Do ant colonies prove that communism can work?

Do ant colonies prove that communism can work?

Other urls found in this thread: ant supercolony

Yes, and bedbugs prove that traumatic rape can work.

Of course user, anthropoidal clusters and resource gathering is completely synonymous and has a direct parallel with the complexity inherent in human cognition. Fucking idiot.

they cant sit on their enemies heads and fart

Even the animal kingdom shows communism doesn't work.

wow communism is so weak that only ants can do it and not humans

It works despise the lazy ants.

That says a lot.

Ants are more natSoc than communists, because they're not an international organization.

Only if your brain is the size of a grain of sand, commie.

Yes if you turn humans into ants

Just imagine their GDP if unemployment wasn't at 25%.

leave it to a wetback to not know a single word coming out of his mouth

ants have an hierarchy tho

Yeah, if you want to give up any sense of being an individual and you don't care about frivolities like happiness or personal space.

If you are an ant.

Yes because we are wired to just gather food for the colony and the queen. No more personal freedom to do what we want (under law). We are slaves.


Are you an ant, OP?

>i've never read about slacker ants


3% natsoc ants
72% libertarian ants
25% socialist marxist ants

At least ends have food, unlike communism.

If we want to turn everyone into a mindless drone who's every waking moment is spent fulfilling their sole purpose in life to serve the (((queen))), then yea I guess it works

>literally not even human

It has the same problem as communism

The moment a predator walk around and just happens to know which kind of pheromones/ideals to espouse, then the ants become extremely subservient and do nothing against the invader, even if it obviously endanger the colony or the queen herself. Also there is no true community within a ant colony as they are all subservient to the queen/elites. Hell the grand majority of them are probably not even aware of what is going on around them beyond a few specific input that tell them who is the foe and who isn't.

Nonetheless, it is amusing to see how communism and ants are similar.

U wot m8?


i want source on this ant study

it could be jewish pro welfare state propaganda


It's like how dungbeatles prove it's alright to eat poo

Ants, just like wasps, bees and so on are not really communities / communism.

As the name implies, drones are mindless slaves to the higher castes, the queen is what matters there, not the disposable fuckwits. It's more of a monarchy when you think about it.

King -> Nobles -> Knights -> Plebs

>because they're not an international organization ant supercolony

Not so fast there, Texas

they prove Monarchy works

They can prosper only if antcap
Otherwise I piss on the anthill

Good lawd... Imagine if the ants were actually productive... They could easily stomp humans with the highest GDP! We have to kill the commie ants!


>tfw when the ant queen imports millions of male spiders to improve the GDP but they just keep eating the larvae and raping the antbabes

like China?

how the fuck did they track every single ant in an ant hill?!?!?!!?/11/1?1/1/12/1

Looks like someone was in on that Scandinavian doodoo thread last night. What a classic.

Hey man... Just because those ants worked all the time doesn't mean they have to hog all the good shit... Man...

queens are just egg laying machines, nothing more.

You guys are fucking, ants are obviously kikes you shills

Maybe it was self-reported. I suppose some ants might have answered the poll to make them look more productive than they actually are.

pheromones and shit

The important questions

The only thing that ants prove is that being a nigger doesn't grants you special treatment or compassion from others

> dey wuz gud arachnids! Dey dindu nuffin! Dose racist ass ants r evul! Need mo seed grains fo dem larva pools...

No, you'll always have that one dictator in charge at the very top who does nothing and gets everything while everyone else slaves away mindlessly instead of having at least a little bit of control over their own lives.

as opposed to being assigned via lottery? at some point, someone has to issue an order

They probably used radioactive tracers.

Ant colonies are monarchies, monarchies are like the cockroaches of social order, they can survive a nuclear holocaust.

ant farm?

Find a mound of red ants, scoop them up and add into black ant hill.

>MFW this already happens.

Norwegians are honorary Poos

they don't have any means of production and are just basically useless little shits

they just haul stuff from one place to another like complete fucking retards

huh? I mean they have pheromonal interaction with drones so they are more than just egg layers

Yes. But only if you can me people into mindless drones who won't mind being worked to death.


Do buffalo herds prove that democracy can work?

The worker ants don't even reproduce. It's only the queens and drones that do.

Mein gott...

Except that humans aren't ants

yeah, when everyone has the brain power of an ant, I guess so

>human methods of social organization don't work, let's all be bug people like the chinese

They prove that monarchy and a rigid social structure work

I am not an ant.

No, they prove a totalitarian Matriarchy works.



The only correct answer to

If an ant wants to leave the commune, nobody's forcing him to stay, so no.


Individualism would be their death.
There is no I just a Queen that must be protected and served.


that spider is missing a leg

This. There are a large part of the ants who do nothing. You can wikipedia it.

Ant colonies are hierarchical. Ant colonies prove monarchies and the feudal system work. No one ant owns any part of the colony. It all exists for the queen.

Are you an ant?

Slavery "works", it just sucks for the slaves.

yes and honey badgers prove that it's perfectly safe to bite lions in the nuts, go do so inmediatly

A Matriarch dictatorship?

It's ethno-centric and the different castes of ant society are also biologically different. Also, who can say if an ant feels fulfilled.

yes, when your people can't feel heat and keep on working while the forest is on fire.

made me kek


I'd guess they sprayed the ants they saw doing actual work with visible markers. Ants who were always active would have the most markers, semi active ants would have fewer markers, and ants who didn't work at all would have no markers.

>that comic

woke af

No because ants can pass the mirror test while some black children cannot. It's literally true look it up.

hirearchy colective and ethnic homgenity does this sound like communism or maybe something else

Only if you turn men into mindless drones to one supreme being, I guess.

Communism basically turns into people farms. Farmer Government feeds you, clothes you, educates you, tells where to work, how to live, and eventually how to die.

Communists are basically some sort of sub human cattle people.

yes, but only if your subdjects got no brain (like ants)

>communism can work if everyone is a mindless drone
guess that's why their subversion focuses on turning everyone into a mindless drone

You mean if homo sapiens weren't homo sapiens? Yeah, maybe.

Yes. Humans can come close to communism in small tribal groups where everyone is related.

And the colonies still function just fine. Just means not everyone needs to work all the time. The ones that worked more may have gotten a larger share of produce than those that never that never worked.

The ones that did all the work probably did it because they enjoy it. Same with people, all those libertarian SWEAT pledge people love work, whereas some of us don't enjoy it. Why is it a bad thing if they do what they enjoy and we do what we enjoy?

>this thread hasnt been pruned yet

As long as you lazy takers aren't living off the back of this maker, fine.

>Comparing animals to manmade economic models

All depends, does this woman with an abdomen swollen with nematodes for medical experimentation prove that capitalism works?

Nobody wants to work faggot. People want the rewards you get from working.
Redistribution is a meme.

your mom is being proned