The evolution of Kangz.
The original kangz
Someone should spaypain WE WUZ KANGS N SHIEET on that mural.
The annoying thing is that mainstream "artists" and influences actually fall for the meme because at sometime in the twilight of the egyptian civilization a bunch of niggers wreaked havoc on egyptian land.
Not to doublepost but that could be another hwndu style project. An user can spraypaint that on the mural and take a pic.
>fill balloons with paint
>throw balloon at kangz
This is in the city of Reading, England. It's been there for a while.
It's only a matter of time until they start to claim credit for ancient Chinese dynasties because some black guy lived in China at some point.
they forgot when they got greek'd
A lot of my family are welsh and everytime we go from london to swansea we pass reading and it looks like a fucking war zone.
Somebody needs to learn about perspectives.
Yeah it's already happening.
Why do these animals don't understand if they wuz kangs they enslaved jews => nobody owes them nothing for slavery => nigger word is not offensive
Pretty sure I've seen them claim ancient chinese history unironically.
We wuz dick cleaners n shiet
I wouldn't imagine that they would think their "theories" through that thoroughly. They just like the feeling that they get when they can get away with saying that "we wuz pharisees n shit." Blacks have no experience as a people of ruling over other groups, so responsibility in rule doesn't occur as a thought to them.
Yeah it's a shithole.
das rite
;^) for the swedes
to this
boi you bet we wuz kangz and Egyptians and Romans and celts and Germans and shiieeet
So, wait. This looks like a cuck meme for blacks.
W-w-we wuz kangz! Now looks: da white mayn be keepin us down. We iz only slaves n prinsonas! Dey be killin us all ova! Where iz oua old glory?
Really activated my almonds.
Never thought I'd see a black man raising a child, yet alone one that isn't his. I'm actually kind of impressed.
Moloch in plain sight.
>ITT: people really think black people couldn't have possibly ruled ancient egypt
They didn't. The Egyptians were Semitic.
Egyptians were Egyptians, not Africans.
They didn't. They even claim Nerfertiti was black which she wasn't and claim her bust was fake. They are even retarded enough to claim that Cleopatra was black.
He looks like he doesn't want to be there tho
>that guy's face
2 of those don't even look Egyptian, let alone match the dude
Ethiopian monarchy was supposedly of the descendants of Solomon
wuz we kangs tho?