. Now the WSJ is going after google directly?
What gives?
Hmmm I wonder why this is not on Salon or Motherjones. Oh... That's right! Who did this "investigation"? The retarded redneck republicans. LOL
If only, but unfortunately companies also have to get the (((government))) and SJWs off their backs, look at what happened when Mozilla wouldn't play ball, they ended up firing their CEO.
I agree that it's not the end of the world, just an unnecessary difficulty.
Good! Tiny feminine dicklets are cuter and cleaner than vags (ugly wound)
Plus, Google is going to be taken down by (((them))) soon as it has too much power. YouTube was the beginning. Wait until the EU's GDPR comes into force, then it will be annual fines of 4% of their global turnover, all to pay for ficki ficki enrichers.
Any alternative media is dead.
Did they pay moot too much?
Good. I hope the labor department nails all these fucking cuck liberal CEOs to the wall after pushing the wage gap myth.
since when Sup Forums being raided by Sup Forums who love tiny white dick?
A third reason is that more women work part time jobs. They should have added numbers for how many hours men and women work respectively.
Every successful software company ever
>white guys create product that just works
>mgmt wants more money from it, sends it to Poos
>Poos add in a bunch of "features" that break it
>White engineers patch it up for the rest of its existence
>East Asians send secrets back to motherland to be imitated for a fraction of the cost
>women and other brown people hired for photo shoots to put on the company website
So pretty much whites develop, Asians steal, Indians break, and women/blacks take up space for diversity sake.
probably all those cleaning ladies