Hardest redpill to swallow?

For me, I'd have to say going MGTOW was hardest

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Slide thread. Sage in all fields.

hardest redpill. hmm i would say its that the blacks get away with everything while the white man pays for the crimes they commit

For one thing, going MGTOW is the worst possible thing you could do in life but to answer the question, learning the truth about the Holocaust.

mgtow isnt redpill its blackpill

redpill is learning the harsh facts of life, black pill is giving up

but why sage. OP dindu nuffin wrong

Atheism is the ultimate red pill.

For most people it is probably going to be the holohoax: inconvenienthistory.com/6/3/3331

If you ask me personally, I'm not sure. My own redpilling has been a slow process that has taken years. I guess I've always been a bit "racist", but the difference is that I now have good reasons and arguments for being so.

Democrats are better for the economy.

Tough redpill but the truth hurts sometimes.

And this
Cause being MGTOW is bad, dont imply its red pill ever

realizing that most people are too stupid to do the right thing and that in this world we do need "sheperds" to guide the stupid in the right direction, and that our current "shepards" are fucking us over with left bullshit

another redpill that was hard to swallow. is that feminism was a mistake from the start. it may not seem like a bad pill to swallow at first. but think about it. in school we have been lied to our whole lives. about everything. women were never oppressed in america. they had the life. men did all the work and all they had to do was cook and clean. and care for the kids. life was simple. but they cried and bitched. and like cucks the men gave into what they wanted. and it just gets worse day in and day out

For Sup Forums it's that trump is a zionist shill.

The act of creating self-aware life is always immoral.

That The Beatles actually were the greatest band of all time. Also that Britain both invented and destroyed the modern world.

i never said it wasnt bad. i just miss these redpill threads. even if op is a faggot. doesnt mean we cant call him out on it

Bullshit thread. Sage and slide.

show congressional control


and women's suffrage is what killed the family unit, building block of society
true. hard to say shillary would have been better tho

>implying GOP Congress can do anything except wars and tax cuts for the rich

whats so hard about mgtow?

you dont' owe women ANYTHING
how hard is that to grasp?

I will not marry them. I will date them. but if they expect me to go out of my way, hell nah. if i figure the pussy aint' worth what im spending. Then bye bye.

women have no power over me any longer. When one wants me to bend the knee. I simply go find another.
Since i live in a unique area
My new scam is to bring a latina or jamaican girl to my country. Give her a 3 week visitor visa (i pay for it, and the plane ticket)
fuck her brains out for 3 whole weeks. I have yet to have one girl complain. Cause if she does "get the fuck out"
at the end of the 3 weeks, she's gotta go
and then i do it all over again with another girl when i feel bored

takes about a month to get the visitor visa. And these girls are so hurting to come to a first world country. I am fucking girls 18 to 24. And im 47

works just fine for me.

And I will never ever bend the knee to a woman again.

Pic related is really hard for all the normies and redditors on Sup Forums to swallow. But deep down, you know it's true!

it's hard because I'm still young and was convinced marriage was my purpose in life

Shareblue/CTR/shills or whatever faggy shit they call themselves nowadays will either leave in frustration or never leave. They can't subvert this place, there's no method, no direction, no central message, no leader.

>shillary would have been better

im sorry no fly zones in russia WW3 nah im out. trump may be a zionist shill but at least he wont start WW3... or at least i dont think he will

Globalism is a problem but Nationalism is a meme

on how the white man is all of a sudden is evil in the US, feminism and how its destroying marriage rates, relationships, etc, how google and other big tech companies know every single detail of what you do on the internet. Privacy is dead. Social media is fucking up kids.

Bible is true, the world IS getting worse and worse. It's already predicted many things correctly. Can't wait for Jesus to come down again. This blows. I'm actually shocked I haven't killed myself yet


>Cadre is founded by Jared Kushner and his brother
>Cadre is a global investment startup specializing in real estate
>its "secret financier" was revealed by NYC media to be George Soros, who loaned the Kushner Bros. $250 million
>official website: www.cadre.com

>what does "Cadre" mean
>dictionary.com: "a group of activists in a communist or other revolutionary organization.
a member of an activist group."
>an user in previous thread: "cadre, in the political context is defined as "a politically controlled appointment to an institution in order to circumvent the state and bring control to the party"

>examine Cadre's official logo
>pic related
>notice the 'A'
>it is a pyramid with the capstone separated
>imagery synonymous with secret societies, mystery schools, Illuminati etc
>the Israel Supreme Court, financed and designed solely by Dorothy Rothschild, features a massive pyramid with an all-seeing-eye breaching its roof (Google it)

>Kushner ties to Rothschild family
>Jared is tight with Rupert Murdoch
>Murdoch sits on the board of Genie Energy, with Lord Rothschild and Dick Cheney
>Genie Energy has oil contracts in Israel for the Golan Heights, cited by UN as Syrian land overseen by Assad

>Kushner has a messianic complex, as explained by Israel user in previous thread, pasted below
>"he is part of a long line of potential messiahs to bring about the Culling and establishment of post-apocalyptic Messianic age. some other messianics: sabbatai tsvi, jacob frank, leviev, kissinger, soros, weiner, spitzer..."
>In a 2007-8 forum, an user claiming to have inside Illuminati knowledge pinned Jared Kushner as "New Head" and supported this accusation
>April 4 2017; before the Syrian air strike pushed by Ivanka/Jared, on record, NY Mag publishes Kushner x Illuminati headline: nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/alex-jones-is-starting-to-think-kushner-is-illuminati.html
>Jared owns 666 5 Ave building

MGTOW = shill created "movement"

It's not a red pill, it's a shill pill.


