If you're from the UK, I'm sure by now you'll have seen this image go around of a woman proudly "squaring up to this vile EDL scum"
Saffiyah Khan, the girl in the photo even did a virtue signalling interview with the BBC, that's now on the front page. Above Egyptian Christians being murdered in a horrific Islamic attack.
The virtue signalling and absurdity of the left is too much.
Sneery bitch at EDL protests in Birmingham UK yesterday
Other urls found in this thread:
post links for lazy burgers. like me nigger.
Look at the smile on that stupid cunt's face. Knowing full well she's destroying the society which let's her be a "liberated woman".
why do all the far rightists in this country have to be ugly, retarded chavs?
Remove shitskin's from england
There's your link, nigger
I wonder if the UK could make it through something like the Blitz in its current divisive state. Think about the cooperation and civic mindedness it took to make things work in that situation. Would the current urban population agree to live on rations without starting a major riot?
you are free from the EU now so step it up and stop whining
Her Fb profille facebook dot com slash saffiyah.khan.96
Why do all the far leftists in this country have to be scummy, virtue signalling sluts?
Just look at all the support. She's being heralded as a god damn hero
Shes a goddess
hashtag endgermanophobia
hashtag we areallgerman
hashtag oneeurope
i think its cute
10/10 would bang
Thats just all English people
Love from Scotland!
She looks like Lydia Deetz from the Beetlejuice cartoon.
Also, good to know the 'other' Birmingham is as nigger-fied as my hometown.
>a fucking leaf
You stupid cuck
Same bro, but just remember when the Sharia hits, she's going to get her booty ran by the boyz on da block every night. Whether she wants it or not.
lol the edl is still a thing?
Look at her of course she wants it. Sneering roastie slut.
this kind of retarded shit is elevated to the level of news just to keep the population divided while they shrink the middle class, and next ass fistery.
They we're beat by an English tea party bro...you suck cuck big time that day.
behind every leef.
>Scottish "humor"
I was there yesterday, all these EDL spergs chasing some autistic antifa faggots and the media around outside the library, almost didn't make it to the pub because of it
It's a shit deal we've got, but at least we won't be the only ones burning when the storm hits
Fucking hell lads, they'll take any opportunity to bullshit something which fits their narrative. I'm telling you now, all the shit they describe in these articles about her defending a woman surrounding by thugs is utter codswallop
I'm a nationalist but I hate British people.
The people that support that shit are willfully ignorant. They don't even know what is happening, they just like that a shitskin is smiling in the face of a pissed off YT nigger.
Its getting old.
that's a rad idea, tho
>people will unironically say the girl on the left is more british than the man on the right
You have to go back
Well she is definitely assimilated
She pretty clearly gets fucked by grimy druggies and musicians at festivals regularly and has probably only ever read a few lines from the Quran in her life.
The problem is that she and others like her provide camouflage for actual orthodox Muslims tgat are a threat to our society.
literally the other way round though
I want to get off Mr Bones' wild ride
>tfw no liberal paki gf
i feel the same way t b h
Can't get more cucked than this
why arent they talking about how brave this manlet is for standing up to a normal sized woman
I'd like to launch a crusade inside her if you know what I mean.
>implying that jumped up arse wipe had any idea what was actually going on
Why the fuck does Piers Morgan even have a TV show?
>linking buzzfeed
>headline is argumentum ad populum
>taking cuckfeed seriously
>in le current year
I will question the intelligence of anyone who does this.
I fucking hate it when the (((media))) does this. It's not just them either, in the UK I've actually heard people describe mudslimes as 'asian'. It would be far easier just to call them what they are.
At least we can rely on the true Asians to remove kebab. Pic related.
>TFW Scottish
Bahaha the fucking pussies
30 of the middle-aged, coked-up piss-heads couldn't stand up to a young pakistani girl
No wonder you worthless, white, supine pieces of dogshit hide out on your american message board
Haven't you got some goats to rape Mohammed?
>doesn't take into account the gang of 50 or so mudslimes just out of the picture frame ready to jump on the man and stab him, then rape his wife and children, all while the media praises them as "heroic" and "peaceful protestors".
That's just how it is in the UK.
