Which South America country is the most Based/Redpilled?
Which South America country is the most Based/Redpilled?
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any doubts?
Wow, they seriously hate us now.
The white country of Argentina.
I thought it was Africa for a moment
Chile obviously.
Argentina a close second.
they are brown but they are thanks to Pinochet the last beacon of western civilization in this shithole of continent
gas of Colombians when based chilebros?
Upgraded version.
I think Chile is. Brazil and Argentina have been brainwashed into electing an army of communists into the government. Though currently the brazilian population has become disillusioned with the policies that the communists have imposed so consider their time expired. Bolsonaro will end them all by fireing squad.
Peru and Colombia
The reality of left-wing terrorism forced them to take the red-pill.
Too much BBC in your nose, take a small break goldbergstein.
Define "redpilled"
República oriental del uruguay. Seguramente chile y argentina son los peores, pobres indios
when we do that , we are going to help you fella , so we can developement
> bolsonaro
Have you been in Peru? Most ugliest people ever. I couldn't live like that
Hates Muh Diversity
Christian, Anti-Islam
etc. etc.
You would expect to be bluepilled after such a based point in time,
like with Germany.
there's a lot of hot people in their jungle
people in the mountains (cuzco) and the desert (lima) look pretty rough tho
I visited Argentina,Chile and Uruguay. Gotta say Chille is the most based.
quick rundown?
anything but uruguay, probably argentina or chile
muh weed
Do you any other solutions for the rampant corruption and government neglect for the well being of the common citizen
Most guns per capita after the us in the americas
had bank secrecy ,they not vote populist morons.
However they are being bluepilled as fuck while argentina is being redpilled.
As it is we are going to be the most redpilled continent very soon , the venezuelan crisis is redpilling everyone ,even those cucks that prefer neutrality to look cool are openly speaking against leftist bullshit.
How in the world is Uruguay red-pilled? They are all commies, like people in Southern Brazil and Argentina. It's something in the air of the pampas.
They are statist lunatics yes , but they are not commies and the reason they are statist lunatics is because they look at brasil and argentina before acting , so when our peronist mafia sold everything to pay debts of muh free things , they remained statist because it did not work for us.
But they usually had a less populistic democracy that the rest of south america.
Now as i said are being bluepilled as fuck , they fucked their banking secrecy , they are "being diplimatic about venezuela" , and muh drugs are good.
So yes they are being bluepilled fast , but their history of not voting hardcore marxist or populist bastards has helped them , just look at any food export info and they have been growing non stop while argentina and brasil went downhill in a lot of things.
Honestly if there was a major islamic terrorist attack in South America,
that would be the nail in the coffin.
>Anti-Communist thanks to Venezuela
>Anti-Islam due to Terrorism
>South America is already the most Christian Continent on the planet
It's perfect.
>the venezuelan crisis is redpilling everyone
Not Brazil, unfortunately. Our right-wing is too stupid to exploit the Venezuelan crisis as it should be, shoving in everyone else's faces that those economic, political and social policies that bankrupted Venezuela are the same the left wanted implemented in Brazil.
As things are right now, the left will return to power in 2018 even stronger.
And maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see Argentina being red-pilled either. Macri is failing hard because he can't convince international investors to put money in a country everyone knows will elect a Peronist in a few years, and the far-left has increasing more influence in the universities. I saw a protest by feminists a few months ago in Argentina and it looked like a bunch of zombified crack addicts, worse than Brazil.
We are overrun by jungle niggers, niggers and Peruvians.
The left needs to get the fuck out.
Soon argiebro
Thats because you let them take dilma , dilma should not have been removed from power ,the pendulum cant swing back if you stop it.
People will not stop voting socialism if you they are not fucked by it.
The brasilian right stop that before brasil was fucked.
You should have feel the bern as we did here , and now we have the pendulum swinging back and fast.
Basically last weeks there was a big unions protest , every union stop working ,all the leftist idiots joined them , it was so bad that some people are speaking about the end of peronism.
Peronism like cancer will not be finished soon and maybe never , but our last crazy president fucked us so bad that no one wants more peronist shit.
Also we are having tons of venezuelans arriving to live here and are redpilling everyone.
leftist and nigger removal is needed
Colombia. The only anti-commie country where left has never been in power.
>Thats because you let them take dilma , dilma should not have been removed from power ,the pendulum cant swing back if you stop it.
I agree, but the Brazilian right have the long-term planning capacity of bonobos. They saw an opportunity to get in power, to capture the machinery of the state and give civil service jobs to their friends, and they rushed in.
The left didn't even resist. The Brazilian left still has a lot of militancy, both in urban areas and rural areas, but they didn't seriously resist the impeachment. Why? Because they knew how to plan strategically, they knew that after the impeachment, everything bad that happened would be blamed on the right, while they could count on normie nostalgia for the golden years of the commodity boom in the 00s.
It depends what you mean by redpilled. Politically speaking, Chile, since Pinochet killed Marxists cunts from there. Racially speaking, Argentina and Uruguay has a lot of white people (Brazil too, not by percentage, but total numbers).
Exactly the problem , the only solution there is for brasil as i see it is to support a libertarian movement and a hard right at the same time.
Any cuckservative will fuck bad since they will be blamed for everything after what happened to dilma.
Evo Morales is red-pilled in the meaning that he pays lip-service to socialism and left-wing nationalism to keep the plebs happy, but rules as a neoliberal.
>elected Bachelet
None, we dont have Kikes lobbying for Israel here.
Maybe Perú?
Id like to say Chile, but citizens really want to have Venezuela 2.0
They are eating the commies lies like smegma.
weon culiao bitch please make America latina a
favor and kys
Guyana, because they're the only one that doesn't speak a retarded taco language.
>7.2% Muslim
>28.4% Hindu
That's just the truth. What do you want me to do? lie? nah
By this order
The rest cant be considered redpilled in any way or form
At least they aren't Mexifags
Chile had it's day, but is trying to end it.
Paraguay is getting better, stealing our jobs through lower taxes. But south america is a socialist, statist hell, it's just a carousel of socialist and corporatist dictatorships.