MGTOW is not giving up, MGTOW is giving the finger to how it is expected to men to bow down to women and concede them all their wishes. The 21st century is about equality, so why do men have to put women on a pedestal and be treated like shit by them and by the state?

Going our own way idoes not mean giving up on women, it just means not fully comitt ourselves in a relashionship untill we have our rights recognized.

No to which one, Beatles or Britain? Or both?

Britain invented the modern world with the Industrial Revolution but ruined it by creating Israel and drawing meme lines in the sand in the ME.

i used to think that too

then the bitch cheated on me

so now....I am not going to go down that rabbit hole. Divorce sucks, the entire process. It's costly, and a HUGE waste of time. Simplier to just live with them and if they fuck up you leave.
they want kids, no problem. More cost effective to have the kid, then adopt the kid so it's in your name and your legally the actual father.

And when you adopt the kid, the mother since your not married. Has no right to the kid.
Makes life way way way more simple.


should have killed her like God wanted you to

That reddit was the main problem on Sup Forums only jidf came close to second place.

beatles. Overrated
ya idk if I will keep it up tho. female touch makes you really blue pilled

The fact that porn is evil.


you can still fuck them. But just don't bend the knee to them. EVER

their pussy isn't worth gold any longer.

It's as replaceable as a wash cloth

shit, guys. if your having problems with women. save up 1k. Go on fb. talk to some 3rd world girl.
Dominican, jamaican, honduranian, cuban. And when you hit it off with her, be blunt.
Want to visit my country.
Pay for her visitor visa/airplane ticket

bring her down for a month. And fuck her brains out. After that month, she HAS TO go back. there, problem solved. you have drained your nuts exhaustively for a month. And no commitment.

she goes back. if you want to bring her back great. if not. Choose another.

Pussy is about as expendable as a wash cloth now a days.


Pick one.

blackpill was much harder to swallow

>swedish flag

no pun intended

That liberalism is a horrible disease

so what do MGTOW do? Just jerk off whenever the need to get laid. For fuck sake, feminists are a moniority of women. It might take a few relationships to find the rigt woman but Its extremely possible.
My wife is awesome, no friends or family have ever shown me as much respect and love as her.
Give up if you want but you are missing out.

I don't know about myself. But for others, the truth that only subhumans breed and love their parents seems to be hard to swallow.

Growing up in a very liberal suburb in the north made the race pill the hardest for me. After that most didn't surprise me other than maybe how deep the Jewish influence is

That jews are the number one problem. I know redneck racists who refuse to name the jew or even acknowledge that they're a problem. Once you accept the fact that jews are responsible for the decay of Civilizations, your eyes open up to whole different world view.




I thought they were overrated too, but then I actually listened to their albums and not just their greatest hits.

They played trippy psychedelic jams, avant-garde sound collages, hard rock/heavy metal, folk, raga/blues/art/acid rock, ska, piano ballads, even some jazz, were experimental and innovative as fuck, used groundbreaking recording techniques, made colourful and creative melodies, wrote drugged up songwriting and imagery, all with a top notch sense of wit. What's not to love, user?

>liberalism is a horrible disease

The reason you had trouble swallowing that is because it is bollocks.

the_donald where thetrue shill
rly sad news!

Are the Beatles overrated? Almost everyone likes them and almost every artist was inspired by them. Even modern classical musicians and music historians consider them the most important artists of the 20th century and find their impact to be something that transcends pop music.

At least for me personally, if I were to take every song I like from every artist that I know of, the Beatles would provide the largest contribution.

says the guy who hasn't gotten burned by his snowflake yet

Just wait...when it happens he's gonna be like "FUCK THIS, MGTOW"


eh, i only enjoy them when im on acid. same with pink floyd

Hillary was better than Sanders or Trump. Her corrupt crony capitalism is much preferable to populism. The great thing about Hillary is precisely that she has zero charisma. That is exactly what we need. Politicians who have no charisma keep the system going in a stable manner. Politicians who appeal to the masses, on the other hand, are basically appealing to retards (since the average human is a retard). And it is populists who bring about mass totalitarian movements (French terror, Bolshevism, Nazism, etc.) The best outcome of the election would have been the victory of a principled small government conservative or classical liberal, but out of the 3 people who polled decently (Clinton, Sanders, Trump), Clinton was the best choice.

Worldwide Brazil is near.

