and are the only ones compassionate enough to care about other races. Where is the compassion in return?
The future looks great folks. All of our most diverse cities are cesspools of non-white racism
White people are 12% of the world population
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Theyre still homo sapiens, havent shed one unit of chimp from their genes. I believe thats why Europeans have all of the qualities that set us apart from chimps amplified
very nice. just the cultural enrichment needed for the USA
we're not going to be given the same legal protections we extended to our minority groups, I'm sure they'll fight to keep their advantages even when we're the minority and getting royally fucked
backstory on webm?
there is no compassion in return if whites become a minority in the US then we can only expect to see what is happening in south Africa to the whites there to happen to us
Is that Brazil?
>we're not going to be given the same legal protections we extended to our minority groups, I'm sure they'll fight to keep their advantages even when we're the minority and getting royally fucked
Oh its already happening. They are compiling their justification to do so by pinning the entire slave trade on white people
When I was child I heard stories about Atlantis. Supposedly great people, very advanced. But somehow killed themselves.
Later in life I realised that's white people. We're about to be genocided.
>I believe thats why Europeans have all of the qualities that set us apart from chimps amplified
The Europeans created the guillotine and the Asians used one swift sword strike. The future is gonna be shit
It gives me some small amount of comfort to know that in the unlikely event we actually get Shoah'd that the world will rapidly tear itself to pieces at an unprecedented scale.
Could be, this country is so filled with subhumans...
africa or brazil
Muslims need to be purged.
Tfw you're civilized and intelligent but your country is so full of subhuman niggers and dumb socialist mutherfuckers.
these are clearly because white people corrupted everyone and all countries!!
white people are a disease that destroy all cultures!!
All in favor say DEUS VULT!
niggers need to be made slaves again
white power
looked like a mexican to me
That's Africa. I don't remember drug dealers niggers here using machetes to kill women.
chase them back to mecca then nuke mecca
Webm should be enough to ban all desert dwellers
That's South America
What's the story behind that vid?
The fact that us whites make up only 12% yet we run the world and have all the privilege truly proves we are the master race.
Start practicing eugenics and make Brazil great for once. Every civilization has to do it once
how old is he?
wow it's almost like all people are inherently racist
I thought whites were like 8%, are you including Hispanic whites?
(((we))) run the world
So what about jews ?
Yeah were all the same somehow because my feelings want it to
yeah boards like these are great place for rest of the world to see white people compassion :D
I don't know anymore, thank America for making it such a hard question
fuck off mudslime
That was in Mehico and is a couple years old
I agree tho, the world should not tolerate mudshtis at all
'Nuf said? I just think it's funny they can't figure out how to sharpen their machete's. That was like watching someone hack at a chicken wing with a credit card.
> white people
> compassionate
Have you ever met one?
hang this nigger from the nigger hanging place
>Where is the compassion in return?
How about take a fucking hint you dumb retard?
>wah waht these shitskins are hittting me
Then hit back!
Nah those 30 year old never aging Holocaust survivors begging for money on MSM commercials are the most privileged
WE ARE TRYING! But the fuckin poor and favelados always vote for the socialists/leftists because they give them some money.
Of course, we have our nationalist lord and savior Jair Bolsonaro but feminists/lib-tards down here have corrupted everyone, you can't even say you will vote for him without getting called racist/homophobic/islamophobic/transgenderphobic/facist/xenophobic. I do hope that, just like Trump, he wins.
ajvan pls
that took way too long lol, hope the dumb kid did something to deserve it
>yeah boards like these are great place for rest of the world to see white people compassion :D
This is literally the mindset of every minority and refugee going to Europe. They will not thank you
iirc 11. Kid of some druglord that got kidnapped. Savages.
Why are they being so fucking aggressive and violent? What's the story?
bitch got what she deserved. Prob adultery
> white people
> compassionate
Never change Poland
Bill Warner has great vids on the sandnigs
Stop fooling yourself
wow! look at this wonderful diverse culture!! :-D
can't wait to have this DIVERSITY here in the states! HILLARY 2020!!!!!!! YAAASSSSSSSSSS
I know
Islam ran the slave trade.
Whites just ran the cotton feels with their purchases from them
The fuck is wrong with you Mexicans?
Bolsonaro é melhor que qualquer candidato, quem você acha que vai melhorar esse pais? Os corruptos que se candidataram, Aécio, Serra, Alckimin? Ou o Lula? O Brasil precisa de poder e uma nação forte, eu tenho inveja dos americanos por isso.
>Where is the compassion in return?
non-whites see compassion as weakness and they take advantage of it
the majority of white people are still naive and haven't learned that the only thing they truly respect is brutality and strength, basically you will get more respect from a sandnigger if you kick his ass than when you treat him like a human being
Whites need minority protection!
You sure it's not Mexico?
Fuck man, I shouldn't have watched the shit ITT. Utterly depressed
Yeah let's voet for another kike puppet/ This will surely turn out great.
Will she be remembered like Harambe was?
Awww shit!
>Where is the compassion in return?
Do non-whites do ANYTHING that helps whites? Do they have any charities that support whites? Any organized efforts to help us at all, anywhere?
>Do non-whites do ANYTHING that helps whites?
They cant do anything for their own people. Cemetries look like shit, any volunteer fire department is all white -- Only on the paid city fire department do you find blacks -- no organization structures beyond "religion" and feeling-picked-on-gatherings. You dont even see yard sales where I live, because they all know each other too well.