Chinese are Chinese or oriental. Asian is middle East and poo in loo
You racist n-words really are intimidated by a strong independent women! Haha ;)
Muslims come to Ireland to work minimum wage jobs and rent my apartments. They are my slaves.
When the time comes I will marry a young muslim girl and change my last name and you retards will continue giving me your money. God hates muslims.
Jesus fucking christ I hate this. Chalk up another one for the little Pakistan in England. REEEEEEE
Reminder: Sup Forums is whites only
Also grill is qt
Hmm, not bad. I'd give her a creampie.
Yes, that's just the media attention th English Defence League wants.
They're not savages like you, Mohammad.
Looks like Brendan Fraser
What do you mean I can't have my fast food right now?
No I don't know if we could stand together any longer.
Good thing is that she is probably a super feminist and will most likely not breed or have any offspring thankfully.
But I thought they were violent hate-filled racists?
something isn't right. I think we've been lied to about the edl.
You cowardly, overweight, spotty, pasty-faced cunts sure are bwave on your anonymous message board.
I wonder how long that bravery would last if we were to meet in the real world.
Not that it would matter. I'd wreck you harder than my cousins wrecked your 12 year old sisters vagina during her weekend in rotheram
While that is good news, it unfortunately doesn't make up for the fact that the more people like her keep national sentiment in favour of immigration, the more Mohammed is gonna impregnate those dumb bitches by force make lots of news slime-lets to fuck up the country even more.
>Nose piercing
>Neck exposed
>No hijab
May Allah destroy her
She looks so similar to my ex. My ex was Irish and Pakistani. I miss her. She was racist as fuck though, not a slag like her in OP
Every society has lots and lots of twats. There's no middle ground with the Brits. They are either master race or the picture perfect depiction of untermensch.
Either way I greatly prefer the working class to the middle class.
only up the arse mind you.
"Have no fear m'lady, i shall defend you from these rapscallions insulting thine honour and purity over the internet"
I know a few EDL/casual types. They are people who cannot afford to go to watch football and noting else.
>My ex was Irish and Pakistani
Sounds different.
>Look at little goblin junior
>Gonna cry?
Shave your beard of pubic hair, James. Ali and his gang aren't going to accept you, no matter how many paki cocks you suck.
Yeh man it was a fucking amazing mix. The best body I've ever seen, loved a piss up too. Was a non-strict Catholic and fucking despised Muslims. Knew her history and actually came to a BNP meeting with me which was a bit awkward with some of the older blokes.
Yes and luckily its gaining traction.
Buh gawd. Why are brown girls so HOT?
the beady eyed menace is real. it's good you accept the true vile nature of your evil race. your soul can still be saved after all
that fuckin pic just cured my hangover, top kek
too rotted through, only disaster can trigger the necessary violence needed to expunge the Marxists and their pet darkies
not our fault, 60+ years of marxoid social terrorism has created these neo-british twats, feckless arsehole monkey boys. Pale negroes
thank you "spedecial" ally
>tfw no half-Pakistani half-Bosnian gf to humiliate me in public
Dead easy to disregard the issues of the EDL by calling them all low-brow lowlife, when in actuality they were founded after an islamist group burnt poppies on remembrance day and did the good old west-borough baptist church move of pushing their vile shit to returning soldiers both living and dead. They also spoke very loudly about the rape gangs that plague the UK when everyone else was cowed by "RAYYYCISSSM"
no headscarf?
...but seriously.
i have no idea what op is implying or inferring?
same goes for the paper.
ironically first iv heard of the incident or the march.
...and thats a scared women..
and an angry man.
whos the new edl head anyway?
as a brown person..
it upsets me no end that the number of bandwagons to jump upon is increasing..
while the direction they are headed in seems rather short sighted.
england has it all really.
to blame others for having less yourselves is no desirable characteristic for an individual or a people.
i just wish you could all learn to live with yourselves..
education is key.
muslamic ray guns may sound kewl but an honest days work is harder to find and harder to stick with.
Good. EDL are literally untermensch.
She's kinda hot. She's got some balls for staring down an angry, nationalist manlet. Would waifu in a heartbeat
Crisis averted, sounds like. Never get in the way of the common drinking man and his work.