Yes that's right goy, MGTOW is redpilled goy, never reproduce like a good goy

genocide is sometimes the only way forward

>the failed politician and Soros puppet was the best choice

>slave your life away making money for your wife to spend on $$ jew products $$

Fair enough. Strawberry Fields Forever is god tier on acid. Tomorrow Never Knows is creepy and unsettling as fuck on acid though.

Do you have any male friends? Do you have a male best friend?

That best friend relationship is basically all traditional marriage really is, except that you exclusively fuck eachother too. You don't need to see the woman as a snowflake or deserving of being put on some pedestal or something like that.

Plus, a nuclear family is literally *the* best way to propagate traditional values and non-degenerate lifestyles. The farther away you get from the nuclear family, the more content you have to be with letting the world fall into a completely degenerate shithole.

>hat best friend relationship is basically all traditional marriage really is, except that you exclusively fuck eachother too.

(And, it should go without saying, but just in case, there's a man and a woman, not two men).

>Hillary was better than Sanders or Trump.
>And it is populists who bring about mass totalitarian movements (French terror, Bolshevism, Nazism, etc.)

The government that you learn about in civics class is dysfunctional in real life, and all of the important decisions are made by unelected bureaucrats belonging to think tanks funded by tax-exempt foundations, billionaires' trusts, and corporate donors. The Atlantic Council is one such example.

Mgtow is for betas

In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:

1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.

2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.

3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.

The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can bacome the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves. (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.

(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.

MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintainance woman" meme too far and thought mn would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.

based ukbro with the truth

The advanced version is realizing that there is no God, but christian values made western society, especially America, the best society in world history and it's better if plebs believe in the christian god instead of modeling their lives after whatever the newest media trend is.

I love how MGTOW causes so much butthurt.

so much butthurt and no argument against it

The fact the collapse is inevitable and it is all women's fault.

The argument against it is that it is selfish, and that it abandons any and all hope of contributing to a future society that is more traditional and less degenerate than the one in which we currently live.

Good let it all burn. NORMIES BTFO

As if the Nazi state was only bad for Jews... nope, it was bad for everyone who wasn't a good beta drone willing to serve duh furor and his inner circle of weirdoes... It sucked for all free-thinkers.

Yes, it's better to not have whites at all. Awesome idea man.


The Jesse Owens victory is irrelevant. And the story of Hitler snubbing him was just a Jewish concocted scheme to make Germany look bad.

Better a Soros puppet than a populist.

>I'm a free thinker I'm so special look at this anti-German propaganda I know
>The good of my people is irrelevant as long as I get to spout off bullshit like Freud

Truth confirmed by digits

My king

You're retarded.

The story is that FDR snubbed him, you colossal retard.



Yes. The good of the people is irrelevant to me if it means that the small portion of the people who are actually intellectually worth something are oppressed.

You're spouting commie bullshit - "the intellectuals must serve the people...", etc.

I'd fuck Putin if he was trans

MGTOW is fine, but when people try to make it a movement and base and identity around it, it becomes faggy. Just go your own damn way without making a scene about it. It's what independent men have always done.

The biggest red-pill is realizing ecological constraints and global warming are probably going to kill us all. Second biggest red-pill is realizing "WW3" is just going to be the USA fighting some faggy holy wars for Israel in the Middle East until the empire collapses because they can't afford it anymore.

>1 post by this ID

Did I say that?
Are those the only 2 options?
Men need to have higher standards of those women they choose to give their attention to. Its easy to attract bar sluts by throwing money at them, but this is not macho alpha-redpilled behaviour because anyone can do it. Men need to learn some self control and if they are dealing with an un-motherly tinder psycho - yes you can get laid, but theres no lasting relationship there.

By restricting who we give attention to, we are creating a better caliber of woman because they have to up their game. All these tinder psychos and bar sluts are created and made worse by riding the "cock carousel".

You never hear the concept of an alpha-woman on Sup Forums because Sup Forums for the most part have never concieved such a notion.

Go on dates and meet women. An alpha women is motherly, mannered and courtious and wont fuck you after a few dates. An alpha woman is breeding material. Not a crazy slut. Resist the primal, base level, neanderthal thinking to just get laid, and keep your dick in your pants and have some standards of behaviour - not just "shes hot and up for it"

Alpha women do exist.

The intellectuals should help create a better future for our people. Not corrode trust and faith in the government. Do you really want Nietzsche quoting anarchists? Authoritarianism is fine as long as it helps our people, and the leadership should be destroyed and replaced as soon as it stops helping our people.
We need scientific intellectuals, not apathetic English teachers who hate their race and society.

Earth is flat

>tells you to sage in all fields
>doesn't sage in all fields

>it a movement and base and identity around it, it becomes faggy
>hurr durr im 2 cool 4 skool
I bet you consider yourself "agnostic" instead of atheist

I'm still here Jurgen


There is a god.

dindu dynasty

Fuck all soulless hedonists in this thread.

Cunts suck but race comes first. If one is in a position that making white babies is feasible go and do it immediately.

it's the number pi


"its always the mens fault" meme.

Its not mens fault. Its easy to be maipulated by sluts.

Men DO need to have higher standards of behaviour rather than just going by looks and restrict attention to those who don't deserve it.