>China is the happiest place on earth(!!) according to a new global happiness index released by North Korea's Chosun Central Television. China earned 100 out of 100 points, followed closely by North Korea (98 points), then Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela. Coming in at 203rd place is America (or rather "the American Empire", 美帝国), with only 3 happiness points. South Korea got a measly 18 points for 152nd place
Why are they happier Sup Forums?
Is Best Korea the real red pill?
Best Korea 2nd happiest nation on earth after China, research shows
seems legit
Ooo, is that one of those North Korean cyborg sex spies?
source of this research?
Seems like fake news.
Photoshopped out the nipples. Absolutely haram.
obviously this is a bullshit study. There is no way that China could get a higher score than Best Korea.
It's amazing the poll results you can get when the government literally points a gun at your head and tells you what to say.
Mother fucker, I saw a fight break out in a moving bus because a woman farted and denied it. Chinese people are just fucking nasty human beings, truly the niggers of North Asia.
Fake as fuck, basically just living sex toys.
oh my god
Must be some radically different metric from the usual surveys
do you guys even read?
>according to a new global happiness index released by North Korea's Chosun Central Television.
How dare you disrespect the reputed research of the institute of the Glorious People's Revolution.
Is she a clone? Where the fuck is her nipple?
They're the happiest because all the sad ones are dead.
*mainland chinese
and no they're not the niggers thats either koreans or south-east asians. mainlanders are basically the americans. loud, boorish, arrogant, but generally have their hearts in the right place
How can the Chinese ever be happy when the fact remands that Japan ran around slaughtering their people and will never be punished?
that woman looks japanese not k*rean
looks like a fucking alien
okay so it's made up to ridicule based best koreans?
I would like to see how that poll was conducted
>Are you happy?
>Next in line. Are you happy?
>Yes, yes! Very, very happy.
One on the left is qt and would like sauce. One on the right is an alien wearing a people suit and must be killed with fire.
>obviously this is a bullshit study
How can you be sure?
What makes other studies valid but not this one?
The real red pill is to question everything. Maybe Best Korea is on to something here.
She's a HAPA. Half Jap half American.